  • Sinus arrhythmia: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

    What is this - by arrhythmia means a violation of the heart, characterized by a change in the frequency of strokes, i.e.pulses of the heart and rhythm of myocardium contraction.

    Sinus arrhythmia is a non-uniform and uneven distribution of impulses in the node, in this case the rhythm becomes more frequent, or on the contrary it will be less frequent.

    This phenomenon may be due to the instability of the vagus nerve or the uneven filling of the heart muscle with blood during inspiration and expiration.

    More common in young people, during convalescence of patients after suffering from infectious ailments. In addition, there are cases of sinus arrhythmia in patients with neurocirculatory dystonia.

    In healthy people, heart rate increases with breathing, especially at a young age. Sinus arrhythmia is pathological in nature, associated with improper cardiac work in connection with diseases of the cardiovascular system, neuroses or intoxication of the body.

    Causes of sinus arrhythmia

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    Often, the disease can occur due to electrolyte imbalance, in the case when the body lacks the amount of potassium and magnesium. In this case, the heart muscle relaxes badly, at the stage of spasm the muscle does not receive oxygen and the nutrients it needs, which are supplied with blood.

    If the cell does not have enough potassium, an excessive amount of water and sodium appears, and this provokes cardiac edema and defective functioning of the body. Problems with the functioning of the heart muscle and the reduction of its contractile function provoke problems in rhythm, and leads to heart failure.

    For reasons also include:

    • medicines;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • problems with the nervous system( neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia);
    • heart disease( ischemia, rheumatism, cardiosclerosis, infarction);
    • age problems in contraction of the heart muscle;
    • liver ailments;
    • obesity;
    • increased blood sugar;
    • hypothyroidism( thyroid disease);
    • hypothermia( hypothermia);
    • infection( brucellosis, typhoid).
    Attacks of sinus arrhythmia can be associated with a blood pressure disorder. Sometimes different types of arrhythmia alternate( bradycardia and tachycardia) due to a sinus node disorder.

    Read also, symptoms of sinus tachycardia.

    Symptoms of sinus arrhythmia

    Often patients do not experience arrhythmia, especially with physical exertion. There is a group of people predisposed to the disease. Then the reason can be any negative factor, including the increase in physical, psycho-emotional load or taking medication.

    Symptoms and signs of sinus arrhythmia:

    • weakness;
    • dizziness;
    • faint.
    These conditions are provoked due to a large interruption between cardiac contractions, as well as blockade at the exit from the atrial sinus node.

    See also, symptoms of atrial fibrillation.


    To establish an accurate diagnosis, the most progressive method today is the ECG.Such a survey allows you to establish data on the state of the heart, give information about the diseases that have been transferred, and the presence of ischemic pathological sites.

    This disease is characterized by the fact that electrical impulses at the atria and ventricles are not violated. The length and shape of the P wave is not changed, this is fixed by a cardiogram. Also, the QRST complex remains unchanged. Such intervals as P-Q( T) become constant, as well as at atrioventricular normal conductivity.

    A characteristic electrocardiographic symptom of sinus arrhythmia is the shortening of the R-R intervals on the ECG, which is fixed with increasing heart rate and vice versa, the elongation of the R-R intervals observed with a slowing of the heart rhythms. Variations in the duration of the intervals are associated with the respiratory phases and exceed 0.15 seconds. Deciphering the cardiogram gives a complete picture of the pathological process of cardiac activity and helps the cardiologist to choose the right direction of treatment.

    One of the methods for diagnosing sinus arrhythmia is to check the response of the cardiovascular system to certain nerve loads. Sinus arrhythmia is diagnosed by testing, invasive methods that allow you to know how the atrial node reacts to inhibition or stimulation of the nervous system.

    The complexity of diagnosing a disease is related to the fact that sinus arrhythmia is similar in symptomatology to other cardiac pathologies, for example, ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia, which is also accompanied by syncope in the patient.

    Treatment of sinus arrhythmia

    Treatment of sinus arrhythmia is aimed at strengthening the body and the cardiovascular system. No special treatment is required for minor abnormalities, but with strong vagotonia, atropine is used.

    Treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart failure, thyrotoxicosis, cardiosclerosis. Apply antiarrhythmic drugs until the pacemaker is installed in severe cases.

    Sinus arrhythmia, not associated with respiratory phases and resulting from cardiac pathologies, requires special medication and cancellation of the previous drug. The method of treatment depends on the patient's condition, his age, the presence of other pathologies and the stability of the nervous system. Sometimes it is enough to use only sedatives and to take preventive measures.


    In order to permanently forget about sinus arrhythmia, you must abandon bad habits, observe the regime of the day and nutrition, perform moderate exercise and saturate the body with oxygen.

    Preventive measures include a healthy lifestyle, an active lifestyle, moderate physical activity - swimming, exercise and walking outdoors. You can independently choose a cardiac pathway with a distance of at least 100 meters and walk it daily, increasing the distance.

    This will help get rid of excess weight, strengthen the heart muscle, which will prevent the occurrence of cardiac pathologies. Smoking, alcohol adversely affect the work of the heart, so the rejection of bad habits is the main condition for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Your health is in your hands!

    Normal sleep, the ability to relax and withstand stress help avoid arrhythmia or tachycardia. Positive mood, friendly attitude to people and the world around us will help to keep calm and health.

    An important role is played by diet. Since electrolyte imbalance and a lack of vitamins often lead to disruption of the heart and other organs, it is necessary to consume fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts and honey. Particularly useful for heart activity are products enriched with potassium and magnesium - squash, pumpkin, dried apricots, dried fruits, honey, nuts. With a shortage of potassium and magnesium in the body, you can use medicines - asparks or panangin.

    It is necessary to observe a diet and not overeat for the night. Gravity in the stomach leads to stress of the heart muscle and worsening of the heart. In everything you need to observe the balance, harmony in life and relationships will help to maintain a strong nervous system and a healthy heart.

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