  • Diet for gout

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    One of the varieties of secondary gout is the so-called lead gout caused by lead poisoning. Indeed, in former times people were poisoned quite often by lead because of the use of alcoholic beverages stored in containers containing lead( for example, in "lead" crystal).Today, lead in large quantities enters the body with water, air and food. Lead is often used in industrial production, and when enterprises "throw" it into the environment, it settles in the fields, getting into the water and into the soil. Therefore, it is recommended that all patients with gout suffer a lead test in the body just in case. If you do not have such an opportunity, eat more foods that contribute to the removal of this element: beets, carrots, dandelions, cabbage, whole grains, artichokes.
    Doctors usually identify the following risk factors for the development of this disease:
    • hereditary factors affecting the synthesis of uric acid in the body;
    • taking certain medications( especially diuretics);
    • Overeating, overweight and malnutrition( excess of oily, salty, spicy food in the diet);

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    • overwork and nervous exhaustion;
    • some diseases( primarily exchange);
    • Chronic lead poisoning.
    Gout has several characteristic symptoms, but the most noticeable and unpleasant is acute inflammation of the joints. This occurs suddenly and abruptly, and usually affects one joint. That's why such attacks are sometimes called a gout attack. They are related to the fact that crystals of uric acid salts from time to time fall from the tissues of the joint into its cavity.
    Such an unpleasant fate can comprehend almost any joint. But most often suffer joints of the legs( especially the foot and ankle joint).The first, as a rule, is a victim of the gout of the stagnant toe( it becomes the site of the development of the first gout attack).Another unpleasant fact: these attacks begin, usually at night. Therefore, gout is often accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, bad mood, the patient simply does not get enough sleep.
    In addition to the rapidly increasing pain, it becomes noticeable swelling of the joint, as well as surrounding tissues. Skin over inflamed patch may turn red. Sometimes the temperature rises.
    Patients with gout know that they often provoke attacks of this disease with their inattentive attitude towards the body. Provoke a gout attack can use alcohol, a long load on the joint( for example, walking for long distances), taking certain medications( diuretics), as well as surgical operations, injuries and other stressful conditions for the body.
    Gout lasts a few days usually. In mild cases, it passes by itself, without treatment. In more severe medications are required, and treatment is delayed for weeks.
    If you have had a gout attack, you know: the attack, unfortunately, can happen again. Usually this happens an average of one year after the first attack. Although in some people the gap between exacerbations can reach several years. With the passage of time, the pauses between attacks become shorter and shorter.
    Another characteristic feature of gout is the formation of small nodular formations under the skin. They are called tophi. Tofus are usually located in the area of ​​the elbow joints, cartilage of the auricles and Achilles tendons on the legs. In sizes, they can exceed 2 cm( although usually less), but, despite their size, do not cause any special trouble to their owners.
    In some cases, tofusi become the cause of inflammation in nearby nearby articular bags or tendons. In this case, the pain is likely to appear due to the development of a new disease. Sometimes tofusi are opened outward, while the contents of white color are distinguished, the texture resembling cottage cheese.
    The diagnosis of "gout" is never made only on the grounds that the patient has started a painful attack. The doctor necessarily conducts a survey. If the uric acid content in the blood exceeds the norm( 416.4 μmol / L in men and 356.9 μmol / L in women), this can be a case of this disease. In addition to studying the level of uric acid in the blood, it is necessary to determine the daily excretion of uric acid in the urine, to investigate the state of the kidneys, because, in addition to joint damage, the symptom of gout is the appearance of kidney stones. This course of the disease is typical for 20% of patients. And of course, the tip will be the presence of tofus.
    When gout is required, a comprehensive treatment combining the use of medications, physiotherapy and dieting.
    The drug treatment is mainly in the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as drugs that inhibit the formation of uric acid. Sometimes a doctor recommends corticosteroid hormones that are able to change the acidity of urine and reduce the likelihood of kidney stones. Sometimes, uric acid deposits in soft tissues are removed by surgery.
    Significantly facilitate the state of patients and physiotherapy procedures. In recent years, new methods have emerged to combat this disease. So, the procedure for purifying blood with the help of special apparatus( plasmaphoresis-hemosorption) began to be applied.

