How to prevent and stop the development of varicose veins
To prevent varicose veins with timely prevention of
Varicose veins, or varicose veins,the diameter of their lumen increases, the walls become thin and, as a consequence, venous nodes are formed.
This can occur with any human veins, for example, the veins of the esophagus, rectum or spermatic cord, called varicocele.
But the most common disease of this group is the widening of the veins of the lower extremities, therefore at the household level it is customary to call this pathology varicose veins.
Causes of varicose veins on the legs ^
According to medical statistics, half of women suffer from varicose veins after 40 years and about 25% of men. Particularly susceptible to this disease are the categories of people who, due to their professional activities, have to spend most of their time on their feet - teachers, hairdressers, surgeons, cooks.
It is necessary to understand that varicose veins are not only ugly asterisks and nodules on the legs, which so afflict women from an aesthetic point of view. The development of the disease occurs gradually and this is facilitated by a number of unfavorable factors for the veins, before external signs in the form of knots are visible.
The main causes of varicose, called medics:
- excess weight,
- poor bowel work and constipation,
- flat feet,
- inactivity,
- sedentary lifestyle,
- limited movements,
- considerable physical activity,
- weight lifting,
- prolonged stress in the legs.
One of the main culprits contributing to the development of varicose veins, doctors call excess weight, which creates excessive stress on the legs and promotes stagnation of blood in the veins. Many researchers of the causes of varicose veins also point to a direct link between good bowel work and the condition of the veins of the lower extremities, although, at first glance, this connection is not too obvious.
The fact is that the blood from the lower extremities, going a long way to the heart, is collected in the veins of the small pelvis and abdominal cavity. And if on its way there is stagnation associated with poor and irregular work of the intestine, then the movement of venous blood upward is blocked.
The development of varicose veins is promoted by inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs( especially in women), hormonal failures, pregnancy, stress, adverse effects of toxins( antibiotics, alcohol, nicotine) and hereditary predisposition.
Genetically inherited inferiority of veins valves, unfortunately, is transmitted to the child in 70% of cases, if this disease affects at least one of the parents and therefore hereditary varicose can develop in children at the earliest age.
But, it is necessary to understand that any hereditary predisposition does not mean the disease and varicose will develop only if there are adverse concomitant factors. Therefore, the prevention of a disease that prevents varicose veins and prevents its serious complications should come to the fore.
How to prevent varicose veins: preventive maintenance at home ^
To prevent varicose veins or to stop its progression, a whole complex of measures is needed to eliminate the causes that provoke its development. The solution to this problem should be taken seriously - to revise its diet in the root, to develop a correct and rational diet, which will lead both to weight loss and normalization of the intestine.
Principles of healthy nutrition for varicose
The diet must contain foods rich in fiber, which has the amazing ability to absorb all unnecessary and unnecessary and to facilitate its withdrawal to the outside. These unique properties of fiber are widely used by doctors after the Chernobyl disaster, because it is able to remove from the body not only toxins, slags, pus, but even radionuclides.
Fiber is often called an intestinal cleaner, because it as a metal scraper cleans its walls from sticking the waste toxic feces and does not allow them to re-absorb into the blood and poison the body. Especially rich in fiber porridge and rind of vegetables and fruits.
Kashi are the best kind of nutrition for beauty and health and are recommended by doctors to the everyday menu for all groups of the population - pregnant women, children, elderly people, diabetics, obese people, sportsmen. If you sit for a few days, for example, on a pearl diet, then not only will you lose extra pounds, but swellings will fall, your skin will smooth out and become beautiful and silky hair.
To reduce weight, reduce in your diet animal fats, replacing them with vegetable oils, which are very useful for varicose veins, as they improve blood flow. Do not eat fast food products, because they contain a lot of fats and trans fats that contribute to obesity, cholesterol and slagging of the body.
Maximize the intake of foods rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the veins well, and also increases immunity. Very rich in this vitamin citrus, sea buckthorn, dog rose, black currant, as well as onions and garlic.
How to get rid of varicose veins: medical advice
- Be sure to drink at least two liters of ordinary water every day, which is an excellent way to lose weight and prevent the development of varicose veins.
- It is extremely useful sometimes to rest the body from food, arranging short-term one-day fasting, which not only reduces weight, but also helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
- Doctors strongly recommend to give up smoking, because nicotine has an extremely negative effect on the walls of the vessels and causes the development of varicose veins, which is proved by numerous studies.
- It is also necessary to avoid colds and overheating, as veins are very badly acted by sharp temperature changes, for the same reason a long sitting in hot water and a bath is contra-indicated.
- For the same reason, people with varicose veins do not recommend a sharp change in the climate and advise to rest in their climatic zone.
Do I need physical exertion for varicose ^
Varicose on the legs: prevention of
Despite the fact that people suffering from varicose veins are not allowed to exercise weight on their legs, medium-intensity physical activity to prevent the development of varicose is urgently needed. The best type of physical activity in varicose veins is walking, due to which the muscles of the lower leg are contracted and the blood flows from the veins.
If possible, try to keep your legs elevated and in no case sit on your leg, because in this position you prevent the normal flow of limbs and provoke the development of varicose veins. In this regard, the habit of Americans to sit "feet on the table" is very useful.
If you have been sitting for a long time, do some simple but very effective exercises:
- Climb 20 times on your toes, tearing off the heels off the floor and drop back. Regular repetition of this exercise will surely protect you from the development of varicose veins, because the muscles of the legs act like a pump in such movements, strengthening blood flow and eliminating stagnation of blood in the veins.
- If possible, also do the famous exercise "bike" - lying on your back, twist the pedals, mimicking the movement of a bicycle ride.
Be attentive to the choice of clothes, because any pinching in the area of the thighs or lower legs, for example, tight knee socks, increase unwanted pressure in the veins. Clothes should be as free and comfortable as possible, without disturbing the free flow of blood. The same goes for shoes - walking in tight shoes with high heels strengthens the burden on the veins and promotes the development of varicose veins.
As you can see, the advice of specialists how to prevent varicose veins is very simple and easy to do, because, like with any other disease, it is easier to cope with if you start treatment at the earliest stage, and even better prevent its development.
Doctors say that if you regularly follow all of these simple recommendations and constantly take care of your feet health, then varicose veins will not be terrible and you can easily avoid many of the problems associated with it.