  • Ginger useful properties for men and women

    Aphrodisiac ginger

    Aphrodisiac( Aphrodisiaca, Gren.) - a remedy that artificially stimulates or enhances the sexual sensation.

    Since ancient times knew about the miraculous property of ginger - the return of youth. Its use not only slows down the aging process, but also positively affects the sexual sphere of both sexes.

    Ginger attributed the properties of a strong aphrodisiac. As already mentioned, in magical books and in folklore traditions, ginger is used to create love drinks, it is associated with money, success and power. In translation from Chinese, "ginger" means "masculinity."

    Portuguese slave owners gave the ginger root to their slaves to improve their fertility. Chinese treat women from infertility and frigidity with prawns marinated in yellow wine, vinegar, ginger and Tartar onion. And the pharmacists of Europe haremic candies with ginger treated female infertility. So truly ginger can be called an aphrodisiac.

    Five thousand years ago, Chinese and Indian healers knew about the miraculous property of ginger - the activation of vitality, leading to the return of youth and the improvement of the sexual sphere of men and women.

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    Ginger attributed the properties of a strong aphrodisiac. In the East, as well as in Western magic books and folklore traditions, ginger is used to create love drinks, it is associated with money, success and power.

    About the property of ginger to excite passion and sexual desire is said in the collection of Arabian tales "A thousand and one nights".The French writer François de La Rochefoucauld said: "A successful night of love is often the result of a good dinner."Ancient Roman physician Galen, the author of the classic work On Parts of the Human Body, wrote: "Men will be healed of sexual impotence if they have sweets containing honey, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg."

    Ginger is often used as "love elixirs", which act excitingly, tone up and increase the potency of men and women. Therefore, during the visits, you can serve on the table a variety of drinks with ginger - the way it was done in ancient Rome and in the harems of the East.

    Romantic recipes

    Sweets for passion

    This recipe has come to us from Ancient Rome - more than 2 thousand years it prepares delicious dishes that arouse passion and attraction.

    Sweet spicy mix

    In preparation for a romantic date, you can quickly make with this mixture of original sweets. For example:

    1. Clean the banana, cut into thin slices, pour a spicy mixture. You can serve on the table on small saucers or in sockets. Do not forget to serve the table with skewers, small forks or teaspoons.

    2. Pour jam or honey into rosettes, finish off the spicy mixture and stir. Serve in sockets.

    3. Remove the ice cream from the freezer, use a special spoon to make the balls and put them in a wide glass or small vases. Top with a spicy mixture.

    A spicy mixture can be added to a wide range of products. You can come up with dozens of options for using it depending on the products available and personal preferences.

    Note: the same mixture can be prepared and in another way: instead of sugar, use 1 tsp.salt( without top).Then ginger is cooked in plain water, then salt and other ingredients are added to it. Such a mixture can be used as a dressing in vegetable salads. If less water is used during cooking( 3 tablespoons), then the resulting cream can be served as a spice for second courses, sandwiches, etc.

    Burning cubes( harem candies)

    Sugar with water boil in a saucepan and boil, stirring constantly, until the syrup begins to crystallize around the edges. Then pour ginger cubes there, immediately remove from heat and quickly stir so that each cube is dipped in syrup. Then pour this mixture onto the parchment leaf( can be placed in a pan from the oven) and level it so that the cubes lie in 1 layer. Let cool, split the cubes with a knife and fold them into a jar. If you do not want them to stick together, you can roll each cube in sugar before folding it into a jar.

    These burning cubes are also called harem candies - they will be a wonderful addition to a romantic dinner.

    Love Cocktail

    This drink is used to awaken the sexual powers of both partners and to increase the sympathy of the partners to each other.

    You can pre-pour mint and verbena half a glass of water, close and leave to cool. Before serving, strain the brewed herbs, add chilled apple and ginger juice to this tea and blend with a blender for 5-10 seconds. Pour into glasses, instead of or together with a straw place in the glasses a stem of fresh celery and serve on the table. You can have a snack with natural almonds.

    Instead of ginger juice, you can use ginger jam or pre-cook ginger syrup( a slice of fresh root ginger the size of a walnut cut into slices pour 1/4 cup water, add 2-3 tablespoons sugar, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes on a weakfire, then drain and cool).

    Amorous tea for two

    Put the rest of the ingredients in boiling water and boil for 3-5 minutes on low heat. Remove from heat, allow to infuse for 5 minutes, strain through a fine strainer or tin and serve.

    Passion drink

    Fill all the ingredients in a large ceramic or porcelain teapot or enameled scoop, pour boiling water, close, wrap it up so that the drink is infused. After it has cooled down, drain it, bring it back to the boil and pour it into the bottle. Close tightly and store in the refrigerator.

    This drink can be served in small glasses or added to ordinary black tea.

    Coffee for the resurrection of extinct feelings

    "Wine of Love"

    The drink of Venus

    The name of this drink was given in Europe, where it gained great popularity. However, the recipe for a drink of Venus came to us from Southeast Asia, where it is used every morning by women of any age, from small to large. Tea helps to keep the figure and enjoy a clean, radiant skin, it tones up and improves metabolism.

    Banana cocktail


    If you do not have the opportunity to get fresh coconut milk, you can use dry coconut milk - then pre-stir 3-4 st.l.powder with 1 glass of water.

    As coconut milk is difficult to buy, you can replace it with cream - in this case the cocktail will turn out to be more caloric, which for the aphrodisiac can be very useful.

    Sexual problems of men

    There are many reasons for weak potency. The use of plants that stimulate the work of the gonads, adrenals and the central nervous system, allows you to gently get rid of these problems. From the point of view of the human body, such prophylaxis is much better than using strong drugs like "Viagra", which have many contraindications and are not always effective "as needed".

    As the most simple tool you can use a man's fragrance with the flavor of ginger - this will allow you to be toned and improve the position with potency.

    If the cause of a weak potency is a decrease in the level of male sex hormones, then you will benefit from daily ginger tea or tincture of ginger.

    However, for a change, you can use ginger and as part of various medicinal compounds.

    Ginger oil has long been famous for its anti-impotence. They say that in a mixture with cinnamon, coriander and rosemary oils, it works wonders.

    Mix 3 drops of ginger and bergamot oil with 2 drops of cinnamon and 2 drops of coriander and use this "winner mixture" for baths, massage, aromatizing the air.

    When taking a bath, the oil is diluted in very hot water so that it "opens up", and then the amount of warm water necessary for the bath is added. To flavor the air, you can use 2 ~ 4 drops of a mixture of oils, adding them to the aroma lamp together with water.

    Schisandra with ginger for life force

    to increase the potency of the rhymes

    TIP.The remaining berries and ginger can be poured with boiling water, but pour 0.5 l of water and add 0.3-0.5 kg of sugar( to taste).Put on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Pour the resulting jam into the jar. If you do not like berries and slices of ginger, you can strain after cooling, add another 0.5 liters of water, add up to 0.5 kg of sugar, bring to a boil and pour into a bottle - this syrup can be used to flavor the dishes.

    Nourishing Cream "Hello, Youth"

    Tea with ginger for increasing potency

    TIP.To make it more pleasant to eat( "without grains"), you can grind the powder of ginger in a coffee grinder to the state of powder - then it will much better combine with honey and will work harder.

    Aloe vera juice with ginger to enhance potency

    Cut the leaves from a mature aloe tree( 3-5 years old), peel the fresh root of the ginger and grind it in a meat grinder or with a blender. Place in dense linen cloth and squeeze juice carefully. Mix this juice with honey and take 1 tsp.2 times a day.

    If you use ginger powder, then pre-pour it with boiling water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and close the lid. Allow to cool to room temperature, strain and mix with honey and aloe juice. In this case, the proportions will be: 1/2 tsp.ginger powder for 0.5 glasses of water, plus 100 g of aloe juice, plus 100 g of honey.

    Prevention of premature ejaculation

    In order to cope with this problem, you will need a tincture of ginger. Pour a tablespoon of half a bottle of wine or water, add 3-5 drops of ginger tincture and drink. Take 2 times a day with meals.

    "Oil of the winner"

    This is a very ancient and effective remedy for impotence, even ancient rulers used it as "oil that works miracles."Today, Western researchers have proved that it has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland and emotional state and therefore often helps with impotence of a different nature.

    All these oils you can buy at the pharmacy or order in online stores. Mix all the oils and use this "balsam of the winner" for baths, massage, aromatizing the air. Try not to break the proportion.

    For aromatizing the air, you can use aroma-flavoring( 2-3 drops of balsam).In addition, you can add this balm to the aroma melon( 1-2 drops of balm).

    For massage, mix this balm with massage oil( odorless) in a 1:10 ratio.

    To prepare the bath, pour about 1/4 of a bath of very hot water and drip the balsam there so that it "opens", and then add the amount of warm water necessary for the bath.

    African lemonade

    It is a drink that raises the tone and mood. It is recommended to drink it first of all to men, but if your friend is tired, has a bad mood or indifference, you can treat this lemonade and her.

    Boil water. Fresh ginger root clean, grate on a fine grater and throw in boiling water. Add honey and lemon juice. Stir, close the lid and allow to stand until it cools. After that, you can drink 1 glass to improve mood, tone and "combat capability".Can be stored in the refrigerator, at a temperature not lower than +4 ° C.

    Sometimes I use another method of preparation - the taste turns out a little different, and the lemonade turns out to be "with the pulp", but I like this lemonade even more:

    Ginger rub or beat with a blender. Wash the lemon and grind it with a blender. Then mix the ground ginger and lemon, grind with honey until a homogeneous mass is obtained and pour boiling water. Close, let it brew until it cools. Before use, shake to get into the glass not only lemonade, but also the pulp.

    Cream to improve sperm education

    1/2 tsp.grated fresh ginger root;

    2 egg yolks.

    Eggs boil hard( 10 minutes), cool, cut and remove the yolk. Ginger grate on a fine grater, it is better to immediately in the saucer, where you will prepare the cream, so as not to lose the leaky juice.

    Rinse the yolk and ginger with a spoon until smooth.

    You can eat this cream during or after a meal, or you can add it as an additive to salads - for this you can dilute it with 1 tsp.olive oil( based on one serving).

    To achieve a sustainable effect, it is advisable to eat one such serving 2-3 times a week. It is advisable not to drink alcohol on the days when you eat this cream.

    TIP.Every time it is better to prepare a fresh portion of the cream - after standing for 6 hours, it will lose half its strength, although the taste will remain the same.

    Cream for increasing sexual function

    About the benefits of kalgan and pistachios

    Kalgan is a herbaceous plant of the Ginger family. In Europe, it was called "the Russian root" for many centuries. However, ginger and kalgan are not interchangeable, because they have different properties. Externally, the root of the Kalgan differs from ginger in a reddish color. It is widely used in alcoholic beverage industry for flavoring, baking, homemade kvass, sbitney, berg, and as a constituent part of the world( aromatic oil used in the anointing of the anointing).On sale kalgan can be found in the form of rectangular pieces of the root, but more often in the form of powder - a milled dry root.

    Pistachio - wood, leaves and nuts of this tree have been used in cooking, treatment and carpentry for 2,500 years. In the east it is called the "tree of life".In Persia, pistachios were revered as a symbol of wealth. It has been scientifically proven that pistachio nuts have a toning effect, and they are recommended for chronic fatigue and for strengthening male strength.