    Gout is a disease that is not familiar to young people. In rare cases, it occurs in people aged 30 years, and more often develops in those over forty. This ailment is caused by the deposition of uric acid in various organs and tissues, and primarily in the joints and kidneys. Prolonged elevated levels of uric acid in the blood and leads to the fact that one day the doctor makes a diagnosis of "gout."

    If you once had a gout attack, you need to keep track of your weight. Weight correction is both an important way of preventing this ailment, as well as a method of arresting its attacks.
    In addition, gout "loves" those who managed to acquire metabolic diseases, in particular, atherosclerosis and diabetes. Therefore, try not to allow their development. Watch your food. It should be varied and balanced, not abound with fatty and fried foods. Do not lean on the sweet and salty( especially if you had people in the family who suffered from gout).
    And do not forget that you need to move more. Moderate( but not exhausting!) Physical activity in the fresh air will help you feel better and reduce the risk of meeting with joint diseases.
    It is also recommended to take quality vitamin-mineral complexes( avoid large doses of vitamin C!), Quercetin, omega-3-acid and folic acid.

    Alcohol increases the production of uric acid and slows its withdrawal from the body. As a result, the content of uric acid in the blood increases significantly. It is for this reason that alcohol consumption often provokes acute attacks of gout. Sometimes everything that needs to be done to lower the level of uric acid and prevent disease, it's just to give up alcohol.

    Low-purple diet with gout for many years is deservedly extolled by doctors-nutritionists. Products with high purine content must be completely excluded from the diet. This meat, shellfish, products containing yeast( beer and confectionery), herring, sardines, mackerel.

    Gout patients usually suffer from excessive weight, are prone to increased blood pressure and diabetes, are at risk of cardiovascular disease. Weight loss contributes to the normalization of uric acid levels. Achieving an ideal weight is perhaps the most important goal of diet therapy in the treatment of gout.

    The consumption of refined carbohydrates and saturated fats should be minimized. The first stimulate the production of uric acid, the latter worsen its withdrawal from the body. When consuming a large number of proteins, the synthesis of uric acid is accelerated both in healthy people and in patients with gout.

    Abundant fluid intake "dilutes" urine and helps to remove uric acid from the body. Drinking plenty also reduces the risk of kidney stones.

    Cherries, grapes, blueberries and other dark berries are a rich source of anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins. It is these flavonoid compounds that give the berries a deep red-blue color. Berries rich in flavonoids help prevent the destruction of joint structures. Scientists have shown that you can reduce uric acid levels and prevent gout attacks by eating about 700 grams of fresh cherries( or the same number of other products containing flavonoids) per day.

    Usually, dieting with gout is itself a healing effect, and there is no need for special nutritional supplements. Large doses of vitamin C or niacin can only increase the level of uric acid. The general recommendation for patients with gout is simply take high-quality multivitamin and multimineral complexes that provide 100% of the recommended nutritional value. If you think that this is not enough, you can additionally take quercetin, omega-3-acid and folic acid.

    Flavonoid quercetin inhibits the production of uric acid in much the same way as allopurinol does, and it also slows the production and release of substances that cause inflammation. Quercetin is found in many vegetables and fruits. To achieve the best results, you should take 200 - 400 mg quercetin with bromelain between meals 3 times a day. Bromelain not only contributes to the absorption of quercetin, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Omega-3 fatty acids
    Omega-3 fatty acids, in particular in flaxseed and fish oil, limit the production of compounds that cause inflammation and tissue damage in gout. Recommendations for the use of omega-3 fatty acids in cases of gout and rheumatoid arthritis are the same.

