  • Useful and medicinal properties of parsnip

    Biennial or annual plant 30-100 cm tall with fusiform fleshy yellow-brown root. Stem erect, naked, ribbed-grooved, branched in the upper part. Leaves are pinnate, almost shining from above, lighter and covered with soft hairs from below. The cauline leaves are sessile, with long, curved vaginas;the radical leaves are long-deciduous;the terminal lobes ovate-oblong, apical part trilobate, large-toothed along the edges. The flowers are collected in complex umbrellas with 8-12 main rays. Instead of calyx there are 5 imperceptible denticles;corolla of 5 golden-yellow, uncombed petals;stamens 5. Pestle length of 5-7 mm consists of 2 carpels, with the lower ovary. The fetus splits into 2 flattened flaps from the top with filmy winged edges and longitudinal ribs on their upper surface. Blossoms in the summer.

    grows in meadows and grassy places among bushes, sometimes along roads. The cultural form of parsnip is grown in the gardens because of the thick, fleshy spindle-shaped root, used as a seasoning for cooking.

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    For medicinal purposes, the aerial part of the plant or only the leaves are used, as well as the root and fruits.

    Fruits contain 1.5-3.6% essential oil, forumumurines and glycerides of butyric, heptyl and caproic acids. Leaves and root contain essential oil, but in much

    less. It gives the raw material a specific smell, as a result of which it is used, especially the roots, as a culinary seasoning.

    Parsnip is recommended for the excitement of appetite and as an antispasmodic for digestive disorders, with the presence of sand and kidney stones and as a diuretic. From it, a preparation( NRB) of eupigmine is prepared for the treatment of vitiligo.

    Broth: 2-3 tbsp.spoons of dry shredded leaves, or

    2 teaspoons of crushed roots, or 1/2 teaspoon of crushed fruit into 2 cups of water boil for 15 minutes;take during the first week of 3-4 st.spoon, the second week - 5-6 tbsp.spoons a day, in the third week - a quarter cup.

    Used in folk medicine infusion and decoction of herbs as a diuretic in dropsy, as an analgesic - in renal, hepatic and gastric colic, with cough and fever.

    An aqueous infusion of the root is used to improve appetite, and also as a general tonic and excitatory function.


    1 tbsp. A spoonful of grass( or leaves) is boiled in 2 glasses of water for 10 minutes, 2 hours insist. Drink 0.3-0.5 glasses of

    3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

    Alcohol tincture of grass and roots is used for hallucinations and bad mood.