
How and what is the treatment for hypotension? What is dangerous such a violation and how to deal with it

  • How and what is the treatment for hypotension? What is dangerous such a violation and how to deal with it

    Reduced blood pressure for a long period of time is called hypotension or arterial hypotension. Conditionally this condition is divided into acute, when the pressure decreases suddenly, and chronic when low pressure is observed constantly, causing the appearance of other symptoms.

    Why and how does hypotension occur?

    The mechanism of low pressure development consists in insufficient vascular tone and slowing of blood flow. On average, a decrease in blood pressure even by 20% causes a state of hypotension. A sharp jump in blood pressure below the norm may occur with certain diseases or provoking factors, which include:

    • Myocardial infarction( acute form).
    • Blocking of a pulmonary artery thrombus. Blockade of cardiac muscle.
    • Allergic reactions to allergens.
    • Neurotic conditions and stressful situations.
    • Massive blood loss.
    • Vegeto-vascular dystonia( disturbance of nervous regulation of vascular tone).
    • Sleep disturbance and chronic lack of sleep.
    • Unreasonable rest.
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    • Admission of antihypertensive drugs and other medications.
    • Lack of nutrients.

    In addition, hypotension can occur as a symptom in any body disease, for example, with anemia, stomach ulcer, diabetes mellitus, etc. The danger of hypotension is that to the brain and other organs, due to the slowing of the blood flow, less oxygen is supplied, causing their oxygen starvation. That is why, in the diagnosis of hypotension, treatment should be timely and comprehensive.

    Than it is possible to treat a disease?

    The so-called physiological hypotension should not be treated, since low blood pressure in such patients is a measure of body adaptation. For example, this condition is observed in trained athletes, residents of high mountain areas or people with a reduced constitution. Reduced pressure is the norm for them and does not need to be adjusted.

    Before you answer the question of how to treat hypotension, you need to know the reasons that led to such a condition. Elimination of all causes will help to quickly cope with the disease and eliminate all unpleasant symptoms. For example, without the treatment of anemia, it is impossible to completely eliminate the symptoms of hypotension.

    In addition to these measures, complex treatment of hypotension should be carried out in several directions:

    1. Normalization of the nervous system and its regulation of the tone of blood vessels.
    2. Measures to increase blood pressure.
    3. General restorative therapy( hardening, sports, swimming, walking, exercise therapy).

    Many patients try to invent for themselves a cure for hypotension, which can be a cup of strong coffee or a tablet of citramone. Yes, coffee and stimulating vascular tone of the preparation of citramone do help to raise blood pressure, but it is not recommended to take measures independently.

    Without finding out the reasons and with such therapy it is possible to appear not on reception at the cardiologist as it is demanded by medicine, and on reception at the psychoneurologist, with all consequences following from here. Medicamental treatment of hypotension is used in rare cases, when all other measures did not bring the proper result. Usually, for such purposes, stimulant preparations with caffeine content( cofetamine, ascophene, pyramine, citramone) are used.

    So, the treatment of hypotension boils down to adherence to the following rules:

    • Do physical exercises or some kind of sports( without high physical exertion).Movement stimulates blood flow and vascular tone, and also helps to remove metabolic products from the body.
    • Complete rest( sleep not less than 10-12 hours).Such a protective reaction of the organism is especially pronounced in the cold seasons of the year, when hypotenics sleep longer than other members of the family. Also, it is not recommended to jump off the bed after waking up, but get up in a few minutes.
    • Do respiratory gymnastics, which can be performed with the help of diaphragmatic breathing. That is, when you breathe in, you need to push your stomach forward, and, when you exhale, press it. Normally, we all do the opposite, but this n = gymnastics well activates and raises the tone of the peripheral nervous system.
    • Adjust the diet and diet. In the diet should be fresh food, including greens, raw vegetables and fruits, cereals, meat, eggs, dairy and sour-milk products. Less to use in the diet of ready-made food( canned food).There is little better, several times a day. Introduce in the diet of fatty, spicy, sharp and salty foods. Spices, cholesterol, salt and spices excite the nervous system and raise the pressure well.
    • Refuse bad habits, especially from smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, which cause a rise first, followed by a persistent decrease in vascular tone.
    • Aromatherapy and massage with hypotension are very useful and quick procedures. Massage and all procedures strengthen the vessels, improve the work of the heart and central nervous system, restore metabolism. A good effect are such procedures as a contrast shower, dousing with cold water, medical baths and hydromassage. Hypotonics are useful to regularly visit the sauna or Russian bath. After the steam room, dipping into cold water is better with the head, it helps to quickly restore the flow of oxygen to the tissues, including the brain.
    • Physiotherapeutic procedures - galvanic collar for the Shcherbak, darsonvalization of the neck, head and heart area, aeroionotherapy.

    All these medical measures are called one word - a healthy lifestyle. If you regularly take all of the above measures, it is possible that you will not need the help of a therapist. With secondary hypotension, when other diseases of the body are accompanied by a decrease in pressure, eliminating the underlying disease helps the vessels to quickly return to normal.

    It usually happens that with age, the reduced pressure becomes normal, because as the age increases, the pressure also increases somewhat. Therefore, it is important for hypotensive people to know the initial parameters of their pressure when they feel perfectly normal, and as they age, compare these indicators. Do not interfere with people with reduced pressure to regularly visit a cardiologist and conduct a survey.

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