  • Hairstyles with curls on long hair: photo of exclusive variants

    As many of us know by experience or by hearsay, it is fashionable and stylish to make any hair style for curly hair, especially if it helps to hide the natural weakness of your hair. Curls, as you know, look great and loose, but not everyone is comfortable, especially for owners of long hair. Therefore, in this article I propose to consider various haircuts with curls on long hair.

    On the side

    And we'll start small. The first hairstyle is the laying of loose curls on the side.

    So, this hairdo has a rather festive look, it is suitable for both a campaign for a birthday, and for walking along the street. The main thing - not in windy weather.

    We will need:

    1. Hair curlers;
    2. Invisible;
    3. Brush or comb( for nachish);
    4. Hair curlers.

    1) Make an oblique parting, fix the hair with a hairpin, an invisible or a hair clip, as shown in the photo, and holding the curl up and down, curl the hair all over the head.

    2) Twist each strand in the curler, but do not lose the parting. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.

    instagram viewer

    3) After, remove the curlers and gently comb the locks, do not press hard on the comb, you can ruin your hair.

    4) Be proud of yourself! The hair is ready!

    Also I suggest you view the video on this topic. Here, the hair on the side will be more difficult, but much more interesting.

    Hairstyle in retro style:

    Lana Del Rey:

    With a bang

    Next on the line are hairstyles with a bang, many women prefer to close their forehead with a short strand of hair, but often these very strands spoil the look, although sometimes they adda certain highlight. What should be "arranged" on my head, so that it looks nice with the bang, and it was convenient? Let's look at some photos of these hairstyles.

    The right combination of bangs and the main hairstyle in many ways emphasizes all your hairdressing works and ideas, and also can hide some of the shortcomings of your appearance. Therefore, you should seriously approach the choice of bangs, of course, if you have it. Now it's time to find out how to lay the bang.

    Firstly, strangely enough, but curly hair is most suitable for straight hair, sometimes combed on one side or curled in the manner of strands of the main hair. Remember that if your curls resemble a "dandelion", then use the curled small curls of bamboo.

    Secondly, if you make a straight bang, then comb it evenly, and if your curls are large enough, then give the same volume and bun, using a hair dryer and a round comb.

    Third, the bangs on the side and asymmetrical bangs are suitable only for a certain shape of the face. The first bang is suitable for oval, round and square face shapes, and the second for oval elongated and only in rare cases for round.

    How to make a compelling hairstyle for the wedding

    It's no secret that curls are a very common hairdress among brides and her girlfriends. So now we will consider wedding hairstyles with curls.

    How to make a really beautiful wedding hairstyle - it's rather difficult to explain it in stages, so I suggest watching a video on this topic to better understand what, where and how.

    Hairstyles with curls for long hair:

    Quite complex hairstyle with curls:

    Modest and versatile hairstyle:

    In oriental style:


    I hope that the master classes were useful for you, and you learned something new for yourself. Well, if not, then I suggest watching the latest videos, how to make various everyday hairstyles from curly hair.