    Folic acid
    Folic acid inhibits the action of xanthine oxidase, the enzyme responsible for the production of uric acid. Studies have shown that some of the folate derivatives are more potent inhibitors of xanthine oxidase than allopurinol. However, the data have yet to be clarified. In any case, you need to know that the required dosage of folic acid is about 10 - 40 mg per day. In such a dosage, folic acid is not toxic and safer than traditional drugs used in the treatment of gout. Nevertheless, before you start taking folic acid, you should consult your doctor.

    In fact, the natural approach to treating chronic gout is not too different from the traditional medicine approach. However, in this approach, not medicines, but natural remedies, are used to maintain a normal level of uric acid.
    Using folk remedies against gout does not eliminate the need to follow a diet. They are only a complement to other methods. And of course, before using this or that remedy, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Blueberry leaf 2 pieces, St. John's wort 4 pieces, flax seeds 2 pieces, dandelion root 3 pieces, tansy flowers 1 piece, hop cones 3 pieces.
    Two tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 ml of boiling water, insist overnight. Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3 - 5 times a day. The course of treatment - 2 - 3 months.

    Burdock root, goldenrod grass, weed grass, hips, wild ash of the mountain ash, root of the saber.
    All ingredients should be taken in equal proportions, chopped in a coffee grinder and mixed thoroughly. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour two cups of boiling water and insist the night. During the exacerbation of the disease, the doses are taken in shock doses: 5 - 6 tbsp.spoonfuls per liter of boiling water for 2 - 3 weeks, after which they switch to the usual reception( 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of boiling water).Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3 - 5 times a day. The course of treatment - 2 - 3 months.

    Leaf of bearberry, grass sporisha, bay leaf, kidney tea, kuril tea, herb St. John's wort, yarrow, licorice root - equally.
    Two tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 ml of boiling water, insist overnight. During the exacerbation of the disease, the doses are taken in shock doses: 5 - 6 tbsp.spoonfuls per liter of boiling water for 2 - 3 weeks, after which they switch to the usual reception( 2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of boiling water).Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3 - 5 times a day. The course of treatment - 2 - 3 months.

    When gout is disturbed metabolism, mainly - protein. In order to balance the disturbed balance, it is necessary to follow certain principles in nutrition. This will increase the intervals between attacks( attacks) and reduce their severity.
    An important condition for proper nutrition is the restriction of protein foods, primarily meat and fish. An important role is played by the reduction in the diet of animal fats and digestible carbohydrates. It is very important to significantly reduce the consumption of table salt( and if possible, it is desirable and completely abandon it).Sugar should be consumed in moderation, and it is better to replace it with honey and dried fruits.

    Once a week, doctors recommend people who suffer from gout, arrange unloading days. Completely refuse to eat on such days should not be, but the amount of food should be significantly reduced.
    Usually, a doctor recommends eating up to two kilograms of raw or cooked vegetables and fruits throughout the day from the approved list. At the same sugar and salt in the drink and dishes do not need to add. You can combine different products: make ragout, salads( without dressing), bake fruits. And you can "sit" all day on one product - for example, on potatoes baked in "uniform" or on apples.
    On the eve of a fasting day it is recommended to make a warm enema, it is possible with chamomile or sage. During the unloading day, it is allowed to drink only water( not less than 1.5 liters).The next day after unloading the food should be vegetarian, that is, without meat, fish and eggs.

    List of products recommended for gout:
    • vegetables: potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage;
    • fruits: growing in the middle band and citrus fruits;
    • berries;
    • milk and dairy products;
    • low-fat cheese and cottage cheese;
    • chicken and quail eggs;
    • squid, shrimp;
    • vegetable oil and cream;
    • flour products( but not baking);
    • cereals;
    • nuts;
    • honey.

    List of products to be restricted:
    • salt and sugar;
    • pickles and marinades;
    • boiled meat and fish;
    • mushrooms;
    • some types of vegetables: spinach, sorrel, celery, cauliflower, radish;
    • beans.

    List of products prohibited with gout:
    • meat and fish broths;
    • fried meat and fish;
    • by-products( liver, lungs, brains, kidneys);
    • smoked products, sausages, meat and canned fish;
    • caviar;
    • yeast;
    • spicy seasonings and spices( except vinegar and bay leaves);
    • chocolate, cocoa, coffee, strong black tea;
    • alcoholic beverages.