    Pistachios clean and grind or crush into powder, add ginger and kalgan. Then mix this mixture with the base and eat 1 time per day( preferably at dinner) with food.

    As a basis, you can use cream or olive oil( 1 tablespoon), fat cream( 2 tablespoons) fatty sour cream( 2-3 tablespoons)

    You can add this cream as a dressing in salads or inas an acute sauce for the second course( one of my friends smears this cream on bread, but for me this "sandwich" seems too sharp).

    You can take daily for a week, then take a break for a week, or 2 times a week for a month, then it's also better to take a break for 2 weeks, after which the course can be repeated.

    Sexual problems of women

    For women, the use of ginger as a seasoning for dishes, various drinks with ginger and especially ginger tea is an excellent opportunity to normalize weight, and also to be always attractive.

    Sexual activity of

    Ginger enhances blood circulation, and it easily enters the pelvic organs, resulting in increased sexual activity not only in men but also in women. Therefore, try to add ginger to your diet more often, especially before and during a romantic dinner.

    Attractiveness of

    • A pleasant ginger flavor works well for men, so you can use cosmetics and perfume with a ginger flavor.

    • In addition, it is very useful to add ginger oil to salads - regular use of it increases the secretion through the skin of special compounds - pheromones, which increase your appeal due to the almost insensible smell, but very effective tool that activates the feminine for women and masculine for menand aimed at attracting a marriage partner.

    Shrimp for the treatment of frigidity

    This recipe remains intact since ancient times - it is still considered to be the main means of frigidity in China.

    Peeled shrimps to boil with salt and cool. Remove the red pepper from the tail and seeds and grind it in a blender or through a meat grinder.

    Shrimp the shrimps with pepper and put in a bowl, pour wine and vinegar. Close the bowl tightly and refrigerate. Marinated shrimp will be ready in 24 hours.

    Drain the marinade or pull out the right amount of shrimp and serve as a snack or as part of the decoration when serving the second course.


    1. Yellow wine is the oldest Chinese wine, which is still produced according to old recipes from rice or millet. In our shops it is rare, so if you do not go to China, then you can order it in solid online stores.

    2. If you want to achieve a more acute taste and spicy odor, you can put a few slices of fresh ginger root on the bottom of the bowl, and then spread the shrimps and marinade on it.

    For improvement of menstrual cycle and fertilization

    Infertility is a serious illness that needs to be treated with the help of doctors. However, if the problem in the general condition of a woman, during which the menstrual cycle is broken, the level of hormones responsible for the processes of fertilization is broken, then ginger can help. Japanese scientists claim that as a result of clinical studies, more than half of the women who participated in the experiment, after a daily intake of the ginger-containing diet, the menstrual cycle was restored in a month, and the problem of the hormone responsible for fertilization was solved.

    In other countries there are special preparations and dietary supplements based on ginger, but in Russia they are not yet sold. Therefore, every day, for a month, add ginger to various dishes( especially salads), drink ginger infusion or ginger tea. Such a "diet" will have a positive impact not only on gynecology, but also as a whole will significantly improve the overall health and normalize weight.

    Herbal collection for regulating the monthly cycle of

    This collection is recommended for various malfunctions of the monthly cycle, ovulation failure, and also for too abundant monthly periods. It is necessary to take:

    Tea against spasm during menstruation

    TIP.If you want to speed up the process of making this tea, you can boil water in a scoop, add ginger and mint to it and boil it on low heat or a water bath with the lid closed for 5 minutes, then add honey, wrap it with a towel and let stand for 5-10 minutes.

    Ginger and infertility treatment

    As early as the beginning of the 20th century, European doctors advised to drink herbal tea with ginger to prepare for pregnancy, in order to achieve a tonic effect for the uterus, kidneys, liver and general strengthening of the hormonal system. In the East, there are both ancient and modern means.

    Japanese infertility treatment tool

    Japanese scientists managed to create a remedy based on local herbs, which includes most of the ginger powder that can solve the infertility problem in women. Specialists from the Osaka Medical College studied the effect of this medication on one hundred sick women, half of whom received this medication daily for four weeks, and the other half made up a control group to compare the result.

    The preparation contains 12 plant components, including ginseng, cinnamon, ginger. It turned out that receiving women in more than half the cases managed to restore the menstrual cycle and the maturation of eggs. In some cases, the drug also solved the problem of violations of the level of the hormone responsible for the processes of fertilization.

    Experts who have studied the report of this study, published by The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, recognize the effect of a new agent based on ginger. However, they believe that it is still necessary several years of experiments to finally launch the medicine in a wide sale. However, this is a normal practice for all new medicines. So it can be assumed that women with infertility now have hope.

    Ginger tea with infertility

    Means for "fertility" of ginger, turmeric and other spices have long been known in the East.

    In India, it is customary to give a bride on the wedding day a canvas bag, usually embroidered with gold threads, in which lie the roots of ginger with kidneys. It was believed that the girl must put these roots and take care of her own hands, then soon she will have a happy motherhood.

    Ginger clean and grate, pour boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat, add turmeric, cinnamon and pepper, stir, cover with a lid or a towel and let it brew for 5 more minutes.

    Drink this tea better during or after eating 1 time per day 2-3 times a week.

    Pickled prawns with infertility and frigidity

    This dish has been used for thousands of years by Chinese healers as an effective remedy against female infertility and frigidity.

    The curative composition of marinated shrimp

    Sometimes we replace the onion-Tartar with a common onion, rice vinegar for fruit, and Shaoxing wine for the usual. If you cook just a dish for a festive table, it is quite acceptable, although the aroma will turn out different. However, for medical purposes, you need to use the right ingredients.

    Tatar bow( it is also called butterfly or Chinese onion) is grown in many countries, including Russia, but it comes from China - there it has been known for more than 5 thousand years as a valuable medicinal plant. It contains 2 times more vitamin C than in onions, and many other useful elements. If you do not grow it on your site, you can buy it in large supermarkets and in the market.

    Shaoxing yellow wine is the oldest known Chinese wine that has been produced for more than 5 thousand years from glutinous rice by special technology. It not only does not spoil itself with time, but does not allow to spoil other products.

    Rice vinegar is made on the basis of a mixture of different varieties of rice, it is much more useful than ordinary vinegar and contains a large number of amino acids. Chinese rice vinegar is very sharp. We sell it in supermarkets in the markets and in specialized stores.

    Peeled shrimp toss in a saucepan with boiling water and cook for 2-3 minutes. Then drain the water.

    Prepare the marinade: mix the vinegar with the wine and heat on the stove to 50 ° C.

    Cut a small piece of ginger into very thin slices and place them on the bottom of the jar. Tartar onion( leaves or a head) cut into thin rings and lay on ginger. Top with boiled warm prawns and pour over warmed marinade. Leave at room temperature for 12-14 hours.

    Herbal tea with ginger for the preparation of the body for pregnancy

    When preparing the body for bearing a baby, one should not forget about additional saturation with vitamins and trace elements - they will now be needed for two! If there is a shortage in something - both you and the child can suffer and even get concomitant metabolic disorders. To avoid this, I propose to use the recipe for herbal tea, which gynecologists are allowed to use during pregnancy. This tea can also be drunk during the entire pregnancy.

    The herb collection should be mixed and brewed at the rate of 3 tbsp.l.mixture per liter of water. Grasses put in a liter jar and pour to the brim with boiling water. Infuse the night, drink the next day, like regular tea, adding sugar or honey to taste. In this case, you need to pour 1/3 cup of infusion, the rest - boiled water. In a day, you can drink from half to an entire can of infusion. During pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester, you need to regulate the amount of fluid entering the body. In this case it is better to consult a doctor and find out how much tea is allowed to drink during the day.

    Ginger in toxicosis( nausea)

    When toxicosis( but only in the first trimester of pregnancy!) From nausea, you will be saved by ginger in any form:


    Do not forget that ginger is a very active product, so during pregnancy you should consume itin limited quantities - no more than 2 glasses of tea a day. If you dissolve it, or add other dishes - proportionally reduce the consumption of ginger tea.

    You can not take ginger and ginger-containing medications if there is a threat of miscarriage or if the previous time you already had a miscarriage.

    Invigorating baths for increasing libido

    Sexual desire and sexual instincts increase in both women and men when using essential oil of ginger. You can use it in a variety of ways, for example, adding it to aroma-flavoring and aroma- medallions. But baths with addition of ginger infusion or essential oil of ginger are especially effective.

    Men's diseases recipes


    • Mix in equal parts by weight dry crushed young bark hazelnut, the roots of parsley curly. Decoction.30 g of mixture pour 1 liter of boiling ginger water, boil for 20 minutes, cool, strain, add 1 tbsp.l.ginger honey. Drink during the day slowly, in small sips.

    • Stir the clavate-shaped spiny of the clavate-1 part, the flesh of the plum fruit is homemade - 6 parts, ginger honey - 2 parts. Take 1 tbsp.l.this mixture every 2 hours.

    • Mix in the parts by weight the leafy shoots of the camel thorn - 1, the roots of the elderberry grass - 1, the leaves of the aloe tree - 1, the fruits of the dill - 2. Take 1 tbsp.l.mixture - pour 200 ml of boiling ginger water, insist 20 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals.

    • When stagnating urine, take 30 g of birch leaves, 3 tbsp.l.ginger honey, pour 1 liter of white boiling wine and another 15 minutes, drain. Drink on the coffee cup 3 times a day an hour after a meal, and during the day every hour for several sips.


    • 40 g of chopped horse chestnut seed coat pour 0.6 l of boiling ginger water and leave for 12 hours. Without filtering, infusion evaporate to 0.2 liters, then strain, add ginger honey to taste and take 1 tsp.3 times a day after meals. This drug is amenable to successful treatment of chronic prostatitis in combination with prostate adenoma.

    • Tea on ginger water from small-flowered herb grass with ginger honey is useful to drink warm 1 cup in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 30 minutes before bedtime. Tea - a radical remedy for the treatment of prostatitis of any severity, prostate adenoma, and also effective in cancer of the bladder, prostate and scrotum.

    • 20 flowers of chamomile pharmacy pour 120 ml of boiling ginger water, infuse for 3 hours, strain, add 1 tsp.ginger honey, warmed to 40 ° C.Enter for the night in the rectum with chronic nonspecific prostatitis and colliculitis. These microclysters contribute to the attenuation of the inflammatory process, a reduction in pain in the perineum, in the testicles and lead to the disappearance of rapid urge to urinate.

    • Mix in dry parts of dried birch leaves, horsetail grass in equal parts by weight. Infusion.2 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.4 liters of boiling ginger water, insist 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 200 ml 3 times daily before meals.

    • Mix in divided parts by volume the dry shredded leaves of the birch, the herb of the mountaineer bird and basil, stigma of corn. Infusion.4 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.6 l of boiling ginger water, insist 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 200 ml 3 times daily before meals.

    • Mix in equal parts by weight dry ground juniper berries, angelica roots medicinal, flower petals cornflower blue. Infusion.1 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.4 liters of boiling ginger water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 100 ml 3 times daily before meals.

