  • Therapeutic properties of Indian onions

    Chemical composition and healing properties of Indian onion

    For treatment, only 2 species of ornithogalum are used - bird-tailed tailed( indoor) and bird-bird umbrella( garden).It is these species are recognized as folk medicine, besides, these are the most accessible plants. Unfortunately, some properties of bird-chelators can for the time being be explained only on the basis of assumptions and comparisons with other, similar herbal remedies. But most doctors recognize - in the leaves and bulbs of ornithogalum contains a huge amount of biologically active substances, including antibiotics, and natural poisons - alkaloids. This huge group of nitrogen-containing substances has about 10,000 names, the vast majority of alkaloids are of vegetable origin. The role played by alkaloids in plants is not fully understood. It is assumed that they are actively involved in the exchange of amino acids. It is also believed that the plant produces these poisons for its own protection, so that the animals do not eat them. Alkaloids affect the human nervous system, so they have long been used in medicine, for example, caffeine, morphine, ephedrine, as well as colchicine and colchamine - these two substances are contained in leaves and bulbs of the bird-liver. They are known for a long time, but for the first time they were not obtained from bird chickens.

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    Colchicine is obtained from seeds of autumn crocus autumn, we have mostly distributed tablets of 0.5 mg. They are treated with gout, attacks of gouty arthritis. Improvement of the condition can be observed after 12 hours, but the medicine is used only on the prescription of the doctor and in certain doses. Colchicine has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, restrains the migration of leukocytes to the focus of inflammation and prevents the deposition of microcrystals of uric acid in the tissues.

    Colchicine is very toxic, it can cause side effects - diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, in these cases, treatment with this drug is canceled or reduced dose. If such a reaction has already been observed earlier, with the next attack, a combined colchymax preparation is prescribed, which contains, in addition to colchicine, phenobarbital( luminal) and opium. In especially severe cases of gouty attacks, colchicine is sometimes given intravenously. Colchicine has a lot of contraindications - pregnancy, kidney failure, liver disease, peptic ulcer, etc. Therefore, doctors are very cautious in prescribing colchicine for preventive purposes, even in small doses.

    In the lily bulbs, there is another, though less toxic, colchamine. The chemical formulas of colchicine and colchamine are almost identical, the former contains an acetamido group, the second contains an aminomethyl group. Kolkhamin is almost 8 times less toxic, therefore it is successfully used in official medicine for the treatment of skin cancer( they are introduced into ointments).Ointment based on Kolkhamin was developed 40 years ago in the USSR.According to clinical data, it cures skin cancer in 9 out of 10 patients. Preparations with colchamine also treat relapses of breast cancer, esophageal cancer, leukoplakia, senile keratoses. They say that a healing ointment can be prepared even at home, but it will cost a considerable amount. The drug, unfortunately, is hard to reach and expensive, and only a doctor can recommend it. In addition, the effectiveness and safety of internal application has not yet been proved by a sufficient number of experiments. But the fact that there can be side effects, the same as with long-term administration of colchicine tablets, doctors recognize( nausea, diarrhea, hair loss).

    From the rich palette of various substances contained in the birdworm, it is also worth mentioning essential oils, organic acids, various trace elements, amino acids.

    Bactericidal substances of leaves and bulbs of the bird-bird fight with pathogenic bacteria, stop the inflammatory processes. This property of the plant is used in the fight against such difficult to treat diseases as herpes, furunculosis, for rapid healing of wounds, cuts.

    Fresh juice and tincture of the birdieleader effectively affect the nervous and muscular system, improve blood circulation, and also the movement of lymph in the interstitial space. In this case, the effect is on the peripheral blood vessels, the metabolism between the blood and tissues is accelerated, the deeper vessels are not affected. The evidence is a rapid resorption of the tumor with bruises after applying the leaves, and almost instantaneous disappearance of bruises. It is also believed that biologically active substances contained in Indian onions reduce blood coagulability.

    Poisons and other biologically active substances contained in the leaves of the poultry farmer of the caudate and bird-bird umbrella help with radiculitis, osteochondrosis, joint pains of various origins, neuralgia and muscle pain.

    How to be treated with the Indian onion

    What kind of bird liver can be considered curative? So far only two species are mentioned in this connection - the birdwort of the tail( Indian onion), - for the most part a houseplant, and the bird-bird umbrella, which is mainly grown in the open ground to decorate the garden plots. As you know, Indian onions were brought to Europe from South Africa. In natural conditions this is a very poisonous plant, especially its bulbs. The number of biologically active substances in the leaves and bulbs of the bird-bird is largely determined by the composition of the soil, climatic conditions, proximity to other representatives of the flora."Moving" to another continent could not but affect the properties of this plant. Room Indian onions are much less toxic than its distant South African ancestor. But, of course, he saved most of his healing properties. Perhaps, it is even better for us that under our conditions the action of Indian onions is, as it were, relaxed. The fact that the leaves and bulbs of the bird-bird, grown in the open ground, have a much stronger effect, say all who encountered both species of this plant. And it is very good that we have the opportunity to use the softer indoor birdworm for therapeutic purposes all year round, and in summer to carry out procedures, prepare tinctures, ointments, lotions from leaves, flowers and bulbs of garden birds.

