
Various metabolic disorders in the body citrus treatment

  • Various metabolic disorders in the body citrus treatment

    With edema

    This disease is manifested by the appearance of edema as a result of disturbed water-salt metabolism in the body. Traditional healers recommend in this case, therapeutic starvation for 3 days with the use of water with lemon( medical consultation is necessary!).Or: mix 200 g of lemon juice and 200 g of honey and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

    For arthritis it is recommended to drink a mixture of grapefruit, celery, carrot and spinach juices taken in equal quantities, or a mixture of grapefruit, celery and birch juices. Grapefruit juice promotes the dissolution of foreign inorganic calcium, which causes the cartilage and ligaments to harden when they accumulate in these places. As one of the ways to combat arthritis, folk medicine offers a weekly starvation when drinking distilled water with lemon. With this method of treatment, pains are first amplified, but with each new weekly course they gradually recede. The number of courses depends on the degree of neglect of the disease.

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    In diabetes, it is recommended to use fresh lemons or their juice, as well as decoction of the peel. To prepare the broth 2 tablespoons lemon peel pour 2 glasses of water, boil in a sealed container for 30 minutes, insist 10 minutes, strain. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

    To combat stones in the kidneys, liver, bile and bladder

    This phenomenon indicates a metabolic disorder in the body. Lemon prevents the formation of stones in these organs and helps dissolving already formed. Traditional medicine recommends drinking 1 lemon juice mixed with 0.5 cup hot water several times a day and 0.5 cups mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber juice

    3-4 times a day. It is believed that the stones should disappear within a few days or weeks, depending on their size.

    Another way: in 200 g of boiled cold water, add 1/3 lemon juice of medium size. Within 10 days daily, drink this mixture in 3 divided doses: in the morning on an empty stomach, and at lunch and dinner - after a meal. In the next 10 days it is necessary to do everything the same way, but to increase the dose of juice - squeeze it out of half a lemon of medium size. At the same time, twice a week, take 60 g of olive oil, adding to it 1/2 lemon juice. On the 20th day, the stones are supposed to go out with urine, without causing pain.

    Diseases of the oral cavity

    You can effectively use lemon juice for dental care. For example, rinse mouth with it - it is useful for the prevention of caries and the deposition of tartar. Teeth will become whiter if you clean them with a paste or powder, to which is added a little baking soda and 1-2 drops of lemon juice.

    With periodontitis, it is useful to rinse your mouth with infusion of mint or lemon peel, and also rub the gums with the inner side of the lemon peel - this helps to destroy numerous bacteria, tones up the gums, and reduces their bleeding.

    When stomatitis it is recommended to rinse the mouth with the following mixture: dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey in 1 glass of water at room temperature and 1 tablespoon of lemon.

    To improve the activity of the intestines, liver, gallbladder

    For normal functioning of the intestines and prevention of constipation it is recommended in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed drink 1 glass of orange juice or eat 1-2 oranges.

    this juice can be consumed with certain types of gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines - always consult with your doctor.

    Citrus fruits will help to cope with diarrhea( diarrhea)

    In summer, in the season of fresh greens and fruits, we can expect trouble with the stomach. And diarrhea often arises in fans of exotic holidays in hot countries. For the prevention of unpleasant phenomena it is recommended to drink as many acidic drinks as possible, for example, orange and grapefruit juice. The acid medium has a bactericidal property and kills pathogenic microorganisms.

    For liver diseases( hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver) and gallbladder( cholecystitis)

    Mix 1 kg of honey, 200 ml of olive oil, 4 lemon slices passed through a meat grinder( with 2 lemons cut the peel).Keep the mixture in a sealed container in the refrigerator, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before eating.

    For the prevention of gastritis in the morning you can drink juice from carrots, cabbage, grapefruit, cranberries, black and red currants. And at night in such mixtures it is useful to add a spoon of aloe juice.

    In cases of bleeding of various origins,

    To stop nasal bleeding, it is recommended to insert cotton swabs impregnated with lemon juice into the nostrils. In case of severe bleeding, try to draw a liquid consisting of a glass of cold water and 1/4 lemon juice into your nose, hold it for 3-5 minutes, hold your nose with your fingers, calmly sit or stand, but do not lie down, and put a wet cold on the forehead and nosetowel or ice.

    An ancient recipe for help with heavy menstrual bleeding: mix 6 egg whites and a half teaspoon of citric acid and drink this mixture. Repeat if necessary.