    • Mix in divided parts by weight of dry crushed rhizomes of medicinal herbs, Veronica officinalis grass. Infusion.2 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water, heat on low heat for 3 minutes, insist 6 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 150 ml 3 times a day for 20 minutes before meals. Before going to bed, put in the rectum suppository( candle) "Apilaka".The course of treatment is 20 days.

    • Mix in pieces by weight dry crushed leaves of bearberry - 3, flower petals of cornflower blue - 1, licorice roots naked - 1. Infusion.1 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.2 liters of boiling ginger water, heat on low heat for 15 minutes, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 tbsp.l.3-5 times a day.

    • Mix in equal parts by volume dry ground grass, horsetail, cherry stems, chicory roots. Infusion.4 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.6 l of boiling ginger water, insist 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 200 ml 3 times daily before meals with the treatment of acute prostatitis.

    • Mix in dry parts of dried birch leaves, lemon balm, parsley curly, juniper berries. Infusion.4 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.6 l of boiling ginger water, insist 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 200 ml 3 times daily before meals with the treatment of acute prostatitis.

    • Mix in divided parts by volume dry crushed leaves of birch, grass of mountaineer bird and basil, stigma of corn. Infusion.4 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.6 liters of boiling water, insist 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 200 ml 3 times daily before meals.

    • Mix in divided parts by volume dry crushed yarrow herb, birch leaves, bearberry. Infusion.4 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.6 liters of boiling ginger water, heat on low heat for 15 minutes, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 200 ml 3-4 times daily before meals when treating chronic prostatitis.

    • Mix in parts by volume basil grass - 1, walnut leaves - 1, horseradish roots - 4. Tincture.12 tbsp.l.crushed mixture pour 1 liter of boiling dry grape wine, insist 1 day, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 50 ml every hour and 100 ml 3 times daily before meals.

    • 30 g of needles, pour 1 g of ginger water, cook in a sealed container on low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink with acute prostatitis up to 5 glasses a day.

    • Root parsley finely chopped, 1 tbsp.l.root pour 0.5 cup of boiling ginger water, again bring to a boil, insist night, drain in the morning, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 tbsp.l.4 times a day for half an hour before meals.

    • In case of acute prostatitis, 30 g of pear-blossom flowers should be poured with 1 liter of boiling ginger water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 5 glasses a day instead of tea or water.

    • Take 400 g of strawberries, half a solid pear, 1 ripe banana, 1 tbsp.l.brewer's yeast. Squeeze juice from strawberries and pears. Place the juice, banana and yeast in the mixer and mix until smooth, add the ginger honey to taste. Take 1 glass of the mixture 3 times daily before meals.

    • With prostatitis, brew 2 tbsp.l.leaves spring primrose 0,5 l of boiling ginger water and insist the night in a thermos, drain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1 glass a morning in 10 minutes before meals and in the evening, already in bed.

    • For the treatment of chronic prostatitis it is recommended to regularly eat pumpkin seeds with ginger honey in the morning, shortly before breakfast, and if possible, that is, throughout the day.

    • Take the seeds of parsley, crushed into powder.4 tsp.powder pour a glass of boiling ginger water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 tbsp.l.once a day.

    • During the whole period of treatment of chronic prostatitis it is necessary to consume as much as possible onions, garlic, aloe, calanchoe, and ginger honey for 1 tsp.3 times a day.

    • The terminal branches of willows are used as an anti-inflammatory agent in prostatitis.1 tbsp.l.finely planed thin branches to brew a glass of boiling ginger water, boil for 5 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

    • Pour 0.5 l of ginger water 1 tbsp.l.chopped licorice roots are naked and cook them for 10 min. After cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 30-50 ml before each meal.

    • Take in equal parts by weight birch leaves, common hazel, horsetail grass field.4 tbsp.l.3 minutes ginger mixture, pour 3 glasses of ginger water, cook on low heat in a closed dish for 5-7 minutes, insist 1 hour, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for a month with a chronic prostatitis.

    • For chronic prostatitis, take ginger honey for 1 tsp.2-3 times a day and honey infusion from the rhodiola rosea root( dilute 1 tablespoon ginger honey in 300 ml boiling water, stir 1 tablespoon rhodiola root powder, pour honey infusion and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, insist1 hour, strain, drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day).At the same time, make microclysters from 50 ml of a 30% solution of ginger honey( 30 grams of ginger honey per 100 ml of water) at a temperature of 37 ° C.

    • Pear fruits are curative in inflammation of the genitourinary system, and pear-wild fruit have high bactericidal properties. The leaves of this pear can replace the fruit. Pear fruit is an effective remedy for the treatment of prostatitis. The therapeutic effect comes in a few days. Long-term use of pear compote with ginger honey leads to almost complete cure. If you are already over 50, then dry for the winter pear-wild and its leaves, so that from autumn to spring you can drink from them compote and fragrant tea with ginger honey. This serves not only to treat, but also prevent the disease.

    • Grate the onion, pour 0.5 liters of hot milk, insist, wrap, night, strain, add ginger honey to taste and drink with the prostatitis on the glass 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

    • Prepare a mixture of seeds of plantain, onion, parsley, coriander, carrots - all in equal parts.2 tbsp.l.blend the mixture in a mortar, pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water and hold in a water bath for 30 minutes, insist night. Strain, add ginger honey to taste. In the morning, drink 0.5 cups on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. In the evening 1 glass to drink already lying in bed, warmed by a heating pad, is a necessary condition for treatment.

    • Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are treatable with burdock root. The root is well washed, finely chopped.1 tbsp.l.root boil in 0.5 l of ginger water over a low heat 10 min. Strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 0.5 cup 4 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

    • 8 tbsp.l.horseradish and 2 tbsp.l.chopped walnut leaves and flowering tops of basil pour 1 liter of red dry wine, insist 24 hours, shaking the contents, bring to a boil, cook in a sealed container on low heat for 10 minutes, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 50 grams every hour for acute prostatitis and 100 g 3 times daily before meals with prostatitis.

    • Shredded shell from 1 kg of hazelnut nuts pour 2 l of ginger water and boil on low heat until 1 liter of broth remains, strain and carefully stir in the broth 1 kg of ginger honey. Take 30 ml 3 times a day before meals, drinking decoction of rose hips. Cases of complete cure for prostatitis, adenoma of the prostate gland by this means of patients in old age are known.

    • 1 tbsp.l.ginger honey and 1 tbsp.l.mix pollen with freshly prepared yogurt. This mixture should be taken 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months. If necessary, repeat the treatment in a month's time.

    • Mix in equal parts by weight dry "cones" of hops, grass motherwort.

    Infusion.1 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.6 liters of boiling ginger water, insist 5-6 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 200 ml 3 times a day after meals for 1-1,5 months.with violations of the sexual function associated with a disorder of the nervous system( sluggish erection, decreased sexual desire, accelerated ejaculation).

    • Mix in parts by weight dry flowers of calendula - 1, herb of oregano - 2. Infusion.1 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water, insist 8-10 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 200 ml 3 times daily before meals.

    Prostate adenoma

    • Root of nettle nettle, licorice nude, calgan take 1 tsp, chop and pour 600 ml of cold ginger water. Put on fire, boil on low heat for 10-12 minutes. Infuse for 1 hour at room temperature, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 glass in the morning and in the evening.

    • 1 tbsp.l.chopped parsley root pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist the night in a thermos, drain in the morning, add ginger honey to taste. Drink all the infusion during the day, taking 1 tbsp.l.with intervals of an hour and a half.

    • Squeeze juice from fresh parsley, mix in half with ginger honey and take 2 tbsp.l.2-3 times a day with adenoma, prostate diseases, with cystitis, urolithiasis, kidney spasms( contraindicated in nephritis) and edema.

    • Pine pollen with ginger honey 1: 1 is useful for consuming 1 tsp.in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before dinner, drinking decoction of rose hips, with prostate adenoma, as well as a fortifying vitamin remedy prescribed after severe illnesses and operations.

    • Decoction.1 tbsp.l.chopped young fresh shoots of pine pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water, boil 10 minutes, insist 20 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals.

    • Juice of raw pumpkin is recommended to drink with ginger honey 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

    • Mix in equal parts by weight dry crushed rhizomes of blood grouse medicinal, rhizomes of yellow eggplant, cherry stems ordinary. Decoction.1 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water, boil for 10 minutes, insist 20 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.

    • Mix in equal parts by weight of dry crushed herbal mattress grass and bloody drug lozenges.

    Infusion.1 tbsp.l.mixture pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist 30 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. To drink infusion warm at once, better in the morning.

    • Mix in equal parts by weight dry ground grass grass horsetail, stigma corn, pear leaves ordinary. Cooking and taking as a previous collection.

    • Mix dry, crushed birch leaves in equal parts by weight, leaves,( dried pen) onions. Cooking and taking as a previous collection.

    • Mix in equal parts by weight dry powdered thyme herb creeping, black currant leaves, hazel leaves ordinary. Cooking and taking as a previous collection.

    • Mix in equal parts by weight dry shredded black nightshade herb, stems of cherry, blackberry. Infusion.4 tbsp.l.mixture pour 0.6 l of boiling ginger water, insist 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 200 ml 3 times daily before meals.

    • Mix in divided parts by weight dry powdered dandelion roots, curly parsley leaves, medicinal sage leaves, leaves or shoot tips with wormwood buds. Cooking and taking as a previous collection.

    • Mix in equal parts by weight dry ground grass horsetail, grass, mountaineer bird, leaves bearberry, stigma corn, hips. Take 5 tbsp.l.mixture, pour 1 liter of cold ginger water, heat for 30 minutes on low heat or in a water bath, insist 2-3 hours, drain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. With prolonged use of decoction, urine retention and pain disappear.

    • Take in equal parts birch leaves, common hazel, horsetail grass.4 tbsp.l.powdered mixture pour 3 glasses of ginger water, cook on low heat in a sealed container for 5-7 minutes, insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 100 ml 8 times a day for 30-40 days.

    • 1 tbsp.l.crushed( still greenish) bark of hazel common and 3 tbsp.l.chopped root of parsley pour 1 l of boiling ginger water, cook in a sealed container on low heat for 20 minutes, drain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink instead of water during the day.

    • 1 tbsp.l.chopped licorice roots naked cook for 10 minutes in 0.5 l of ginger water, chill, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 2/3 cup 3 times daily before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

    • Mix 1: 1 ginger honey and bearberry leaf powder. Take 1 tsp.morning and evening on an empty stomach, washed down with infusion of melissa leaves.

    • A mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber juices, taken in equal proportions, take 1 tbsp.l.with ginger honey 3 times a day for a long time.

    • 2 tbsp.l.blossoming spring primrose brew 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water and insist night, drain, add honey to taste. Drink 1 glass in the morning and in the evening 30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment is 40 days.

    • Inflorescence of elderberry black is treated with adenoma.

    1 tbsp.l.dry crushed elderberry flowers pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist in a sealed container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for at least 45 minutes, drain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    • Mix in equal parts by weight the grass of the horsetail of the field, the inflorescence of feather grass.

    2 handful of mixture pour 2 liters of boiling ginger water, boil for 15 minutes, insist before cooling, strain, add 50 g of ginger honey, stir in the broth. Ready to use the broth heated to 40 ° C for a sitting bath. The bath should be taken for 10 minutes, covered with a warm blanket, after putting a cleansing enema from the infusion of chamomile. Such sedentary baths are done before bedtime. After the treatment bath, rinse with warm water.

