
Diet with increased acidity of the stomach, treatment of digestive tract diseases through proper nutrition

  • Diet with increased acidity of the stomach, treatment of digestive tract diseases through proper nutrition

    Problems with the stomach are increasingly beginning not only in people aged, but also in young people, even in very young children. This is due not only to the ecology and hereditary diseases, but also to the fact that many young parents start to give ready-made foodstuffs from children in their earliest childhood, which, in the case of an adult, will cause corresponding illnesses in the course of time.

    Chips, croutons, soda, chocolate, sweet pills, ice cream, chewing gum, fast food, and some parents manage to even give a very small try "energy drinks."In such a family of years in 5-7 all of its members will have to follow a diet. Because, in the end, the body will not survive and will fail.

    How to identify a violation in the stomach and choose the right food for reduced acidity or increased?

    • Increased: bitterness in the throat and in the mouth, heartburn, eructation( all this is mainly after eating), frequent abdominal pain, nausea( sometimes even when you see or smell some products), there is still a white coating on the tongue, sometimes - periodicconstipation.
      instagram viewer
    • Reduced: belch with sulfur odor, constipation / diarrhea constantly, bad breath, abdominal pain( mostly after eating), flatulence, metallic smack in the tongue, bloating.

    Any of these varieties with insufficient attention to nutrition leads to gastritis and ulcerative diseases. Still because of this problem, vitamins and all useful substances from food are not digested, so the nails, hair, skin become dry, flaky, chronic fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, reduced efficiency.

    Probing accurately determines the nature of the problem, but the procedure is unpleasant, and in order not to lead to it, it is advisable to follow a diet and use some simple methods to alleviate unwanted symptoms.

    Diet for hyperacidity

    stomach can not





    raw, salty, sour vegetables


    Onions and garlic


    Soda, coffee

    Lemons and juice from them







    Fish and meat boiled / braised / baked

    White bread( but not fresh!)

    Cottage cheese, milk, sour cream




    Fruits and berries( non-acidic)

    Vegetablescabbage, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini)

    compote of dried fruits


    Dieting with gastroduodenitis with high acidity can solve the problem once and for all, but for this purpose it( diet) should become permanent, as part of a lifestyle. It should be remembered a few more things: food should be warm, you must eat often in small portions, do not overeat, salt - at a minimum.

    And here are some folk ways that will help in the treatment of this disease:

    a) Potato juice. Drink on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach. Two weeks of such procedures will be enough. You can repeat the course in a week's break. B) Mint tea, infused for about 10 minutes. Accept without restrictions. C) Tincture of wormwood with yarrow: 4 tsp.first and 1 tsp.the second pour boiling water( 1 glass).After 30 minutes strain and drink 1 tablespoon for a while before meals 4 times a day, for a total of 2 weeks.

    For a sample of food, you can take a menu from hospitals or school canteens, because there all meals are prepared taking into account the basic dietary requirements. In the morning - semolina porridge and boiled egg, tea, a second breakfast - a glass of kefir or milk, for lunch - light vegetable soup, steamed cutlets with baked buckwheat, for a snack - a diluted natural juice( not sour) with lingering cookies, and for dinner an omeletteor curd casserole, a small piece of chicken or fish for a couple.

    Follow these instructions, then you do not need any treatment at all, you will already feel great!

    Video about stomach health