
Hormonal failure in women: causes, symptoms, treatment

  • Hormonal failure in women: causes, symptoms, treatment

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    The hormonal background in women is a finely balanced system. Any violation of this system leads to disease of the whole organism.

    Female hormones - estrogen and progesterone - are produced in the body of a woman in certain ratios. If this ratio changes, then there is a hormonal imbalance.


    Most often hormonal disruptions occur during menopause, they are caused by peculiarities of hormonal glands functioning or features of the menstrual cycle.

    The hormonal failure after the magpie is an unpleasant phenomenon, but it is expected. At this age, women cease to form eggs and reduce the level of estrogen.

    It happens that menopause begins too soon, after 30. This indicates a violation of the function of the ovaries.

    In young women, the causes of this phenomenon are mainly disorders of the body, in this case, individual treatment is necessary.

    The reason list is as follows:

    • Wrong power;
    • Early menopause( for women over 40);
    • Wrong way of life;
    • Birth control pills;
    • Hormonal preparations;
    • Stress.
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    How to determine if a woman has a hormonal failure? If there are the following symptoms: menstrual irregularity, irritability, frequent headaches, weight gain and dryness of the genitals, all this indicates a hormonal shift in the body.

    All these symptoms may indicate a hormonal failure, but it can only be accurately determined by analyzing the blood for hormones.

    If the tests confirm the presence of hormonal shift, the doctor will be prescribed treatment to eliminate its causes.

    Symptoms in which it is necessary to immediately contact a doctor-gynecologist

    • menstruation delay more than a month;
    • menstruation with a periodicity of less than three weeks;
    • increased blood loss during menstruation;
    • intermenstrual bleeding.


    If hormonal failure is caused by the onset of menopause, then there are natural factors, then the cure is not possible. In this case, the woman will be helped by an infusion of lily of the valley, an infusion of wormwood, celandine and gooseberry goose. Take infusion is necessary a week before menstruation. And also it is necessary to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits.

    In other cases, the treatment of the disease is aimed at restoring the hormonal balance in the body of a woman. If therapeutic methods do not help, then one must resort to surgical intervention.

    Treatment of hormonal disorders requires time and regularity, but carrying it out in any case is necessary to avoid the consequences of the disease.

    Hormonal failure can lead to such serious diseases as uterine fibroids, polycystic ovaries, fibrocystic lesions in the chest. Therefore, any violations of the menstrual cycle is better to consult a doctor. We talked about the main causes, symptoms, treatment of hormonal failure in women. More detailed answers to your questions will be given by the attending physician.

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