    • Mix 3: 1 juice from the leaves of Kalanchoe pinnate and ginger honey. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals. There are cases of complete cure of prostatic adenoma by this remedy. It is also useful to eat 1 / 3-1 / 2 leaves with ginger honey 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    • 1 tbsp.l.dry crushed internal bark of young branches of aspen, pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist in a sealed container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for at least 45 minutes, drain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals with the initial stages of prostate hypertrophy, as well as in the later development of adenoma, when the operation is contraindicated for some reason, with prostate cancer.

    Infusion of the bark is also useful for kidney disease, loss of strength, excessive excitability, irritability, incontinence and urinary retention.

    • Mix 1: 3 ginger honey and pumpkin seed powder. Take 1-2 tbsp.l.morning and evening on an empty stomach, washing down with the broth of rose hips. Using this remedy, older people can get rid of adenomas of large sizes.

    Columns of the

    • Tea on ginger water from "cones" of ordinary hops with ginger honey is useful for drinking with frequent pollutions and priapism, insomnia on the grounds of increased sexual arousal, premature ejaculation, menopausal disorders, with pyelonephritis, cystitis, kidney stone disease, prostatitis, urinary incontinence, vegetative vascular diseasedystonia.

    • Oriental thyme seeds are ground on a coffee grinder into a powder, mix 1: 1 with ginger honey and take 1 tsp.3 times a day with pollutions as a strengthening and tonic.

    • Peppermint( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l., Common Hops( "cones") - 4 tbsp. L., raspberry( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l. Shredded mixture pour 1 liter of boiling ginger water, leave for 2 hours, strain, sweeten with ginger honey. Drink all the infusion for one day. After eating, eat 2 apples.

    • Nasturtium large( grass) - 2 tbsp. L., parsnip sowing( roots and fruits, 1: 1) - 2 tbsp. L., blackberry sizaya( leaves) - 2 tbsp.l. The method of preparation and use is similar to the previous collection. After breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat 300 grams of ripe red berries.

    • 2 tbsp.l.fresh or dried cornelian fruits boil in 1 glass of ginger water, insist 8 hours, stretch the flesh of the fruit, add ginger honey to taste. Take infusion along with the fruit 1/2 cup 2 times a day with spermatorrhea, nocturnal pollutions, impotence.

    Reduction of erection

    • St. John's wort( grass) - 40 g, elecampane high( roots) - 30 g, yarrow ordinary( grass) - 20 g, mountain herring bird - 40 g, lemongrian chinese( fruits) - 15 g, Oregano( grass) - 30 g. Take 1 tsp.mixture, pour 200 ml of boiling ginger water, heat on a water bath for 15 minutes, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 30-50 ml 4 times a day for 15 days.

    • Onion( seeds) - 6 g, poppy seeds( seeds) - 12 g, hemp seed( seeds) - 18 g, sesame Indian( seeds peeled) - 15 g, carrots wild( fruits) - 9 g, nettle nettle(seeds) - 12 g. All components are ground into a powder and evenly mixed with ginger honey. Take 10 grams of this medication at the reception, mixed with a diluted dessert wine.

    • Peppermint( leaves) - 2 tbsp.l., gold-thousand-toner red( grass) - 2 tbsp.l., Common Hops( "cones") - 2 tbsp.l. Shredded mixture pour 1.2 liters of boiling ginger water, leave for 2 hours, drain. Take 200 ml 3 times a day before meals, pre-sweetened with ginger honey. The remaining 0.6 l is used for compresses that are applied to the penis 3 times a day for 2 hours.

    • Nasturtium large( leaves) - 2 tbsp.l., sage medicinal( leaves) - 2 tbsp.l., Melissa officinalis( leaves) - 2 tbsp.l. The method of preparation and use is similar to the previous collection. After eating, drink 200 ml of blueberry juice.

    • Pasternak seed( fruits and roots, 1: 1) - 2 tbsp. L., raspberry( leaves) - 2 tbsp.l., Common Hops( "cones") - 2 tbsp.l. The method of preparation and use is similar to the previous collection. After eating, drink 200 ml of apple juice.

    • Redwood( red grass) - 2 tbsp.l., Common oak( branch bark) - 2 tbsp.l., sage medicinal( leaf) - 2 tbsp.l. The method of preparation and use is similar to the previous collection. After a meal, there are 300-500 g of ripe fruits medlar, or red ashberry.

    Increased sexual excitability

    • Common hopper( "cones") - 50 g, peppermint( leaves) - 50 g, lemon balm( leaves) -50 g. Take 3 tsp.chopped mixture, pour 0,5 l of beer, insist 12 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1/2 cup or take all at once, depending on the degree of sexual arousal.

    • Common hops( cones) - 5 g, St. John's wort puffed( grass) - 5 g, valerian officinalis( rhizomes with roots) - 5 g, drop of medicinal( grass) - 5 g. Mix the mixture with 0.6 l of boiling gingerwater, insist 30 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste and take 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

    • Tea on ginger water from yellow egg capsules or white water lily with ginger honey is useful for increased sexual excitability.

    • 1 tbsp.l.male inflorescences( "earrings") willow purple pour 0.6 l of boiling ginger water, insist 30-60 min, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink a glass 3 times a day for 10 minutes before eating.

    Other indications: erotomania, nymphomania, pollutions, masturbation, insomnia on erotic soil.

    • Mature fruit of sacred vitek is crushed in a coffee grinder into a powder, mix 1: 1 with ginger honey and take 1 tsp.3 times a day with increased sexual excitability. This remedy is useful for people who suffer from pollutions and are excessively addicted to masturbation.

    • Tea on ginger water from grass of ordinary water-grass with ginger honey is useful for drinking with spermatherapy, frequent pollutions, as a means of suppressing excessively high sexual activity and soothing with nightmarish dreams.

    • Tea on ginger water from flowering herb oregano with ginger honey is useful to drink with increased sexual excitability, increased nervous excitability, insomnia. Tea does not weaken male potency, but after a regular intake of it, the pollutions stop.

    • 1 tsp.dry chopped grass nightshade sweet brew 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist in a sealed container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for at least 45 minutes, drain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 30 ml 3 times daily before meals with increased sexual excitability, as well as with inflammation of the bladder and cystourethritis.

    • Basil of common( grass) - 1 tbsp.l., gold-bearing red( grass) - 1 tbsp. L., Valerian officinalis( rhizomes with roots) - 1 tbsp.l., Shandra vulgaris( grass) - 1 tbsp.l. Shredded mixture pour 0.8 liters of boiling ginger water, insist 2 hours, strain, sweeten with ginger honey. Take 100 ml every 2 hours.

    • Rosemary officinalis( leaves) - 1 tbsp. L., the mistletoe is white, growing on a pear or poplar( leaves), -1 tbsp.l., Common Hops( "bumps") - 1 tbsp. L., wormwood( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l. The method of preparation and use is similar to the previous collection.,

    • Melissa officinalis( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l., water lily white( flowers) - 1 tbsp.l., Three-leaved watch( leaves) - 1 tbsp. L., wormwood( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l. The method of preparation and use is similar to the previous collection.

    • Mistletoe white, growing on a pear or poplar( leaves), - 1 tbsp. L., rue fragrant( grass) - 1 tbsp. L., wormwood( leaves) - 2 tbsp.l. The method of preparation and use is similar to the previous collection.

    • 1 tbsp.l.dry crushed leaves and flowers of a spray, pour a glass of boiling ginger water, to stand, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take 1/4 cup, stirring in it 1 tsp.ginger honey, 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals.

    Ejaculation premature

    • Valerian officinalis( roots) - 10 g, rosehip( fruits) - 30 g, thyme creeping( grass) - 5 g, St. John's wort puffed( grass) - 10 g, motherwort( grass) - 40 g, yarrowordinary( grass) - 30 g, plantain large( leaves) - 30 g, common hops( "cones") - 20 g. Take 1 tbsp.l.mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water, heat on a water bath for 15 minutes, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 150 ml 3 times a day for 15 days.

    • Yellow tuber( rhizome) - 15 g, medicinal nails( inflorescences) - 10 g. Take 1 tbsp.l.mixture, pour 200 ml of boiling ginger water, heat on a water bath or low heat for 15-30 minutes, insist until cooled, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup 3 times daily after meals.

    • Oregano( grass) - 30 g, medicinal nails( inflorescences) - 15 g. Pour a mixture of 1 liter of boiling ginger water, insist 8-10 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 100 ml per day before meals.

    • Portulaca vegetable( seeds) - 75 g, lettuce( seeds) - 75 g. Mix the mixture into powder, mix with ginger honey and take 20 grams together with decoction of lentil seeds.

    • Ruta scented( seeds) - 9 g, lettuce( seeds) - 15 g. Components are ground into powder and mixed with ginger honey and apple cider vinegar. Take 6 g of this mixture for several days in a row.


    • Lemon( juice) - 3 pieces, ginger honey - 200 g, eggs of chicken( yolk) - 3 pieces, cognac or red wine of malaga - 200 g. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals.

    • Pine( kidney) - 100 g, walnut( leaves) - 100 g, mulberry white( leaves) - 100 g, Icelandic Pescaria( thallus) - 100 g. To 2 tbsp.l. Add 1 tsp to this mixture.flax seeds, pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water, boil for 10 minutes, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 75 ml 2 hours after meals 3 times a day.

    • Raspberries - 50 g, dodder Chinese( seeds) - 50 g, plantain large( seeds) - 50 g, anchovies creeping( fruit) - 50 g, lemongrass chinese( fruits) - 50 g. Grind the mixture on a coffee grinder, mixed with ginger honey( make honey balls).Take 7.5 g 3 times a day.

    • Yarrow common( grass) - 1 tbsp. L., black elderberry( flowers) - 1 tbsp.l., birch pendant( leaves) - 1 tbsp. L., St. John's wort puffed( grass) - 1 tbsp.l., Stinging nettle( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l., gold-bearing red( grass) - 1 tbsp.l. Crushed mixture pour 1.2 liters of boiling ginger water, insist 1,5 hours, strain, sweeten with ginger honey. Take 200 ml before and after eating. In the morning and in the evening before going to bed eat 1 tsp.ginger honey, washing it with 100 ml of water.

    • Peppermint( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l., Stinging nettle( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l., Melissa officinalis( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l., thighbone ivy( grass) - 1 tbsp.l., yarrow common( grass) - 1 tbsp.l., birch pendant( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l. The method of preparation and use is similar to the previous collection. In the morning and in the evening before going to bed eat 1 tsp.ginger honey, washing it with 100 ml of water. After 30 days of treatment, pause for about 30 days, and then repeat the course of treatment.

    • 3 tbsp.l.powdered pistachio seeds, this is enough to pour 1.5 cups of ginger water, heat 30 minutes in a sealed container on a hot plate, do not bring to a boil, insist before cooling, add ginger honey to taste. Take as a tonic, restorative and stimulant, enhancing spermatogenesis and helping with male infertility, 1/4 cup 4 times daily before meals. Shake before use.

    • Tea made from grass and fruits of anchovies creeping with ginger honey is one of the most effective means of increasing "masculine strength", stimulates the sexual sphere with impotence, is useful in male infertility and prostatic hypertrophy, has a restorative effect for restoring the strength after severe illnesses,crushing stones in the kidneys and bladder.