    Any plant is a complex complex, a living organism. A lot of its biologically active substances and microelements supplement and strengthen each other's action. Isolation from the plant of specific substances with a certain chemical formula, the same colchicine and colchamine, of which we have already spoken, is directed to the preparation of a medicine of strictly defined action. And the treatment with a chemical formula will not give the effect that is observed in the treatment of tinctures, ointments and fresh juice of a bird-bird.

    All the recipes collected in this chapter are made up solely from the words of people who have tried them on their own. Many said at the same time that the disease was gone forever. To believe it or not is a private matter for everyone. Most of these people were disappointed in the traditional treatment, someone turned to the medicinal properties of Indian onions on the advice of acquaintances. About what should be feared when treating this plant a particular disease, we will talk further. The main thing about which you need to remember - the reaction of the body to any therapeutic agent for each person is individual. Treated by the juice and tinctures of the bird-liver, you can only by testing their effect on a small area of ​​the skin.

    Home Pharmaceuticals

    The fastest and most effective way to use the healing properties of a bird chicken is to rub the sore spot with a piece of freshly cut leaf. The juice of fresh leaves in many cases serves as an ambulance. But herbalists do not stop there. They want to make the most of all the healing powers of this plant. In addition, according to many lovers of Indian onions, attaching leaves to a sore spot is very inconvenient - they are difficult to fix, and the degree of contact with the skin changes quickly, the bandage is too tight, it is too weak. It is also difficult to attach leaves to plasters. Therefore, it is better to use juice or tincture, as well as a specially prepared ointment. In recent years, many recipes have been made, tinctures, ointments, lotions from the leaves of Indian onions, which are simple enough to make at home. We remind you that all the preparations mentioned in this chapter are intended for external use only!

    Indian onion and home cosmetics

    Face Lotion

    Used for mature skin. Take the flowers and leaves of the birdwort of the caudate or umbelliferous. For two pinches of flowers and one pinch of crushed leaves you need 100 g of vodka. For "grinding" of leaves it is desirable to use a sharp wooden spatula. It is better not to touch metal onions with Indian knives. All components are thoroughly stirred in a glass jar( preferably from dark glass), tightly closed with a lid and put in a dark place. From time to time, the jar should be shaken - at least once in 3 days. After a month, lotion is filtered. Store in the refrigerator. If the skin is dry, you can make a lotion based on red dry wine or dilute it with boiled water( 30 g is enough).For oily skin, undiluted vodka is quite acceptable.

    Twice a day, moisten the cotton ball with lotion and lightly tap on the skin of the face and neck. This simple procedure enhances blood circulation, smooths wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic. You can apply compresses with lotion - for 20 minutes, a maximum of half an hour. First, wipe the face with moisturizing cosmetic milk, then lightly apply a thin layer of cotton or soft cotton cloth to the lotion, put on the forehead, cheeks, chin( cover the eyes with protective goggles), cover the cotton with compress paper and tie the shawl on top. After 20 minutes, the compress should be carefully removed and rinsed face with cold water.

    You can not massage and rub with tincture or lotion of a bird-cheeser skin of the face and neck - this can cause reddening, which will not pass long enough( for some it lasts almost 5 days), and in the future - peeling. In addition, using tinctures and decoctions of the flowers of the bird-bird, do not forget that all these remedies are poisonous! If there are small children in the house, it is better to forget about the tinctures for a while. Do not let the lotion get into your eyes.

    Before you prepare a lotion for yourself from the tincture or dilute it before preparing the ointment, you need to check the skin reaction in a small area. If the redness does not last a long time, dilute it with plenty of water.

    Flower tincture

    Prepared from the flowers of the bird-bird umbrella( garden).The flowering period of this plant is short enough, but tincture, prepared in the summer, can then be used until the spring. Take a jar of dark glass with a wide neck and ground glass stopper( you can use a tube, but then you need to keep it in a dark place all the time).Fresh petals fill the dishes to half and fill with 96% medical alcohol, so that the flowers were completely covered and there was still a layer of alcohol in 3-4 cm. The bank should be tightly closed and cleaned for a month in a dark cool place( if it stays a little longer- not scary).Part of the finished tincture is cast in a separate bowl( also of dark glass) and diluted with boiled water, either 3/4 or 2/3, depending on the skin for which the tincture is intended. For dry, you need to dilute more. Dilute the tincture in small portions as needed, and all this time the flowers remain in the dish with alcohol. Wipe your face with cotton wool soaked in a tincture of flowers, every morning. This remedy calms and at the same time tones up tired skin, relieves irritation and has an antiseptic effect. Good for problem skin, as well as for allergic reactions. Especially useful tincture in winter and spring. It is stored very long.

