
Problems after vacuum extraction of the fetus, as well as indications and contraindications for such births

  • Problems after vacuum extraction of the fetus, as well as indications and contraindications for such births

    Vacuum extraction is an operation of assisting in childbirth, when the fetus is extracted by natural genera with a vacuum extractor.

    The first attempts to extract the fruit with the help of vacuum force were made in the middle of the 19th century. However, it was not until 1956 that the Malstrom design was proposed, which became widespread. What are the problems after vacuum extraction of the fetus?

    Fetal extraction technology

    Vacuum extractor consists of a cup connected to a jar. Using a pump in the bank creates a vacuum, which causes the cup to suck to the surface. A cup is applied to the head of the child and, having reached the necessary pressure, helps him to move along the birth canal.

    When vacuum extraction is used

    Vacuum extraction is used when the contractions are not strong enough and the mother in child can not push the child out even after the full disclosure of the cervix. The woman continues to push, that is, normal labor activity is going on, and the vacuum extractor only helps the labor of the woman in labor. When the head of the child is already visible, the calyx is removed and the childbirth continues as usual.

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    Vacuum delivery is not used with an undisclosed uterine throat, with the head too high, and also if the baby is dead or the baby is prematurely born.

    Contraindications for vacuum extraction are also: a serious condition of the parturient woman, which excludes the possibility of attempts, delivery before the time, discrepancy between the size of the baby's head and the pelvis of the woman, extensor fetal presentation.

    Complications of

    Problems after the application of vacuum extraction are mainly related to the application of a cup to the baby's head. Some children after vacuum extraction have a tired and listless appearance. A cup of vacuum extractor can form a hematoma - a birth tumor, but it goes away in a few days.

    The most common complication is slipping the calyx from the baby's head.

    Headaches can be observed, which are caused by the transience of labor during vacuum extraction. More serious problems after vacuum extraction are not observed.

    Vacuum extraction is used quite rarely, since the list of indications is very narrow, and the limitations are quite wide.

    Video on

    The story of a gynecologist about vacuum delivery:

    The opinion of the doctor that vacuum extraction reduces the risk of complications during labor: