
Sign of the zodiac Virgo: compatibility with signs of a horoscope

  • Sign of the zodiac Virgo: compatibility with signs of a horoscope

    Virgos, by their nature, are intelligible in everything, including choosing a life partner. Often for this reason among the representatives of this sign are many old maidens and bachelors. To the future companion of life, Virgo's demands are too high, trying to find her ideal.

    This sign is hard to please, but when they find their own, they will indulge and please their partner in everything.

    From this article you can find out what the zodiac sign of Virgo is, compatibility with which, despite all its arrogance, is quite real.

    Compatibility Female virgins with other signs

    It is worth considering in more detail the compatibility of the Virgin woman with other signs of the zodiac.

    Virgo + Aries

    Such an alliance is not very successful for Virgo, but beneficial Aries. The virgin will work endlessly for his good, but Aries will not limit his ambitions and freedom. In such a family there will often be conflicts. To avoid them, Aries must calm down his egoism, because the patience of the Dev has boundaries.

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    Virgo + Taurus

    Often such a union is successful, mutual understanding and warmth prevail in the family. This marriage is reliably protected from betrayals and scandals, and therefore lasts a lifetime. However, one must be careful that marriage does not become a habit, so it is necessary to introduce diversity in all areas of family relations.

    Virgo + Gemini

    Success in such relationships is zero, and all due to the inconstancy of Gemini and the control of Dev. The virgin will not tolerate constant incidents for jealousy and will demand from the partner punctuality.

    To save such a marriage, the Twins will have to curb their independence, and the Devas cease to quibble.

    Virgo + Cancer

    Such an alliance will be strong and there is every chance that it will last a lifetime. And all because both signs have the same views regarding farming and even raising a child. Both signs value their family and are able to keep loyalty to it. Perhaps, the l is a recognized compatibility for the virgin woman with Cancer.

    Virgo + Leo

    This union can be called a strange, although durable. They, as details of puzzles, complement each other. In this marriage, Leo - the head of the family and Dev this arrangement is quite happy. Being in the shadow of Leo, she remains a wonderful hostess and a beautiful mother.

    However, not everything is so cloudless: because of completely different characters, the spouses can not understand each other, which leads to a break.

    Virgo + Virgo

    In this alliance, partners have a common outlook on life and similar character traits, so that the relationship will become even and long. They will always find a common language in the economy and work.

    In a house where the husband and the maiden wife reigns in such an order that, in their opinion, should be in the family.

    Virgo + Libra

    This pair will find it difficult to find a common language, because the Virgo is by nature closed, and Libra is emotional. Due to the fact that Libra's mood is constantly changing, conflicts will arise in the family.

    However, their alliance can last a long time because it's hard for Libra to go for a divorce, and the Virgo can withstand many difficulties if it's in a long-term relationship. But if both signs learn to yield to each other, then their marriage can become happy.

    Virgo + Scorpio

    Marriage of a mad Scorpion with a calm Virgo can be called ideal, because, as they say, opposites attract. However, they have a lot in common: they are strong and used to struggle with any difficulties that have stood in the way.

    Virgo + Sagittarius

    Windy Sagittarius and the faithful Virgo have absolutely different views on life and often they just do not understand each other. Such an alliance can not be called solid, but everyone has something to learn from each other.

    Virgo + Capricorn

    Often such a union proves to be very strong, as they are united by trust and mutual understanding. Knowing that behind his back a faithful wife, Capricorn can safely engage in career growth. Capricorn and Virgo for many years can save not only love, but also friendship and support.

    Virgo + Aquarius

    This marriage is quite rare, because Aquarius simply can not stand the constant pressure of Virgo. In a marriage, Virgo can try to remake Aquarius in her direction, which often leads to a rupture. For such a union to be long and happy, Aquarius should try to observe at least some rules of the house, and Virgo to lower the requirements.

    Virgo + Pisces

    Such an alliance will not be lasting, since vulnerable Pisces and industrious Virgo will have many disagreements, which will lead to constant conflicts.

    Compatibility Male virgins with other signs

    Aries + Virgo

    Such an alliance can last a lifetime, as it will be based on reliability, mutual understanding and love. Due to her vigor, the woman-Aries will be able to stir up the male Virgo, who is a great conservative. Often it is thanks to the Aries of the Virgin that they achieve significant heights.

    Taurus + Virgo

    Such a marriage can be happy and long. Taurus and the man-Virgo have a lot in common: they try their best to achieve their own efforts, and also appreciate the comfort of home. Virgo will appreciate the ability of Taurus to solve all problems without conflicts. We can say that this is the perfect compatibility for the Virgin-man.

    Gemini + Virgo

    The Virgo man is unlikely to have any serious relationship with the unstable Gemini. But if such a marriage is concluded, then he will be able to live long only thanks to the Virgo's intentions to save the union. Often, the marriage does not last long, but each of the spouses acquires an invaluable experience in it.

    Cancer + Virgo

    This union can not be called passionate, but the signs unite the desire to create a family and the same views on life. Cancer will support home comfort and bring up children, and Virgo will make efforts to create a comfortable environment. Sometimes Virgo can get excessive niggles, but there are no violent quarrels in this union.

    Leo + Virgo

    Such a union can be called strange, but in life it is quite frequent. These are two opposites, but they are attracted to each other.

    If the male-virgo liked the Lion-woman, then he will do a lot to get himself to himself. Often, the Lioness is a big spender, which can not but embarrass Dev, but for her sake, he is ready even to accept this and go to several works in order to fully make his companion happy.

    Virgo + Virgo

    For a Virgo man, this compatibility is ideal, as the spouses will have common goals and views on life, which will make their marriage lasting for life.

    Scales + Virgo

    Such a relationship has practically no prospects. An independent Libra woman can be sad next to a calm Virgo, which can lead to a rupture. However, the divorce for Libra is a serious step, so they can simply not dare. Often such a marriage exists only by virtue of habit.

    Scorpio + Virgo

    These two signs combine a sense of duty and honesty, besides - these are two strong personalities. But such a marriage will last only when the couple will take into account the feelings of their half.

    Sagittarius + Virgo

    This union is quite rare, as it is not enough when windy Sagittarius pay attention to overly frugal male Dev. However, if this happens, then the marriage will last a long time only if the Virgin does not face treason.

    Capricorn + Virgo

    This alliance will be based on complete mutual understanding and the same interests.

    Nobody will hear loud quarrels in this family, as Capricorns rarely talk about their grievances, and Virgos like to grumble.

    Aquarius + Virgo

    The prospects for such a union are almost zero. With the freedom-loving Aquarius, it will be very difficult for the Virgin to get along. All disagreements often lead to loud quarrels and end in divorce.

    Fish + Virgo

    Such a marriage can be called ideal. The Virgo Men find in the fragile Pisces the very ideal that they will admire all their lives. Related Videos