  • Nutrition for cardiovascular diseases

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    Some scientists and researchers associate the occurrence of any chronic disease with malnutrition. In their opinion, any living organism should adhere to a certain diet, and not consume in writing, which is horrible.

    Even at the beginning of this century, the well-known pathophysiologist VV Pashutin wrote about the dangers of mixed diets. He came to the conclusion that with mixed nutrition in the human intestine, the processes of fermentation are intensified, as a result of which butyric acid is formed. This acid is a strong poison( in small doses it stops the frog's heart).But the swollen bowel causes other inconveniences to the body. The accumulated gases in it press on the diaphragm, that, bending into the chest cavity, reduces the movement of the lungs, making breathing more difficult, and the work of the heart.

    Currently, doctors and scientists are increasingly talking about the benefits of "live" food. This food includes vegetables, fruits, grains and grain sprouts, as well as everything that does not undergo thermal and chemical treatment. Of course, the abrupt transition from conventional food to raw fruits and vegetables is very difficult and unnecessary. This is necessary only in case of severe illness of the patient. Under normal conditions, you just need to stick to one single power system. Let it be either separate, or vegetarian, or mixed( but with a bias towards vegetarianism).

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    Both folk and official medicine have developed a number of rules that must be adhered to when making a diet:

    1. Discard dairy products, sugar, white bread, baked goods, carbonated drinks, alcohol, cigarettes, salt, canned food, spices, vinegar, roastedmeat, coffee and ice cream. If you are not able to give up these products, then at least dramatically reduce their consumption.

    2. Reduce the usual portions and eat only well-compatible products. Strive to ensure that 80% of your food is "live" and only 20% - fried or boiled. Gradually reduce these 20% to a minimum and, eventually, completely switch to "live" food.

    3. Instead of regular bread, eat bread from sprouted wheat grains, instead of milk, coffee and sugar, drink fruit juices. Sugar and sweets will replace dried fruits, and milk and dairy products - fruit soups and milk from sprouted wheat grains.

    4. Gradually and gradually give up meat food. First, just reduce the amount of meat in your diet, then enter the "vegetarian" and "fish" days, finally, in 2-3 months, completely abandon the meat.

    5. From time to time( 1-2 times a week) arrange "unloading days" when there will be only one product-apples, pumpkin, oranges, rice or something else on your table.

    6. If you stayed on a firm diet for a while, and then "sinned", do not despair and return to proper nutrition on the path of health and longevity.

    Make the right taste. This is done gradually, then it becomes a habit and, finally, a law.

    In medicine, there is a beautiful saying: "A man is digging his grave with his teeth."Its meaning is that the wrong nutrition of the vast majority of the population leads to the development of most human diseases and to premature aging.

    In the body, all systems and organs are important, but only with a well-coordinated system of their work can we talk about health. Each cell of our body with invisible threads is closely connected with millions of other cells of the body, and because of how it works, general health depends. But any cell remains alive as long as the processes of assimilation( assimilation, nutrition) and dessimilation( removal of asses) proceed in it. Similarly, the normal functioning of each cell depends on good nutrition and timely cleansing. If the nutrition of the cell is disturbed, its functions are violated. If the diet of a group of cells is disrupted, then the activity of the organ or system is disrupted.

    In a quiet state, a person for normal life requires from 1500 to 2000 kilocalories per day. When performing physical or mental work, the number of kilocalories should be increased to 3-4 thousand. A person receives these kilocalories( or energy) when he burns proteins, fats and carbohydrates in his body.

    The most energy-saturated are fats, which, when burned, give the same energy as proteins and carbohydrates combined.

    When autopsies of children died from various diseases, it was found that all children, without exception, in the vessels already had sclerotic changes. What does this say? First of all, about malnutrition from early childhood. Loving parents, grandparents, relatives and acquaintances try to stuff the child, cake, ice cream, or snicker from childhood. And children grow quickly, quickly grow fat and gain excessive weight, which leads to excessive fatty deposits and disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system. With age, fat deposits in tissues and muscles grow, the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases - early phenomena of atherosclerosis occur. And it is not surprising that atherosclerosis of coronary vessels is often detected at the age of 20.

    Many full people say that their fullness is "hereditary".But this does not happen. Hereditary is not fullness, but gluttony. If the family is used to eating 5-6 times a day without any system and order, if the father, mother and grandmother are always cooking fatty foods, then the children will follow in their footsteps. There were parents full of people, so will their children. Here is your heredity!