    Soups with gout are recommended mainly vegetarian, but a couple of times a week you can afford the first dish with dairy products( low-fat cheeses, kefir, natural yogurt or skim milk).If you want to add a piece of meat to the plate, it should be boiled separately, since meat broths are contraindicated for gout. And of course, meat should be dietary. You can afford such a "luxury" not more than once a week. Soups should be as little as possible to salt, not pepper, and generally do not use spices( except bay leaf).
    Ingredients: 1 red bell pepper, 1 orange, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of olive oil, 2 liters of vegetable broth without salt, 200 grams of rice, 50 g of parsley greens, a pinch of salt, 100 ml of low-fat yogurt.
    Clean orange, peel the strips, grate the fourth part, squeeze the juice into a glass. Chop the parsley. Pepper should be cleaned of seeds, a fourth of it should be rubbed on a large grater, the rest should be finely chopped. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the oil over a moderate heat. Reduce the heat. Put the prepared pepper in butter, pass for 5 minutes, until it becomes soft.
    Rinse and wash the rice. Place the strips of orange peel in gauze and tie with a thread. Lower the bag on the string into a saucepan. Pour the vegetable broth and put the rice. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Cook until rice is cooked. Get the bag of rind from the soup. Pour in the orange juice. Put parsley, salt. Spoon the soup over the plates. In each plate add a tablespoon of low-fat yogurt. Decorate with orange peel and parsley sprigs.

    Ingredients: 1,5 l vegetable broth without salt, 250 g of young eggplants, 30 g of parsley greens, 30 g of dill greens, 1 teaspoon of tomato sauce, lemon juice to taste.
    Young eggplants should be washed, peeled and put for an hour in cold water so that the bitterness has come down. Then hold over the steam so that the plug can easily fit in. Steamed fruits finely chopped, quickly washed with cold water and let the water drain. Put in cold vegetable broth, add tomato sauce and lemon juice. Cold soup pour on plates and sprinkle abundantly with shredded dining room greens.

    Ingredients: 4 small cucumbers, 250 ml buttermilk, 125 ml low-fat yogurt or sour cream, 1 boiled egg, 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of fresh crushed mint leaves, 2 teaspoons of chopped dill.
    3 cucumber peel, seeds and finely chop. Put the cucumber in the food processor and make a smoothie. Add buttermilk and yogurt. Turn on the food processor for another 20 seconds. Add the lemon juice. Pour the soup into a small bowl.
    Peel off the peel and seeds and cut into small cubes the remaining cucumber. Put the diced cucumber, dill greens and mint in mashed potatoes. To stir thoroughly. Cover with a plastic wrap and put on for 2 hours, so that the soup has a characteristic flavor. Pour soup into refrigerated serving plates. Put a piece of hard-boiled egg in each plate. Decorate with sprigs of mint and dill.

    Ingredients: 300 g of cranberries, 500 g of apples, 1 tbsp.spoon of potato flour, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of skimmed cream, a pinch of brown sugar or 1 teaspoon of honey.
    Wash cranberries, mash with a fork, pour 2 cups of boiling water and put on fire for 10 - 15 minutes. Apples peel, remove the core and cut into slices. Cranberry broth strain and, stirring, add sugar( or honey) and apples. Boil. Potato flour diluted with cold water and pour into boiling soup. To stir thoroughly. Remove the soup from the heat and cool. Serve with low-fat cream.

    Ingredients: 2 cups chopped onion, 4 carrots, 2 liters of vegetable broth, 1 glass of orange juice, 1 tbsp.spoon of orange peel, slices or slices of orange for decoration, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of chopped green onions for decoration.
    In a large saucepan over medium heat, heat the vegetable broth. Put the onions in a saucepan and reduce the heat. Boil the onion for 15 minutes until it is soft. Carrots clean and cut into large pieces. Add carrots and orange peel to the soup and bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat. Cook for 20 - 25 minutes, until the carrot is soft. Recline the vegetables without pouring the broth. In a food processor, make a puree of vegetables and 500 ml of broth. Pour the mashed potatoes back into the pan and mix with the remaining broth. Add orange juice and salt. Preheat over moderate heat. Spoon the soup over the plates. Decorate with slices or slices of orange. Sprinkle with chopped green onions.