    • Tea on ginger water from the field grass with ginger honey is useful to drink as a potentiating agent for men and also for male infertility.

    • Currant black( leaves) - 100 g, birch dangling( leaves) - 100 g, blueberry( leaves) -100 g. Take 2 tsp.mix, pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. To drink as tea on 1 glass in the morning and in the evening.

    Impotence of different genesis

    • Tincture.50 grams of ginger powder, 10 grams of carnation powder( spice) and vanilla, 5 g of cinnamon powder, 1 kg of powdered sugar, pour 2 liters of white dry grape wine, mix thoroughly, insist in a dark cool place for 24 hours, stirring occasionally, strain throughmultilayer gauze. Before you go to the bed of love, drink from one glass in small sips this exciting "flame of love" a wonderful love potion. It will not disappoint you.

    • Mix the walnut powder with an equal amount of ginger honey. Take 1 tbsp.l.mixture 2-3 times a day 30 minutes after eating, washed down with milk( preferably goat).The course of treatment is 30 days. If necessary, repeat after 2 weeks break. Mixture is a tonic, restorative and nutritious remedy with total weakness, exhaustion of the body in case of serious illness, physical and mental overwork.

    • Cowberry fruits with ginger honey are an excellent aphrodisiac for elderly men and elderly people. They are also useful as a diuretic in diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

    • Rape roots root powder mixed 1: 1 with ginger honey. Take impotence for 1 tsp.3 times a day before meals, drinking decoction of rose hips.

    • Fruit the anise powder into powder on a grinder, mix 1: 1 with ginger honey. Take 1 tsp.on reception 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals with sexual impotence and to increase urination.

    • Powder of spring spring primrose blend 1: 1 with ginger honey. Take impotence for 1 tsp.3 times a day before meals, drinking decoction of rose hips.

    • Powder the fruits of parsley to mix 1: 1 with ginger honey. Take 1 tsp.3 times a day before meals, drinking decoction of rose hips, with impotence, nephritis, inflammation of the prostate.

    • 3-5 grams of crushed rhizomes of European hooves pour 1 cup of boiling milk, heat on a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 tbsp.l.every 2 hours to increase the number of male seed.

    • Tea on ginger water from the grass of a commissary of chemist's with ginger honey is useful to drink after suffering severe illnesses and a large loss of blood, as an exciting and tonic for impotence and asthenia.

    • Carrots. Valuable for impotence, to achieve the best result, take 150 g of grated, half-cooked carrot in milk and mix with 1 tbsp.l.honey. There is a mixture needed once a day for one to two months.

    • Ginger. Ginger juice acts as an aphrodisiac and is useful for sexual weakness. For best results, 1/2 tsp. Ginger juice should be taken with a semi-boiled egg and ginger honey once a day at night for a month. The drug strengthens the potency, treats premature ejaculation and spermatorrhea.

    • Ginger powder with honey should be taken every day with impotence.

    • Mix the nutmeg powder 1: 1 with ginger honey. Take daily 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day, washing down the broth of rose hips.

    • Nettle seed powder mix with ginger honey and dry grape wine 1: 1: 1.Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals. This means increases spermatogenesis and sexual desire.

    • Freshly squeezed carrot juice mixed with ginger honey( 1: 1).Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day. This same mixture is very useful in disorders of the digestive tract.

    • 3 tbsp.l.fresh crushed leaves in a slurry of plantain mixed with 3 tbsp.l.ginger honey, insist in a warm place for 4 hours. Formed syrup take 1 tsp.4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals to increase sexual activity, with impotence, inflammation of the bladder, bedwetting.

    • An ointment from the wormwood powder tarragon( tarragon) with ginger honey is useful to rub into the penis to enhance the erection.

    • Tea on ginger water from fresh herbs of porphyry with ginger honey is useful for drinking in the treatment of early ejaculation.

    • Tea on ginger water from grass of wild radish with ginger honey is useful for drinking at sexual impotence in old age.

    • Tea in ginger water from rosemary leaves with ginger honey is useful to drink as a tonic and restorative for impotence, physical and mental fatigue, senile weakness, after a serious illness and a surgery.

    • Tea on ginger water from herb rue fragrant with ginger honey is useful to drink as a restorative and tonic, which relieves fatigue, calming the nervous system. Tea is considered a good remedy for hypogonadism, from impotence.

    • Powder of the roots of shampoo ordinary mixed 1: 1 with ginger honey. Take daily 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day, washing down the broth of rose hips, to stimulate the sexual desire.

    • 1 tbsp.l.of Japanese sophora fruit pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist in a sealed container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for at least 45 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating with vitamin C for impotence associated with impaired functions of the genital organs, as well as secondary( gy-gonadotropic) hypogonadism.

    • 1 tbsp.l.fresh crushed roots of parsnip pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist in a sealed container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for at least 45 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals to stimulate the appetite with a general decline of strength, as a means of restoring the strength after severe illness, which stimulates sexual function.

    • 100 g of a mixture of equal amounts of fruits and roots of the cow grouse pour 1 l of red wine and 50 g of ginger honey, insist 2 days, shaking the contents from time to time, strain. Take 250 g before meals with insufficient sexual function.

    • Take 30-40 g of yeast and 1 tbsp.l.powdered milk and ginger honey. Stir with ginger water and drink. In addition, retention enemas from yeast or powdered milk are useful, and taking 15 drops of propolis tincture 2 times a day.

    • Infertility in men( inability to fertilize due to lack or incompleteness of

    sperm cells in the sperm).Take the juice from 3 lemons, 3 yolks of chicken eggs, 200 g of ginger honey and 150-200 g of cognac( or red wine, better than malaga), mix everything thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals.

    • Take 50 g of cannabis seeds and 25 g of celery, grind, mix with 150 grams of ginger honey. Take 1 tbsp.l.2 hours after eating.

    • Asparagus - 1 kg, cow's milk - 1 kg, butter - 1 kg, carrots wild( fruits) - 90 g, turnips( seeds) - 90 g. The vegetable components are ground into powder and mixed with milk and butter. Boil until the milk evaporates and a thick mass remains, add ginger honey to taste, take 1 time per day for 85-170 g.

    • Sage medicinal( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l., savory garden( grass) - 1 tbsp.l., Peppermint( leaves) - 1 tbsp. L., nasturtium large( grass) - 1 tbsp.l., Celery( whole plant) - 1 tbsp.l., nettle, dioecious( seeds) - 1 tbsp.l., rosemary officinalis( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l. Shredded mixture pour 1.4 liters of boiling ginger water, insist 1,5 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 200 ml before and after eating.

    • Peppermint( leaves) - 10 g, medicinal rosemary( leaves) - 20 g, savory garden( grass) - 20 g, fennel ordinary( fruits) - 20 g. 1 tbsp.l.mixture put in a thermos, pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water. After half an hour, and even better before going to bed to drink half, and the rest - the next morning, sweetened to taste with ginger honey.

    • Stinging nettle( rhizome) - 100 g, ordinary aram( rhizomes) - 25 g, lemon balm( leaves) - 25 g, medicinal nails( inflorescences) - 25 g, medicinal sage( leaves) - 25 g.powder. Take with ginger honey 1/2 tsp.this powder 3 times a day.

    • Ordinary root( rhizome) - 50 g, lemon balm( leaves) - 25 g, gooseberry goose( grass) - 50 g, nettle( leaves) - 25 g, medicinal nails( inflorescences) - 50 g, rue scentedgrass) - 25 g. Take 1.5 tbsp.l.mixture, pour 0.4 g of ginger water and bring to a boil on low heat( but do not boil!), insist 10 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 2/3 cup 2-3 times a day between meals. At the same time, along with this infusion, take one vitamin E capsule

    . • St. John's wort( grass) - 40 g, elephant high( roots) - 30 g, birdwort( grass) - 40 g, yarrow( grass) - 20g, oregano( grass) - 30 g, Chinese magnolia-tree( fruits) - 15 g. Take 1 tsp.mix, pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 / 5-1 / 4 cup 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Efficiency - more than 60%.

    • Sandy sainfoin( grass) - 50 g, field grass( grass) - 50 g. 2 tbsp.l.mixture pour 1 cup boiling ginger water, insist 1 hour, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 50-100 ml 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for 1 week, and then repeat the treatment.

    • Turnip( seeds) - 50 g, pumpkin or melon( seed kernels) - 50 g, carrots wild( fruits) - 50 g. All components are ground into powder, mixed and taken once a day for 9 g of this mixture, washing downfresh milk with ginger honey.

    • Tincture.100 g of fennel fruit pour 1 liter of port, insist for 3 weeks, periodically shaking the contents, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 100 ml after dinner as an aphrodisiac for hyposexuality and impotence.

    • With impotence, you will need: 150 ml of aloe juice, 250 grams of ginger honey, 350 ml of red wine, 100 g of crushed rose hips, 30 g of chopped parsley seeds. Preparation and use: mix all ingredients thoroughly. Infuse the mixture for 1-2 weeks, periodically shaking. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    • You will need: 100 ml of redcurrant juice, 100 ml of strawberry juice, 100 ml of gooseberry juice, 50 ml of cognac, ginger honey to taste. Preparation and use: mix everything, pour into a jar, loosely close and infuse for 14 days at room temperature in a dark place. Those who went on a love date, medieval sorcerers recommended drinking a glass of this drug. Pay attention, only 1 glass!

    • You will need: 1 tsp.raisins, 1/2 tsp.herbs of common oregano, 1 tsp.green tea, juice of half a lemon, ginger honey. Preparation and use: mix well, pour 1 tbsp.l.mixture with boiling ginger water, insist 3-4 minutes, add 1 tbsp.l.ginger honey. Drink well restores the strength after a night of love.

    • You will need: 200 g of prunes without pits, 200 g of sultana, 200 g of dry figs, 12 kernels of walnuts, ginger honey. Preparation and use: dry fruits thoroughly rinse with hot water, then chop everything finely, pour liquid ginger honey and put in the refrigerator. Take daily 2 tablespoons.l.mixture in the afternoon, washed down with sour milk, yogurt or kefir.

    • You will need: 1 tbsp.l.seeds of nettle dioecious, 1 glass of red grape wine, ginger honey. Preparation: mix everything, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste.

    • You will need: 20 g of nettle seed, 500 ml of red grape wine, ginger honey. Preparation and application: pour seeds with wine and insist in a dark warm place for 7 days, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Infusion take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day.

    • Salvia officinalis( leaves) - 30 g, savory garden( grass) - 3 g, medicinal rosemary( leaves) - 30 g. Mix 1 liter of red dry wine, add 80 g of ginger honey, heat on a water bath for 30 minutes,insist before cooling, strain. Drink 150 g after meals.

    • Fennel ordinary( fruits) - 100 g, celery( fresh leaves) - 100 g. Pour a mixture of 1 liter of young grape wine, insist 1 month, shaking daily, strain, add ginger honey to taste, store in the dark. Drink 150 g 3 times daily after meals.

    • Dried and ground melon seeds to mix 3: 1 with ginger honey. Eat for 1 tsp.3-4 times a day 1 hour after eating. Must eat in the morning on an empty stomach and at night.

