  • Haircut half-box: a photo-compilation and a guide to doing at home

    The main criteria for a male haircut are the simplicity of its execution and care for it. We will consider the most simple and popular hairstyle - half box. This is a universal hairstyle that does not require special care and is suitable for almost all forms of face and all ages: for both men and boys.

    It was distributed in the early 90's and is still relevant( even many authoritative publications agree with this).It should also be noted that poluboks belongs to the category of short haircuts. Hair length - 5-8 cm, also often remains bangs. The universality of the haircut is that it fits any style of clothing, from free to business.

    Half-box is suitable for men with a square or oval type of face, but men with thin faces of an elongated shape, this haircut is better not to do, because it visually lengthens the face and gives its owner a comical appearance.

    It will not be easy to do the haircut itself( because you do not see yourself from the side), but if you are sure of yourself, this master class is for you, because the technology of haircuts is quite simple.

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    You will need:

    1. The machine for a hairstyle.

    2. Thinning scissors with teeth.

    3. Comb with small denticles.


    The first thing you need to do is wash your hair and dry it. To comb hair follows the direction of their growth.

    We set the nozzle with the minimum length and clip the hair behind the ears( from the upper tips of the ears to the back of the head).

    Make a neat edging of the hair on the temples, ears and neck. This edging will be a kind of "border".Above it we process a strip 2-3 cm wide, making a smooth transition from long hair to short. To create this transition, you will need a thinning scissors.

    We cut hair in the zone of the crown so that their length is 5-7 cm. We muffle the hair. Here is a master class.

    Features of care

    First, you need to monitor the purity of hair. Secondly, cut the tips in time, because in two or three weeks your hair will probably grow again, and you will again have to go to the hairdresser( do not forget that the speed of hair growth for each individual).If you want to diversify a half box, you can remove the bang back and put on an expensive suit for three thousand and a hat, this will give you elegance and a certain shade of the mafiosi of the 30s or 50s.

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