    Our distant ancestors knew how to restrict themselves in food, moved more and worked. Therefore, about early atherosclerosis, ancient doctors hardly heard anything.

    Their benefits were mentioned in the Bible. Before, our grandfathers and grandmothers followed the biblical commandments very accurately and fasted almost weekly. A Great Post - a great cleansing of all winter overeating, how much benefit did he bring to people! Now people have forgotten about posts and have joined to overeating. This is one of the important reasons for the early appearance of atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease.

    An important drawback of modern food is its monotony. What is the main source of food for a city dweller? This meat is boiled and fried, canned food, bread, sweet pastries, sugar, animal fats, potatoes. Fruits and vegetables stand in one of the last places. But this is just wrong!

    How does the official medicine advise to eat a modern person?

    AA Pokrovsky and a group of co-authors recommend to limit the caloric content of food due to carbohydrates, which are well absorbed quickly, and animal fats, rich in cholesterol. They recommend limiting dietary salt, butter, margarine in the diet, excluding foods that are rich in cholesterol( smoked foods, fat, canned meat, etc.).Oils of animal origin should be replaced with vegetable oils. Each person's diet should contain a sufficient number of berries, vegetables, fruits. Food should be divided( 5-6 times a day and gradually).Once a week, a fasting day is required.

    In hypertension, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, the following foods are not recommended or even banned: strong meat broths, fats( beef, pork, mutton), internal organs of animals, caviar, brains, lard.

    It is necessary to exclude from sweet dishes: various creams, cakes, buns.

    Pickles, spicy and sour dishes, smoked products, herring are generally contraindicated to sick people and are not recommended for healthy people.

    Cocoa, coffee, chocolate, sugar, alcoholic beverages, beer, ice cream - all these foods will not bring you anything but trouble. These troubles and health problems will come to light not immediately, but with age. What does modern official medicine recommend for nutrition of patients with atherosclerosis, ischemic disease and vascular diseases?

    Let's turn again to the recommendations of A. Pokrovsky and his group.

    Bread and flour products. Bread of yesterday's baking, with a minimum amount of salt( or without salt) from rye flour or wheat flour, bread with bran, crackers, biscuits( not flour).

    Meat and poultry dishes. You can eat only lean meats. Do not fry, but only cook or bake in the oven, the exception is the internal organs and the brain of animals.

    Soups. Fruit, cereals, vegetarian, dairy.

    Fish. In food use only low-fat varieties in cooked or baked form.

    Egg. Limit to 2-3 per week. It is better to take it as a steam omelette.

    Milk and dairy products. Apply both in kind, and in the form of milk porridge, kefir and yogurt. Cottage cheese is only fresh.

    Fats. For cooking dishes and salads, use only vegetable oils.

    Snacks. Unrestrained and unsalted cheeses, low-fat sausage( like "doctor's"), salads, low-fat ham.

    Drinks. Any fruit and vegetable juices, kvass, broth of dogrose, hawthorn, mint. Restrict aerated ours.

    Seafood. All kinds of kelp, scallops, shrimps, squid, mussels, sea kale dishes.

    Patients with hypertensive disease and atherosclerosis, with chronic heart failure, are recommended foods with high potassium content: dried apricots, currants, dried grapes, apricots, prunes, bananas, apricots, parsley, celery, dill( especially dill seed).In this case, you need to sharply limit the intake of salt, salty and smoked dishes into the niche, and limit the amount of liquid you drink.

    "99% of all patients," Bregg wrote, "suffer from malnutrition."People do not understand how much they are clogging themselves with waste products, using inappropriate food and drinks, and how much this toxic substance accumulates in the body. Fasting is not a method of treating any illness or disease. It puts the body in such conditions, when all of its life force is used for purification and recovery. Fasting helps the body help itself.

    This is one of the oldest and most proven treatments for most diseases. Even in ancient times, people knew that fasting was not only a remedy for any one disease, but a method of purification, because it causes the body to help itself.

    The history of medicine knows many cases of miraculous healing with the help of fasting. So, cases of cure for leprosy for 21 days, psoriasis - for 2 weeks, eczema - for 18 days are known. Severe heart diseases were often cured by famine for 1 month, peptic ulcer in 24 days.

    What explains the scientists such a strong therapeutic effect of hunger on the body?