    • Basil of common( grass) - 3 tbsp.l., sage medicinal( leaves) - 1 tbsp.l., rosemary officinalis( leaves) - 3 tbsp.l. Shredded mixture pour 1.4 liters of boiling ginger water, insist 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste and drink during the day.

    • Shepherd's bag( grass) - 2 tbsp. L., goldenrod ordinary( grass) - 2 tbsp.l., thymus thymus( grass) - 2 tbsp.l. Shredded mixture pour 1 liter of boiling dry grape wine, insist 2 hours, strain, sweeten with ginger honey. Take 0.5 liters per day.

    • Motherwort Motherwort( herb) - 2 tbsp.l., Siberian common cow( leaves) - 2 tbsp.l., basil ordinary( grass) - 2 tbsp.l. The mixture pour 1 liter of boiling dry grape wine, insist 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink within two days.

    • Grass gravel grind urban grinded in a coffee grinder into a powder, mix 1: 1 with ginger honey and take 1 tsp.3 times a day with impotence, to improve the general condition of the body with a decline in strength.

    • Horseradish tincture on dry grape wine( 1: 4) with ginger honey to taste. Take 1-2 tbsp.l.2-3 times a day before meals with impotence, resulting from heavy physical and mental labor.

    • Medicated nails( inflorescences) - 10 g, valerian officinalis( rhizomes with roots) - 25 g, St. John's wort( grass) - 30 g, immortelle sandy( inflorescence) - 20 g. 1 tbsp.l.mixture pour 200 ml of boiling ginger water, heat on a water bath for 10-15 minutes, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals.

    • Yarrow common( grass) - 100 g, ayr ordinary( rhizome) - 50 g, fenugreek hay( seeds) - 50 g. Take 2 tbsp.l.mixture, pour 0.6 l of boiling ginger water, insist 6 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 100-200 ml 3 times a day after meals for 6-8 weeks.

    • Peppermint( leaves) - 2 tbsp.l., sage medicinal( leaves) - 3 tbsp. L., St. John's wort puffed( grass) - 1 tbsp.l. Shredded mixture pour 1 liter of boiling ginger water, leave for 2 hours, strain, sweeten with ginger honey. To drink during the day.

    • Love the medicinal( fruits or roots) - 3 tbsp.l., rosemary officinalis( leaves) - 3 tbsp.l., sage medicinal( leaves) - 3 tbsp. L., fennel ordinary( fruits) - 3 tbsp.l. Shredded mixture pour 1 liter of vodka, insist in a warm place for 20 days, shaking daily, then strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 50 ml 3 times a day before meals.

    • Seeds of fenugreek hay to boil in ginger honey, dry and grind. Take on the tip of the knife, washing down with infusion of asparagus medicinal fruit for impotence, associated with a violation of the mechanisms of nervous regulation, with a general weakness of the body.

    • Mix 2: 1 fenugreek seed powder and ginger honey. Take 1 tsp.before eating with 50 ml of red dry wine.

    • Seeds of fenugreek and dates boil together, then from dates to pull out bones and discard. The remaining pulp and seeds are dried, crushed and mixed with ginger honey. Take 1 tsp, washing 1 tbsp.l.cognac.

    • Drug letter( grass) - 10 g, medicinal nails( inflorescences) - 5 g, mistletoe white( leaves) - 20 g. Take 2 tbsp.l.collecting, pour 200 ml of boiling ginger water, boil 5-7 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste, take 50 ml 3-4 times a day. It is also recommended for increased excitability of the central nervous system and metabolic disorders.

    • Medicinal nails( inflorescences) - 10 g, swine grass( grass) - 5 g, blackberry sizaya( leaves) - 5 g, common hops( cones) - 5 g. Take 2 tsp.crushed mixture, pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist before cooling, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take in warm form for 1 / 4-1 / 2 cup 2 times daily before meals. It is recommended for hyperpituitarism, due to hyperfunction of the pituitary gland.

    Female diseases

    Ginger honey is used in gynecology in inflammatory processes caused by patients with trichomonads, pathogenic fungi and pathogenic staphylococci( cervical erosion):

    • 1 tbsp.l.ginger honey dissolves in a glass of warm ginger water and in three doses is used in the form of douching. Course - 10-14 days.

    As a result, complete epithelization of erosions, pain disappears, the picture of peripheral blood normalizes. If necessary, after a two-week break, a second course of treatment is performed.

    • Patients with Trichomonas colpitis can wipe the external genitalia, vagina and cervix with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, and then lubricate them with ginger honey. The course of outpatient treatment is 6 days. To achieve full recovery of patients, douching with water infusions of chamomile flowers is performed.

    • Cotton or gauze swabs soaked in liquid ginger honey or in its 50% solution are injected into the vagina after cleaning the affected area of ​​the vaginal mucosa and the cervical region.20-25 g of ginger honey are required for one procedure.10-15 procedures are done. After 2-3 treatments, burning and itching stop, the secret of the vagina is cleared, after the 10th procedure the mucous membrane of the vagina acquires a normal appearance. Tampons hold 24 h.

    Recommended for the most common gynecological diseases of the vagina and cervix: belyah, trichomonas colpitis, erosion, metritis, parametris and adnexitis.

    • For harmonious maturation and growth of the genital organs, increase the protective forces of the young body, grind 10 walnuts, add 1/2 cup of cold boiled ginger water, allow to stand for 2 hours, strain, mix with 2 tsp.ginger honey. Take 1 tbsp.l.during the day.

    • In case of inflammatory female diseases, a cyst can be prepared with candles: 1 egg yolk to mix with 1 tsp.ginger honey, add as much rye flour, to get a steep dough, roll out of it candles the size of polmizintsy, put in the freezer. To put candles in the morning and in the evening after bowel movement within a month. Then take a break and repeat the course.


    • Take 100 g of fresh shepherd's bag, pour 1 l of white wine, insist 10 days, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1 tsp.each hour.

    • Take 5 g of dandelion roots, 3 g of yarrow herb and mint leaves, 2 g grass herb and sheep's bag, chamomile inflorescences and rhizomes of valerian;cook 5 minutes in 1 liter of ginger water, insist 15 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink during the day instead of water. The course of treatment is 15 days.

    • 100 grams of crushed grass shepherd's bag pour 1 liter of dry white wine, add 100 g of ginger honey, insist in a dark cool place for 10 days, shaking the contents daily, drain. Take 1 tbsp.l.each hour.

    • Drink tea daily with ginger honey to taste from blossoming St. John's wort.


    • Take 200 g of rose hips without seeds, 20 grams of herbage, daisies and cuffs;2 tbsp.l.mix 0.5 g of ginger water, set aside for 5 hours, then bring to a boil, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Decoction to drink during the day slowly, in small sips.

    • Take an equal amount of herb spharyd and horsetail, inflorescence of yarrow and calendula, white and mallow flowers;2-5 tsp.mixture pour 1 l of ginger water, bring to a boil, strain, add 2 tbsp.l.ginger honey. Use for irrigation for a long time.

    • Mix 100 g of anise fruit powder homogeneously with 0.5 kg of ginger honey. Take 1 tsp.3-4 times a day before meals, drinking decoction of rose hips. In addition, daily in the morning drink with ginger honey lime tea.

    • You will need: 2 tbsp.l.dry crushed herb St. John's wort, 2 tbsp.l. Aloe juice, 1 tbsp.l.ginger honey, 1/2 cup dry red wine. Preparation and use: St. John's wort pour 1 liter of warm ginger water, bring to a boil and cook on low heat for 4-5 minutes. Decoction slightly cool and strain. Add aloe, ginger honey and red wine, mix well and pour into a sterilized glass bottle, seal tightly, let it cool for 10 days. Take 2 tbsp.l.2 times a day 1 hour after a meal.

    Uterine fibroids, myoma, fibroids

    • Seeds of horse beans roast, grind and cook, as they brewed coffee in Turkish. Drink with ginger honey to taste on the coffee cup after eating.

    • Take 1 tsp.powder of hips, syrup from berries of elderberry, ginger honey and 1/2 tsp.horse chestnut seeds and egg shell powder. Take after eating with fruit juice.

    • For bleeding, take 50 g of herb horsetail, a shepherd's purse and a large purple, willow leaves white;2 tbsp.l.mix 20 minutes in 0.5 l of ginger water, drain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 75 g 3 times daily before meals.

    • Take 50 grams of rhizome rhizomes upright, bilberry calyx, horsetail grass, shepherd's bag and pepper mountain, birch and blueberry leaves, horse chestnut flowers;1 tbsp.l.with riding on a glass of boiling ginger water, to insist for 3 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink a glass 3 times a day before meals.

    • Fresh rhizome of calamus is an excellent remedy for the treatment of fibroids. Kashitsu from the root take with ginger honey to taste for 1 tbsp.l.4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.

    Simultaneously, 1 tbsp.l.dry chopped herbs celandine pour 0.3 liters of cold ginger water, bring to a boil, insist, wrapped, 6-8 hours, strain. At night, carry out slow( drip) syringing infusion for 1.5 hours. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

    • 2 tbsp.l.gruel from fresh root ayr( or 1 tbsp powder from dry root) mixed with 50 g of aloe vera juice and 50 grams of ginger honey, insist in a dark cool place for 3 days, periodically shaking the contents. You will receive a mixture that is indispensable in the treatment of myoma. Take 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day for an hour before meals.

    • For myomas, fibromioma, weighed down with high acidity of gastric juice, chronic constipation, frequent heartburn and flatulence, take 1 tbsp.l.the roots of the aura of marsh, dried and crushed orange peels, tussel grass flowers, 1 pinch of valerian roots, St. John's wort, wheatweed, pour 1.5 l of fortified red grape wine and insist in a darkened place for 3 weeks, shaking daily at noon,wring out raw materials, add ginger honey to taste.

    Take 1 tsp.three times a day for 15 minutes before meals, washed down with warm ginger water( 1-2 sips).The same infusion will help with poor appetite.

    • It is useful in the treatment and prevention of benign and malignant tumors of different localizations, "airovoe wine."Tincture on wine is used to prevent severe vomiting.

    Wine.100 g fresh crushed rhizomes of aura pour 1 liter of natural grape wine, infuse for 14 days, periodically shaking the contents, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink one or two tablespoons.l.30 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after meals.

    • Long-life drink: 5 tbsp.l.dry berries blackberry pour 1 l of ginger water, boil for 5-7 minutes, drain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink preferably hot, slowly, in small sips several times a day.

    • Tea with ginger honey from the flowers of elderberry black - an excellent tool in the treatment and prevention of tumors of the reproductive system: prostate adenoma, fibroids, fibroadenomas.

    It is believed that after one or two weeks of taking elderly medicines, black and black-gray tones disappear from the aura of a sick person.

    • Take 100 g of crushed mandarin bark, peach kernels and birch bark kernels, as well as 5 tbsp.l.flowers tansy, immortelle, shepherd's bag and celandine large. The whole collection is well mixed. Then 1 tbsp.l.mix overnight with 0.5 g of ginger water. In the morning, boil for 3 minutes. Begin to take a decoction with ginger honey to taste for 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day for 40 minutes before meals. Gradually, the dose of broth to bring to 1/2 cup.