    Tincture of bulbs

    It is usually also made from an umbrella bird chicken, in a ratio of 1:20( one volume part of the raw material - crushed bulbs - and 20 parts of 70% medical alcohol).

    The mixture is insisted in a jar of dark glass for a month and a half, filter. Store in the refrigerator. Before use, cast a small amount of tincture in another bowl and dilute either half or 2/3.It all depends on the individual characteristics of your skin. Similarly, in the future you can understand what volume ratio you need to adhere to when preparing tinctures. Some people calmly transfer the ratio of 1:10 and believe that such a tool is much more effective.

    There is evidence of people who use this tincture to treat various skin rashes, boils, as well as to remove benign formations on the face and pigmented spots.

    Toning mask

    The composition of the mask includes: a baby cream, a bit of purified white clay mixed with water and tincture - it takes everything by eye, to get a liquid gruel that quickly solidifies and does not flow down the face. The mass is slightly heated and applied to the face, carefully avoiding contact with the eyes, then covered with a plastic film with holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Keep the mask on the face for no more than 15 minutes, then gently( with closed eyes) rinse with warm water and immediately apply a soothing cream.

    Lotion for problem skin

    For its preparation you need the leaves of aloe. Take one large leaf of aloe, one leaf of a bird-cheesecake, crush it with a wooden spatula or grind it in a porcelain mortar, the mass is poured with boiled water and cooled to 90 ° C with water( 1-1.5 cups, depending on the size of the leaves), cover the dishes with a lid,-follow, then filter. In the finished lotion, you can add a little tincture of marigold. Wipe your face with infusion 2 times a day. In this case, do not allow the product to come into the eyes.

    Massage oil( against cellulite and for grinding joints)

    For its preparation take a peach or almond oil, you can also use olive. There are two ways of cooking - with a quicker, a small amount of freshly cut leaves of Indian onion or a bird umbrella bird are added to a slightly warmed vegetable oil, stir well. The usual proportion is 5 ml of juice per 50 ml of oil. You can also preheat the vegetable oil in a water bath and pour the crushed leaves, insist 5-6 hours and then drain into a separate glassware. Before use, massage oil must necessarily be heated to a temperature 2 degrees above body temperature. The massage procedure can be carried out independently, but also on the warmed skin( take a warm bath).Apply is recommended only for the treatment of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks, do not massage your stomach. Oil is rubbed into the "problem" skin of the hips in circular motions. It is very good to use special elastic massage caps and simultaneously massage both hips with both hands. Caps should be used carefully - rub the oil evenly, do not allow the "absorption" of the skin in the cap for a long time - there may be bruises, and they will have to be treated separately with fresh leaves of Indian onions. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, depending on the individual skin characteristics. Everyone can determine this time for themselves. Warm up the warmed-up skin with a woolen cloth, then for a greater effect - with compress paper or plastic wrap and put on wool tights or elastic pants. If there is a burning sensation, rinse off with warm water and apply a soothing ointment or baby cream.

    If the skin on the legs is tender, the massage oil with too intense rubbing can permanently leave unaesthetic red spots.

    Important supplement: if any home-made cosmetics based on the leaves of the birdieleader cause unnecessary( sometimes just such an annoying, effect, many women achieve) or prolonged irritation - you can wipe the skin first with ammonia, and then lubricatechild's cream mixed with sea buckthorn oil, or chamomile infusion. It removes irritation and pure cocoa butter.

    Tincture from the leaves of Indian onion

    Take freshly chopped chopped leaves of Indian onion and pour them with ordinary vodka( 40% alcohol) or 70% medical alcohol purchased at the pharmacy. For potent agents( including the birdie-liver), a volume ratio of 1:20 is recommended. Insist on alcohol in a dark place in glass, enamel or porcelain utensils 7-10 days, filter, the residues are squeezed, filtered and mix both solutions. Store the tincture in the refrigerator. Some experts prefer using spirits with leaves, but according to most herbalists, the filtered tincture is better kept, and in itself it is safer.

    For the removal of muscle pain in the cervical region, you can use rubbing with the tincture of the flowers of the bird-bird( see the chapter on Indian onion and home cosmetics).It is a tincture of mild action, it even wipes the face.