    With strong uterine bleeding, peel 6-7 oranges with 1.5 liters of water and cook until 0.5 liters of broth remains, strain it, add honey to taste. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

    For skin diseases

    In addition to taking lemon juice inside for lichens, eczema, fungus and warts, it is recommended to rub the affected areas with juice - itching and redness should decrease. If the skin on the body is peeling, like dandruff, is a symptom of seborrheic eczema. It can be tried to treat, applying to compressive places for the night compresses from fresh orange crusts.

    Multiple rubbing of mandarin juice cures, as it is believed, the skin affected by the fungus.

    To relieve the headache

    Take a fresh lemon rind, peel off the peel, apply a wet side to the temple. Soon, a red spot will appear on the skin, which will begin to burn slightly and itch, but the headache will pass. Lemon will ease the pain and increase the tone.

    Sometimes the heat can provoke a headache. At the first signs of an unpleasant condition, lubricate the forehead and whiskey with the pulp of lemon heated in warm water. The same representative of citrus will help you to be toned all day long. To do this, you need to drink a glass of warm water with lemon before going to bed and in the morning, before you leave the house.

    With chronic fatigue, prolonged stress, nervous system disorders

    In these cases, traditional medicine considers the best means of taking 1 teaspoon of honey before bedtime with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice for half a cup of water. Lemon juice can be replaced with orange, grapefruit. This drink is also recommended for children - stresses also do not bypass them: what are the only school overloads? Then it is good to add freshly ground nuts to the antistress drink - for example, walnuts.

    Citrus helps to improve the state of our sight, hearing, memory

    Try to check this action on yourself - within a month you need to eat every day although

    would be 1/4 lemon with skin and at the same time drink 1 tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach. During the next month, you need to eat a piece of licorice-sized licorice root, 1 teaspoon of sea kale powder or 2 tablespoons of sea kale, 5 grams of pine or spruce resin, 1 tablespoon 2 times a day of aloe juice ortwo-centimeter piece of aloe leaf with honey.

    Accelerates the sensitivity of our eyes and hearing by inhaling the essential oils of lemon or orange.

    Drink a nervous drink from a fresh lemon. For 1 glass of water, take 1/4 lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of sugar, mix and add a piece of ice. The taste of the drink should be balanced - not sour and not sweet. It is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of a drink a day, if your lifestyle is associated with a constant or prolonged nervous strain.

    When insomnia is recommended to drink at night a mixture of 2 teaspoons of honey and juice 1 lemon or 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.

    Calming tea from bitter orange( orange): 2 teaspoons of crushed peel pour 1/4 l of boiling water, cover and insist tightly for 10 minutes, then strain. Take immediately before bed and in situations that cause emotional stress.

    You can also make tea from the leaves and flowers of bitter orange. Leaves are especially effective in emotional overload, flowers - with a state of internal anxiety, a constantly increased level of anxiety.

    Citrus against avitaminosis

    The best sources of vitamin C in the winter are citrus fruits of all kinds and dogrose.

    With hypo- and avitaminosis, a long time used pure lemon juice, not diluted with water;sometimes slightly diluted with honey - depending on the acid of the fetus. But this remedy is not recommended for increased acidity of gastric juice;having consulted with the doctor, it is possible to replace it with juices of other citrus.

    Juices of medicinal plants have the most natural effect on the body, since all their medicinal value is used unchanged. In a fresh plant in an unchanged form contains medicinal substances created by nature itself. At the same time, being in a single complex, they act quite differently than the purified product. Phytotherapists recommend taking from 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons, that is, from 5 to 30 ml of juice for one reception.

    Secrets of getting juice: squeeze the juice better from a heated lemon - for this you need to place it in very hot water for 5 minutes. After such a "warming" procedure, the juice will pour out fuller and faster.

    When squeezing the juice, the lemon should not be squeezed too hard, so as not to damage the white part of the crust( smudge) - if it gets into the juice, it can give it a bitter taste. You can not crush the grain - the bitterness of even one grain will spoil all the juice.

    It happens that we need only a few drops of citrus juice for a drink or for salad dressing. Then you can get juice and not cut the fruit. To do this, it is enough to pierce the skin with a pointed match or a small stick. The resulting hole is then plugged with the same rod - in this form the fruit can lie still for a long time without spoiling.

    Recommended and mixtures of juices in the form of cocktails, which must be prepared immediately before use.