    • For the treatment of fibroids of the uterus, 150 g of aloe vera( 3-5 years) mixed with a mincer is mixed with 250 g of ginger honey and 350 ml of cahors. All components are placed in a jar of dark glass, mix thoroughly and put in a dark cool place for 5 days. The bank is tightly closed. Before cutting aloe, do not water for 5 days. Take 2-3 weeks 3 times a day for the first 5-7 days for 1 tsp.2 hours before meals, then - 1 tbsp.l.1 hour before meals.

    • Mix in equal parts of the grass by the yarrow and the leaves of the nettle are dioecious.

    1 tbsp.l.collect a glass of boiling ginger water, insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals with the treatment and prevention of fibroids.

    • It is useful in case of uterine fibroids to drink with ginger honey to taste a decoction from the entire plant of wild strawberry.

    • It is useful for uterine fibroids, mastopathy to drink with ginger honey to taste tea from the flowers of chestnut horse.

    • When treating fibroids mix in equal parts by the volume of leaves, plantain leaves, burdock, sorrel sour and ginger honey. Make a tampon of this mixture and insert as deeply as possible into the vagina. To go with a tampon. During the day, make another tampon, and remove the old one. For the night you can not insert a tampon. The course of treatment is from May to October.

    • You will need: 200 g of aloe leaves, 3 tbsp.l.crushed roots of the medicinal drop, 600 g of ginger honey, 600 ml of table red wine.

    Preparation and use: rinse aloe leaves, release from spines and pass through a meat grinder. Add the roots of the initial letter, ginger honey and wine, put on a water bath and cook for 1 hour in a sealed container. Ready syrup cool, strain and store in the refrigerator. Drink in the afternoon and evening for 1 tbsp.l.syrup with heavy bleeding.


    Success can be treated with ginger honey and trichomonas colpitis. The vagina is preliminarily cleaned from the secret, deeply injected with candied honey ginger( 1 tsp) and lubricate the cervix, the vaginal walls and its exit. Procedures are carried out daily. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. At the first procedures, itching and burning may appear, but then they disappear, the discharge decreases. Most women experience full recovery. Such treatment is effective, it is applicable in any conditions, does not require much time and, most importantly, does not give complications.

    Treatment of a woman should be accompanied by treatment of her husband( sexual partner).In this case, men are prescribed ingestion of ginger honey inside( daily dose is 100-120 g).Ginger honey is dissolved in ginger water at room temperature and drunk in 3-4 meals throughout the day. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. Additionally, the urethra and bladder are washed with a 20-30% solution of ginger honey through a catheter.

    Cervical erosion

    • Clean the vagina from the secretion, then insert a gauze pad moistened with a solution of ginger honey in ginger water( 1: 2 ratio), which is removed after 24 hours. The procedures should be carried out daily for 15-20 days. The state of health usually improves, the discharge stops after 5-6 procedures, and after 12-15 procedures the painful sensations disappear, the secretion is normalized and the erosion is healed.

    • Take a cotton swab and soak it well with a 3: 1 mixture of Kalanchoe juice and ginger honey. The tampon is administered overnight. In the morning, prince with a warm infusion of chamomile flowers. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

    Oophoritis, ovarian diseases

    • Take fifty-fifty-year-old grass, yellow and mother-and-stepmother flowers.1 tbsp.l.mixture pour a glass of boiling ginger water, insist 15 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1/3 cup 6 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

    • Take 2 tbsp.l.herb yarrow and bedrock present, mint leaves, pour 1 l of boiling ginger water, insist 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. To drink for a day.

    • It is useful to drink 1 oz. From the ovarian cyst.l.3 times a day before meals juice of burdock leaves with ginger honey to taste. Simultaneously at night, it is possible to put tampons with fish oil and ginger honey or aloe juice and ginger honey taken in equal parts in the afternoon, after syringing. The course of treatment is a month. If necessary, repeat treatment after 2 weeks break.

    • Drink tea with celery seeds with ginger honey.

    • Take 200 g of aloe leaves, 3 tbsp.l.rhizomes of the snake mountaineer, add 600 g of ginger honey and 600 g of red wine;on a water bath cook for 1 hour. Take with menorrhagia( excessively heavy menstruation) for 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals.

    • Prepare the collection( quantity in parts by weight): birdwort( grass) - 3,5, shepherd's bag( grass) - 3,5, mistletoe white( young branches with leaves) - 3,0.Take 2 tbsp.l.dry shredded collection, pour 0.5 l of ginger water, cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes, insist half an hour-hour, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day.

    • Prepare collection: Yarrow ordinary( grass);buckthorn laxative( bark);Valerian officinalis( rhizomes with roots);peppermint( herb);Birch white( leaves) - all in equal parts by weight. Take 2 tbsp.l.(with top) collecting herbs, pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water and put on a water bath on

    for 15 minutes. Then remove, insist 30-40 minutes at room temperature, strain, wring out the remainder and add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1 glass a day in small sips.

    Uterine bleeding

    • Prepare collection: nettle( grass), water pepper( grass) - all in equal parts by weight. Take 2-3 tbsp.l.dry shredded collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water, cook with a weak boil for 2-3 minutes, insist 30-40 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1/2 cup.

    • Decoction.10 grams of crushed quince seeds pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 20 minutes, cool 10 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals with uterine bleeding, diseases of the stomach and intestines, especially with diarrhea.

    Fruits of quince - the most powerful purifier for various intoxications, surpassing even the fruits of apricot.

    • Excellent tool for uterine bleeding.1 tsp.powder dried cherry stems to pour a glass of boiling ginger water, to insist 30 minutes, then put on fire and bring to a boil, immediately remove from heat. When it cools down, drain, add ginger honey to taste. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

    • Take 2 tbsp.l.parsley leaves, pour 0.5 l of ginger water and cook for 10 minutes, add lemon juice, ginger honey to taste. Drink during the day instead of water.

    • Take even the petals of stock-roses( a variety with dark purple flowers) and marigolds, rue leaves and wormwood, all crushed into powder, mix 1: 1 with ginger honey. Take 1 tsp.3 times a day, washing down the broth of rose hips.

    • Take 50 grams of herb peppermint, 10 grams of leaves of rosemary and lemon balm and cherry stalk;1 tbsp.l.mix 5 minutes in a glass of ginger water, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink on a cold morning and evening.

    • Take 20 grams of male inflorescences( "earrings") of hazel and walnut and fennel fruits. Then 20 g of the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling ginger water and cook another 1 minute, add 6 tablespoons.l.ginger honey. Drink at the delay of menstruation all in a day in portions of 100 g.

    • Pour 3 kg of ginger water from 2 kg of onions, cook until the liquid evaporates by half, strain, add 100 g of ginger honey. Take 0.5 glasses in the morning and in the evening 30 minutes before eating.

    • Mix 2: 1 grated lemon with peel, but pitted and ginger honey. Take 1 tsp.3 times a day before meals.

    Strengthening remedies for pregnancy

    • Prepare the harvest: cinnamon cinnamon( fruits);cranberries( fruits);black currant( fruits);nettle( leaves) - all of 25 g. Take 2 tbsp.l.dry shredded collection, pour 0.5 l of ginger water, cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes, insist half an hour, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1 / 2-2 / 3 cup 2-3 times a day before meals as a general restorative.

    • For three months before delivery take 3 times a day for 1/5 coffee l.powder of the root of elecampane, mixed with ginger honey to taste.

    • If you are threatened with a miscarriage, you will need: 20 g of dry Artemisia vulgaris, 500 ml of red grape wine, ginger honey. Preparation and use: wormwood boil in wine for 10 minutes, drain, cool, add ginger honey to taste. Drink when threatened with a miscarriage of 20 ml 2 times a day.

    • After the seventh month of pregnancy, it is recommended to give the infusion for the preparation of the parturient: Mix Saint John's wort and sage, 30 g of mixture, pour 1 l of boiling ginger water, insist 15 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink a glass 2 times a day after meals.

    • 2 tbsp.l.flowering tops of wormwood medicinal( God's tree) cook 10 minutes in 0.5 l of ginger water, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 150 g 3 times daily before meals for 10 consecutive days.

    • 2 tbsp.l. Leaves mistletoe cook 10 minutes in 0.5 l of ginger water, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 150 g 3 times before meals for 10 days.

    Toxicosis of pregnant women

    Ginger has long been famous and loved by women all over the world as a means to cope with the toxicosis of the first months of pregnancy. Here its properties intersect with those described in the previous section.

    Many women are afraid to take vomiting and nausea during pregnancy to take chemical medicines, for fear of harming their child. According to medical observations, up to 80% of pregnant women suffer from nausea. Unlike traditional medical methods, ginger is famous for its safety in relation to the fetus, so it is often recommended for the treatment of mild and moderate forms of nausea in the first months of pregnancy.

    You can use it as a powder of ground root( in the morning on an empty stomach, at the tip of the knife, dissolving in the mouth), and pieces of fresh root. Some people are helped not by ginger in its pure form, but only by candies or lemonade. Every woman can experiment and choose a suitable form for herself.

    • For vomiting and toxicosis, it is useful for pregnant women to eat 1 tbsp.l.fruits of barberry every 2-2.5 hours, washing them with a decoction of rose hips on ginger water.

    • Ginger honey helps with early toxicosis in pregnant women. So, when vomiting due to toxicosis, ginger honey is recommended to take 1 tbsp.l.for half an hour before meals.

    • Prepare collection( quantity in grams): three-leafed watch( grass) - 35;Valerian officinalis( rhizome with roots) - 25;Peppermint( leaves) - 25;Melissa officinalis( herb) - 15. Take 2 tbsp.l.dry powdered mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water in a thermos, insist 30 minutes, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1/2 cup in the morning and evening in the first half of pregnancy courses of 5-7 weeks as an antiemetic and antitoxic.

    • Prepare the collection( amount in grams): calendula officinalis( flowers) - 65;lemon balm( herb) - 35. Take 1 tbsp.l.dry shredded collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water, insist in a sealed container for 30-40 minutes, drain. Drink 1/3 cup, adding ginger honey to taste, 3 times a day for the first 1.5-2 months of pregnancy.

    • Prepare collection: cowberry( leaves), wild strawberry( leaves) - 50 g, rosehips - 30, black currant berries - 10, dried carrots - 30. Take 2 tbsp.l.dry powdered mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water in a thermos, insist half an hour-hour, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals to reduce edema and to remove toxic waste. At the same time take 1 tablet of the drug "Apilac"( under the tongue) 2-3 times a day.


    Japanese scientists managed to create a remedy based on local herbs, which includes most of the ginger powder that can solve the infertility problem in women. Specialists from Osaka Medical College studied the effect of this medication on 100 sick women, half of whom received this medication daily for four weeks, and the other half made up a control group to compare the result.

    The preparation contains 12 plant components, including ginseng, cinnamon, ginger. It turned out that women taking the drug in more than half of the cases managed to restore the menstrual cycle and the maturation of eggs. In some cases, the drug also solved the problem of violations of the level of the hormone responsible for the processes of fertilization.

    Experts who studied the report of this study, published in The Journal of Reproductive Medicine, recognize the effect of a new agent based on ginger. However, they believe that it is still necessary several years of experiments to finally launch the medicine in a wide sale. However, this is a normal practice for all new medicines. So it can be assumed that women with infertility now have hope.