    Compresses from the leaves of Indian onion

    This method is used mainly for the deposition of salts, with gouty pain. Prepare not too strong tincture - in the ratio 1:20.Compress put as follows: first a soft cotton cloth or gauze impregnated with tincture, then a polyethylene film or special paper for compresses, a layer of cotton wool or cloth;all together pribintovyvaetsya to the aching joint. The compress is held for several hours, usually during the night.

    Ointments from the leaves of Indian onion

    Ointments with Indian onions are used mainly as an irritant and warming agent for pains of nervous and muscular origin. Helps with pain in muscles, joints, neuralgic pains, with radiculitis, rheumatism.

    Ointment can be prepared both with fresh juice of Indian onion leaves, and with tincture. As the basis take animal fat - beef, pork, goose. It must be pre-cleaned and drowned in a water bath. Most animal fats have good penetrating power, however such ointments are not stored for a long time. Butter is mentioned separately, although it also refers to animal fats. A harmless base, besides you can prepare an ointment from it very quickly, but you need to use such a tool immediately, it can not be stored for a long time. Other bases:

    • vegetable oil - not only the usual corn, sunflower, olive, but also peach, almond, apricot and even cocoa butter;
    • lanolin;in its pure form can cause allergic reactions, so to prepare ointments at home it is better to take purchased lanolin milk or lanolin cream;
    • beeswax;Used in a mixture with other bases - with vegetable or spermaceous oil;from it prepare firm refractory ointments which impose on sick sites( small sites of a skin) for rather long time - for some hours or for all night;
    • Vaseline;ointments on its basis are stored for a long time, however it penetrates into the skin weakly, therefore it is better to use it for the means with which you are going to smear the skin with delicate skin, and also for ointments that need to be left on the skin for a long time.

    Attention! If we use fresh juice of Indian onion leaves to prepare the ointment, it is not necessary to store it for a long time under any circumstances. Maximum - a week, and in the refrigerator. It is best to mix fresh juice with an ointment base just before applying to the skin - so our remedy will be more effective. Ointments prepared with alcohol tincture, you can store for a while in the refrigerator( up to a month), as well as the tincture itself. However, we should not forget what kind of basis you used - I will repeat once again that funds based on animal fat, especially butter, egg whites, can quickly deteriorate. And more - most likely, you will be forced to use the ointment immediately, if only because it is hardly possible to get a relatively large quantity of milky juice from the leaves - unless you keep 10-15 pots with Indian onions at home. Therefore, you need to calculate all recipes for small amounts of components.

    Oily balm( for warming dressings)

    The composition of balsam usually includes fir and olive oil, Vishnevsky ointment and Indian onion in a ratio of 0.5: 1: 1: 0.5.At home, it is difficult to strictly observe these proportions, therefore, usually everything is mixed right before consumption, by eye, making sure that fir oil and Indian onion juice are 2 times less than other ingredients. Fir oil and fresh juice are added to the balsam last. It is impossible to store this balm for a long time.

    Ointment based on egg white

    In a porcelain cup pour 30 ml of alcohol tincture of leaves of Indian onions, add 3 egg whites and stir quickly. Ointment slightly rub the aching joints, wrap with paper for compresses, then woolen cloth, rinse after 2 hours and again wrap something woolly.

    Vaseline ointment

    Take by volume - one part of fresh juice of leaves of Indian onion, 5 parts of Vaseline. Vaseline is placed in a porcelain cup, lightly heated in a water bath( about 40 ° C), the juice of the plant is slowly poured into the vaseline and mixed thoroughly. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

    Star of Bethlehem

    It turns out that in the foreign pharmacology the bird-liver has long been a part of not only therapeutic ointments, but also various cosmetics. In the world classification, he has his "legalized" name - Ornithogalum UmBellatum Extract, an extract from the bulbs of the bird-bird umbrella. At home, extract( concentrated extract from vegetable raw materials) is very difficult to obtain. Although, in fact, this is the same tincture, reinforced several times;when it is cooked in the same amount of alcohol several times the plant raw materials are changed - crushed leaves or bulbs of a bird-cheesecake. As an example of medications, ointments, creams and gels, commonly called Dermafarin® Bioenergetic( "Dermafarin bioenergetic"), the English name - Star of Bethlehem( Star of Bethlehem).This compound was invented by pharmacists from the Austrian city of Graz. He treats a lot of skin diseases, including in young children - neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, various dermatitis. Of course, the composition of these ointments and gels, in addition to the extraction of the bird-bird, includes many components, for example, aloe, buckwheat, cucumber, jojoba, propolis. Studies have shown that the product is completely safe, does not cause any side effects, they are now successfully treated diathesis even in very young children. Most importantly, dermafarin preparations consist of natural ingredients and do not cause complications, in contrast to hormonal ointments.