How to prepare preparations for an age of the house
For medicinal purposes, leaves and fresh juice are usually used, and the leaves are recommended to be taken from a plant no younger than three years.
Aloe vera juice is especially useful if it is obtained from leaves pretreated with the biogenic stimulation method. What do I need to do?
The plant is not watered for 2 weeks before cutting the leaves. The cut leaves are wrapped in a tube of black color, so that the ends have through holes. Place in a cool and dark place, for example on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the temperature is about 4-8 "C. The leaves are kept in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. In these conditions, all life processes begin to fade in the cut leaves, and then the cells of our plant collect all their forcesin order to survive, they produce special substances - so-called "biogenic stimulators." Plant biogenic stimulators have the ability to stimulate the vital activity of not only their own cells. I stimulate the cells of the diseased organ of the person. This increases the metabolism in tissues, increases the resistance of the organism, quickly repairs damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes, removes inflammation, etc.
Juices of medicinal plants have the most natural effect on the body. With the use of fresh aloe juice, all of its medicinal value remains, and if it is biostimulated, these healing properties, as we already know, can be strengthened many times.
Biostimulated leaves are removed from the refrigerator, washed. Grind - can be in a meat grinder, pour water in a ratio of 1: 3 and leave in a dark cool place for an hour and a half. Then the resulting juice is squeezed and filtered.
Aloe juice is included as the main component in therapeutic mixtures that help with prolonged bronchitis, severe cough, pneumonia, tuberculosis, anemia( anemia), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases. Fresh juice helps a lot for various skin lesions, skin inflammation( dermatitis), with their purulent complications.
Preparation of leaf infusion
Infusions can be prepared in two ways - cold and hot. In most recipes with aloe, a cold method is used. The leaves are ground, placed in enamel or glassware and poured with water at room temperature( 50 g of green raw material - a glass of water), insisted for several hours( 6-8).Then filter and pour into a glass container of dark color.
Applied to improve the functional activity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and other diseases of internal organs. Use the infusion and for grinding. It acts on the principle of warming ointments like "Finalgon", "Nurofen", causing a local rush of blood to the affected area.
Preparation of tincture
Tincture is the most dramatically active dosage form from vegetable raw materials. Tincture of fresh leaves is prepared as follows: the ground raw material is poured with 70% ethyl alcohol or vodka in the ratio 1:10.Close tightly and stand in a dark place at room temperature for 7 days. Then filter and pour into a bottle of dark glass. The agent obtained in this way should be transparent.
Used tincture for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, lumbago( lumbago), sciatica( sciatica) and other diseases.
Powder preparation
Powder is prepared from air dried and chopped leaves. Dry raw materials are pounded with a porcelain or wooden pestle and sifted. Such a dosage form is recommended for liver diseases, for example hepatitis.
Preparation of
emulsion In addition to fresh juice, infusion and powder from aloe leaves, a dosage form such as an emulsion is also used. For this, the crushed leaves are insisted in a dark room for 12 days in eucalyptus or castor oil at a temperature of 6-8 ° C.They are used to prevent and treat skin lesions arising from radiation sickness, anemia.
There are usually no side effects and complications with external application of aloe. Of course, if you have very sensitive skin, when applying a cut sheet directly to the skin you can feel a burning sensation, but you should not be afraid of it. A little patience, and the result will surpass your expectations. To reduce the unpleasant sensations to the sore spot, it is recommended from time to time to apply fresh cottage cheese. With an increased inclination of the body to allergic reactions, you should still be cautious, after consulting with the doctors.
If you are going to use plant juice for the treatment of internal diseases, the more caution should be taken. This is especially important if there is an acute or chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, gall bladder. For example, the digestion of anthraglycosides contained in a plant requires the presence of bile in the intestine. Therefore, patients with liver and gall bladder disease before starting treatment with home remedies prepared from aloe or purchased in a pharmacy with finished products should always consult a doctor.
When pregnant, any medicines, including plant, without emergency do not use. This applies fully to aloe. And of course, do not experiment with new drugs in the treatment of children under 12 years old, if the prescription is not from a reliable source and not tested at a child's age.