    Although, for the sake of fairness, we note that the means "for fertility" of ginger, turmeric and other spices have long been known in the East. This is evidenced by the Indian custom of giving the bride on the wedding day a linen bag, usually embroidered with gold threads, in which lie the roots of ginger with kidneys. It was believed that the girl must put these roots and take care of her own hands, then soon she will have a happy motherhood.

    As early as the beginning of the 20th century, European doctors advised drinking herbal tea with ginger to prepare for pregnancy, in order to achieve a tonic effect for the uterus, kidneys, liver and general strengthening of the hormonal system.

    • Take 100 g of leaves and roots of plantain large and 5 pieces of nails( spice), cook in 1 liter of ginger water for 20 minutes( on a water bath), then add 250 g of ginger honey and cook for 10 minutes. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals.

    • Take in powder form: 100 g of dill fruit and 50 grams of anise and celery fruit, nettle and cabbage seeds;mixed with 0.5 kg of ginger honey. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals.

    • Mix 2: 1 plantain seed powder and ginger honey. Take 1 tsp, squeezing tea from the leaves of plantain, 2-3 times a day before meals with female and male infertility, as well as with cystitis in the case of drip and painful urination.

    When preparing the body for bearing a baby, one should not forget about additional saturation with vitamins and trace elements - they will now be needed for two! If there is a shortage in something - both you and the child can suffer and even get concomitant metabolic disorders. To avoid this, I propose to use the recipe for herbal tea, which gynecologists are allowed to use during pregnancy. This tea can also be drunk during the entire pregnancy.


    The herb collection must be mixed and brewed at the rate of 3 tbsp.spoon mixture per liter of water. Grasses put in a liter jar and pour to the brim with boiling water. Infuse the night, drink the next day like regular tea, adding sugar or honey to taste. Thus

    it is necessary to pour a third of a cup of infusion, the rest - boiled water. In a day, you can drink from half to an entire can of infusion. During pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester, you need to regulate the amount of fluid entering the body. In this case it is better to consult a doctor and find out how much tea is allowed to drink during the day.

    Mastitis, or breast

    • Mix 2: 1 gruel from a baked onion bulb and ginger honey. Apply the mixture 2-3 times a day for 3-4 hours daily until complete recovery.

    • Pumpkin flesh boil in a small amount of milk, until a thick gruel comes out. Add a small amount of ginger honey to the resulting gruel. Apply the mixture with purulent mastitis daily 2-3 times a day for 3-4 hours until complete recovery.

    • Mix flour from flax seeds in a small amount of milk until a thick gruel is obtained, add a little ginger honey. Apply the mixture daily 2-3 times a day for 3-4 hours until complete recovery.

    • Mix rye flour, melted butter, fresh milk and ginger honey to make a soft dough, leave overnight, then attach to a sore chest. Means to change every 24 hours. Treatment should be carried out until complete recovery.

    • Apply a cabbage leaf or a burdock leaf, slightly greased with ginger honey, to the breast. The sheet is changed 2-3 times a day.

    • Chest well with ginger honey. Cottage cheese slightly warmed in a water bath, then evenly spread on a thin towel and apply the "curd" side to the "honey" chest, consistently cover with compress paper, terry towel, woolen scarf or handkerchief. Then go to bed( the compress is done before bedtime).In the morning the compress is removed, the breast is washed with warm water. The procedures should be performed regularly until inflammation is removed.


    • 100 grams of ground dill seeds, pour 0.5 liters of milk, bring to a boil, cook in a sealed container on low heat for 5-7 minutes, then insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take in the treatment of mastopathy one glass three times a day for 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment lasts for three weeks, after which you can take a break for two weeks and again hold a course of treatment for three weeks.

    • When treating mastopathy, use syrup from blackberry berries. They are washed and dried, then laid in layers in a 3-liter glass jar: a layer of ginger honey - 1.5 cm and the same layer of elderberry berries. And so to the top. Closing cap nylon, put in an open place for a day, after which it is placed in the refrigerator for 6-8 days. Watch that the top does not appear white foam - a sign that the raw materials began to sour. After 6-8 days, squeeze the berries, strain and put again in the refrigerator.30 minutes before a meal, drink 1/2 cup of ginger water, and one hour after a meal - 1 tbsp.l.syrup. And so 3 times a day. The course of treatment in the fall - 45 days, repeat in May - 30 days. In severe cases, the course of treatment, beginning in the autumn, is useful to extend to a complete cure without interruption.

    • Remove fresh cabbage leaves from white with a rolling pin to make juice, grease with ginger honey. Apply the inner side to the mammary glands with mastopathy.

    • For mastopathy, it is useful to apply lightly beaten leaves of large, shiny side, greased with ginger honey, at night, and grease with breast milk: 100 g of burdock root powder, pour 300 g of vegetable oil, infuse for 14 days, shake the contents,to wring out the remainder. Store the oil in a cool, dark place.

    • Wipe the raw beetroot on a grater, mix it with ginger honey in a ratio of 3: 1, put the mass under the bandage on the breast and leave it overnight. In the morning remove the bandage, put the beetroot in the fridge, wash the chest with warm water. The next night, repeat the procedure. Then take a break for a day. In total, you need to spend 20 sessions. The same beet mass can be used twice.

    • Decoction of horse chestnut flowers is an excellent remedy for cystic fibrosis mastopathy. Pour into a 6-8 cent.l.dry flowers, pour over with ginger water, bring to a boil, remove from heat, insist night in a warm place, strain, add ginger honey to taste and take 1 drink each day through every hour.

    • For tumors of the breast, it is recommended to apply berries of red ashberry rubbed with ginger honey. The berries are applied under the bandage at night.

    • Purple flowers of potatoes: pour 1 tsp.crushed flowers 1 glass of boiling ginger water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Take infusion of 1/4 cup 3 times daily before meals until complete cure.

    • Blue bitter onion: chop the onions and place in a liter jar - in the shredded form of onions should be about 0.5 kg. Then pour over with ginger honey, put in a dark cool place, can be refrigerated, and insist for 2 weeks, periodically shaking the contents. Strain and take

    for 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day before meals. Keep refrigerated. Drink to recovery.

    • 100 grams of gruel from a fresh burdock root, 100 grams of ginger honey, 100 g of castor oil, juice of 2 lemons to mix. This mixture should be applied to a linen cloth and applied to the breast during mastopathy for the night. In the morning, remove and for the day time lubricate the breast with ointment with apilak( drugstore).The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

    • Pass through the meat grinder the leaves of fresh white cabbage, add a few spoons of fresh yogurt to them and, applying it on a linen cloth, apply it to the chest when mastopathy, not allowing the mixture to dry. Change several times a day until the pain disappears completely. Inside take infusion: 100 g of dill seeds cook in 0.5 liters of milk 10 minutes, insist, wrapped, 2 hours, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 3/4 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

    • Mix 100 g of mother-and-stepmother leaves powder, 100 g of mistletoe leaves white powder, 50 g of celandine grass powder( after one year storage), 1 kg of rye flour, 100 g of ginger honey. Make a cake from this mixture and apply it at night with mastopathy to a sick chest. In the afternoon, remove the cake, lubricate the breast with a 30% propolis ointment, prepared as follows: Mix 100 g of lard interior with 30 g of propolis powder, put in an enamel saucepan. Stir in a boiling water bath for 3 hours, stirring occasionally, drain. Store in a dark place( not in the refrigerator).

    • An excellent remedy for mastopathy - watermelon peel. Cut them into small pieces, dry them in the oven and chop them in a coffee grinder, mix 3: 1 with ginger honey. Pour a portion of the mixture with ginger water so that a thick gruel is obtained. Put it on a clean cotton cloth and attach it to the mammary gland. Keep the compress overnight. The course of treatment - 20 procedures.

    • Take 1 tbsp.l.ginger honey, 0.5 liters of milk, 1/2 st.l. Butter and knead the dough from wheat flour. Make a cake and attach to the chest. With a cake to walk all day, and at night replace with fresh.

    • Remove internal partitions from 20-25 walnuts, pour in 100 ml of alcohol, insist 7-10 days and take 15-20 drops 3 times a day in 30-50 ml of ginger water for mastopathy and fibroids of the uterus. The course of treatment is 2 months. After a 7-10-day break, it can be repeated. This tincture can be used in other precancerous diseases, as well as in the treatment of cancer.

    • If the patient is severely depleted, then after eating she can take 1-2 st.l.the following mixture: 100 g fresh unsalted butter, 100 grams of ginger honey, 4 yolks of fresh chicken eggs, 1 tbsp.l.powder from the fruit of magnolia vine, 1 tsp.powder from the hips, rhizomes of aira, licorice, rhodiola rosea. The mixture should be stored in a dark cool place.

    • Mix 2: 1 gruel of the leaves of the ficus and ginger honey. This mixture is applied to the breast at night, covering with cellophane and fixing all with adhesive plaster.

    • Tea made from the powder of red vinaigrette seeds with ginger honey to taste is useful for drinking to prevent mastopathy, as well as in the treatment of constipation.


    Insufficient milk production is most often observed in the first month of breastfeeding. Receiving carrot juice seed( 1/2 cup 1 time per day for an hour before meals) will help increase the separation of milk from lactating women. In juice it is useful to breed ginger honey: for 1/2 cup of juice - 1 tbsp.l.ginger honey.

    • Mix seeds of anise, dill, fennel in equal parts by weight. Take 1 tbsp.l.mixture, pour 1 cup of boiling ginger water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain, add ginger honey to taste. Drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day 1 hour after eating.

    • Mix 3: 1 basil leaves mash and ginger honey. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals, drinking decoction of rose hips. Also this remedy is useful for nausea, vomiting, delay of the menstrual cycle, nervous diseases, chronic constipation. Do not forget to chew this mixture very carefully.

    • Means for the purification of breast milk. According to Ayurveda, many diseases of infants are due to maternal milk, for example, if indigestion or constipation occurs in a nursing mother. In this case, it is good to add ginger to it.

    Climacteric disorders

    • Take 1 dec.l.a mixture of 1: 1 ginger honey and pollen, washed down with a decoction of rose hips.

    • Mix 1: 1 beet red juice and ginger honey. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times daily before meals.

    • Drink tea with hawthorn flowers with ginger honey.

    • Blackberry fruit with ginger honey is an excellent restorative and soothing remedy, especially during menopause.

    • 1 cup chopped pine nut shells pour 1 liter of boiling ginger water, cook until the liquid evaporates by half, strain, mix 2: 1 with ginger honey. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day before meals, drinking tea from the flowers of red clover.

    • Infusion of herbs with ginger honey is used for menopausal disorders, as well as premenstrual syndrome, characterized by the appearance, several days before the menstrual period, of increased irritability, depression, headaches, sleep disturbances, pains in the heart and other symptoms disappearing after the onset of menstruation. To make it, you need to mix 15 grams of chamomile flowers, herbs of the motherwort, five-lobed and 10 grams of cinnamon dogrose, herbs of medicinal sage, hawthorn flowers of hawthorn, grass of marshweed, herb of St. John's wort, grass of the yarrow, and flowers of calendula officinalis. Take 2 tbsp.l.dry shredded collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling ginger water, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Drink warm to 100 ml, adding ginger honey to taste.

    This collection is recommended for various malfunctions of the monthly cycle, violation of ovulation, as well as with abundant periods.