    The answer here is simple. The fact is that our body can be compared with a powerful oxidation machine. For a day, it burns fuel, which, when translated into a fat equivalent, gives 360 grams of fat. If the supply of fuel is discontinued, the body begins to look for new sources of supply, since the oxidation process must go on continuously. But where can we find new sources of supply? The choice of our body is small, and he begins to look for them inside himself. First, the particles that are least needed for the body go to the "oxidizing furnace": scabs, cornified skin particles, scar tissue, etc. Then, the tumor contains tumor-like growths, altered painful tissues, surpluses of fat found in almost all organs, excesscholesterol, atherosclerotic plaques and excess salts. So instead of using 360 g of pure fat a day, the body uses everything that it does not need, thereby self-cleaning and recovering. With prolonged forced starvation, the body uses all internal reserves and only in the last instance starts taking healthy tissues( muscle, connective, etc.) for oxidation.

    Not only people are being treated for hunger. What does the animal do first, when it gets sick? It stops eating and begins to be treated with hunger. An animal can drink only water for 3-5 days and chew any medicinal herb. A person does not do that. Man begins to eat. Even if he does not want to( the body knows what he is doing), he is being persuaded to drink a fat broth, eat a piece of chicken or smoked sausage. Often even health workers do it!

    Hunger was one of the oldest practical ways of healing, and its application is as old as humanity itself.

    History indicates that fasting has long been recommended and was an integral part of the rites of the three great religions: Christian, Buddhist and Mohammedan. The Bible tells us that Christ fasted for 40 days, and for the Mohammedans the annual fast of Ramadan lasts a month. Prophets Moses and Ilya starved for 40 days. Josapheth legitimized starvation as a means of healing throughout Judea. More than 2 thousand years ago, the treatment of hunger was prescribed by the philosopher of nature Ascripida. Plutarch once said: "Instead of a drug, go hungry for a day or two".In many ancient writings, Hindu and Chinese, the same is often recommended. Among the ancient peoples, one can find much praise for the treatment of hunger as one of the most precious gifts of life.

    In our well-fed times, we almost forgot what a true hunger is, what is the actual need of the body for nutrition. Now people often take for chronic hungry gastritis neurosis, a habit developed several times a day, even if sometimes there is and do not want to. But changing habits related to nutrition is not at all difficult: it's serious enough to want. Already now, more and more people live in a diet that is limited from the point of view of the majority, but, in fact, completely normal, in the temperature regimes providing good hardiness, in the motor regime corresponding to the norms of reliable health. And health returns. Hunger is one of the important factors in the cleansing of the body. Many troubles - from perennial accumulation of digestive waste in the large intestine. The ignorant philistine considers himself a "giant trumpet", one end of which includes food, the other out of the garbage. Throw in the "pipe" that you want - everything will burn!- think almost everything. Yes, it will burn down, but if you throw there anything, there will burn 25-30 years of your life.

    Some Russian surgeons removed a large intestine from the corpse, alcoholized it and showed it to the students: that's what a man wears inside himself. The person who dies of cancer, as a rule, carries 25-30 kg of garbage, and the "slag" of a well-feeling person, practically healthy, is 8-10 kg. But while the human intestine is clogged with various stone-like deposits, his blood is constantly poisoned by extracts from fecal debris, what kind of health can we talk about?

    Why does so much waste accumulate in the intestine? According to Dr. Walker, mainly from consumption of starchy substances, boiled, baked and fried foods. The starch molecule does not dissolve either in water, in alcohol, or in ether. These insoluble particles, getting into the system of our blood circulation, seem to clog the blood with a kind of "croup".Blood, circulating, tends to get rid of this "cereal", and eventually it settles in various organs and tissues. Boiled, baked and fried food completely does not feed the cells and walls of the colon and starve it. Vegetable food, on the contrary, gives food to the intestines and takes everything that comes to its way to the anus. For 40 years of life a person eats about 40 thousand lunches, breakfasts and dinners. If it eats, mainly, starch and boiled food, then it, passing through the large intestine, leaves layers of waste. In every large intestine peristalsis because of such food is severely impaired. On this basis, constipation and many other diseases occur.

    It is believed that 50% of the body's bioenergy is spent on vision, the remaining 50% - on other life processes. But if the human body is cluttered with slags, 40% of the 50 go on digestion and neutralization of food toxins, that is, to support internal ecological balance. On the movement, brain work, physical work and to combat stress and physical ailments, only 10% of energy remains. ..

    Where is the best place to get the reserves for better health? The answer is obvious - you need to reduce the cost of digestion and, if possible, exclude food and drug intoxication. All the cleaned systems will operate without interruptions, in full force. Then a huge amount of energy will be released for the life of the organism.

    It is difficult to overestimate the importance of cleansing the body of toxins. This was said about by the ancients."Six days of feeding, one starve," they said. Posts, which are spoken of in the Bible, is not only a tribute to the Divine origin, but also a path to the improvement of the body. After winter nothing is done, abundant meals - Lent. The body is cleansed. The body will be healthy. Lightness, spiritual clarity, inner purity appear.

    In the Old Testament( the Book of Daniel, chapter 4), there is a tradition of how King Nebuchadnezzar fell seriously ill and turned to God for help. The King of Heaven responded to the request of the king of the earth and ordered him to go into the fields and "eat the grass as the bulls eat."Nebuchadnezzar obeyed the orders from above, lived for some time in the fields, was treated with grass and recovered.

    There are about 350 types of grasses in the world and over 4,700 different subspecies. Each herb contains its own, only inherent, nutrients and has its medicinal properties. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers have always been interested in the medicinal properties of herbs;field, forest and meadow were their pharmacy, we rely more on chemical preparations.

    In the highly developed countries of the West, an increasing number of people are now trying to join Nature: patients are more likely to be treated with natural medicines, plant products, physiotherapy, sports and a healthy lifestyle. In recent years, the treatment of various diseases with green wheat juice( treatment with chlorophyll) has become widespread in the United States.

    The author of the theory of treatment with chlorophyll was the American naturalist Eni Wigmer. She examined the useful properties of many herbs and concluded that the most powerful health-improving effect on both humans and animals is fresh wheat juice. In one of the experiments Wigmer took 6 groups of experimental chickens and began to observe them. All groups received very good nutrition with vitamins, proteins and trace elements, and the chickens of the control group, Wiggmer, added finely chopped green wheat sprouts to food. As a result of the experiment, all the chickens grew healthy and strong, but those that received additional green wheat sprouts in the diet were twice as large as the rest.

    Of course, wheat is not a panacea for all diseases, but it supplies the body with "living" nutrients, in the absence of which various diseases develop.

    Eni Wigmer and her students developed a fasting method based on green wheat juice. This starvation cleanses and simultaneously nourishes the body.

    At the institute, established by Wiggmer, patients are treated according to the following procedure.

    Before the beginning of treatment, that is before starting treatment with famine and chlorophyll, the patient makes a cleansing enema to remove from the intestine the remains of food poisoning the body. Within 7 days the patient receives nothing but water. Three or four times a day, they give him green wheat juice and inject chlorophyll twice. If the human body does not take the juice of wheat because of its taste or smell, then instead of the juice of wheat, two more times a day of chlorophyll juice is administered to it.

    At home, Wiggmer recommends that you treat as follows: "Drink two glasses of warm water with the juice of one lemon on an empty stomach. For taste, you can add a little honey or molasses. Then make a cleansing enema to remove all stratifications on the walls of the intestine. At regular intervals, drink 113 grams of wheat chlorophyll. Each portion can be diluted with water to taste. During fasting, you should drink at least 0.9 liters of not very cold water, adding a bunch of green wheat for cleaning. Cold water inhibits the work of the intestines and stomach. "

    In the early days of starvation, patients may experience hunger, weakness, dizziness. In order to get rid of discomfort, it is recommended to drink sesame milk several times a day, eat grapes or watermelon. If the feeling of hunger is expressed very strongly, then, in some cases, the patient can interrupt starvation( but not in the evening) and eat a little leaf lettuce, alfalfa or lentils. After this, fasting can be continued.

    If a person decided to get rid of obesity or weight by such a fast, he should know that with this method of treatment he will lose up to 200 g. Daily. The patient should be prepared for the fact that he may have headaches, chills, nausea, sometimes convulsions. But this process is natural( the toxins from the cells and tissues of the body are led to the blood, which causes irritation of the brain marks with the products of decay and hence all the above-mentioned phenomena).This state can be alleviated if you chew celery. During fasting, you need to rest more, take a bath or shower more often( 4-5 times a day).