    Ingredients: 500 g onion, 2 - 3 tbsp.spoons of vegetable oil, 1.5 liters of vegetable broth, 3 tbsp.spoons of almonds, 150 grams of hard cheese, 5 sprigs of fresh basil greens, a pinch of salt.
    Cut the onion rings and lightly brown in vegetable oil, but do not fry. Put onions in a hot broth and boil for 15 minutes. Salt. Rub the almonds in a mortar. Cheese grate on a fine grater. Pour soup into plates, put in each roasted almond, sprinkle with a thick layer of grated cheese and decorate with sprigs of basil.

    Cabbage soup with cheese
    Ingredients: 1 head cabbage weighing 700 - 800 g, 100 g of processed cheese, dill greens, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of grated walnuts, a pinch of salt.
    Boil water in a large saucepan and lightly season with salt. Cut the cabbage, getting rid of leafless leaves, cobs and white thickening on the top sheets. Rinse and cook in salted water until tender. Take out about half cabbage, cool, blend with a blender and put again in a saucepan. Cheese cut, add to the cabbage and stir until completely dissolved. Remove from heat. Dill greens and chop. Hot soup sprinkled with chopped dill and grated walnuts.

    Ingredients: 5 small potatoes, 1 onion, 1 carrot, parsley, 1 bay leaf, 1/2 cup low fat yogurt, a pinch of salt.
    Peel potatoes and cut into quarters. Carrots cut into cubes, grind the onion. Put the carrots into a pot of boiling water and a laurel leaf, and onions and potatoes after 5 minutes. Salt and cook for about 10 minutes until the vegetables are ready. Remove from the plate and do not cover with a lid. Cool the yogurt. Wash the parsley and finely chop.
    Serve the soup hot, thickly sprinkled with herbs. On top of the green layer, pour 20 - 30 ml of yogurt into each plate to decorate with a spiral, a spiral, a grate, etc.

    KEPS Ingredients: 1 cream cheese, 2 juicy marrows, 1 onion, 2 potatoes, 1carrots, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of tomato sauce( preferably home without salt), parsley greens, a pinch of salt.
    Squash, carrots and potatoes to clean and cut into cubes. Grind the onion. Put the vegetables in a saucepan, pour a small amount of water, add the tomato paste and simmer on low heat, stirring and pouring water for 12 to 15 minutes. Add water, lightly season with salt and bring to a boil.
    Cream cheese is finely chopped, dipped in water and continue cooking on low heat, stirring constantly, until the cheese completely dissolves. It should be ensured that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan. Remove the soup from the plate. When serving, sprinkle it on a plate with finely chopped parsley.

    Ingredients: 500 g of young carrots, 3 tablespoons of grated nuts( preferably cashew), 100 grams of hard cheese, 1 lemon, a pinch of salt, greens for decoration.
    Young carrots wash, peeled and lowered into boiling slightly salted water. Cook for 15 minutes. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Nuts can be lightly browned on a hot frying pan. Pour into the pan grated cheese and stir well - until completely dissolved. Then pour the lemon juice and remove from heat. In the plates sprinkle the soup with grated nuts and decorate with sprigs of greenery.

    Since many fruits and vegetables are allowed for gout, you can fantasize with salads. In the dressing, you can add lemon juice and vinegar, low-fat yogurt, vegetable oil and kefir. But to salt it should be a little. Or do not salt at all.

    Ingredients: 150 g watercress, 2 handfuls of chopped lettuce, 20 g chopped chicory leaves, 80 g pine nuts, 4 peeled mandarins. For refueling: 1 tangerine juice, 1 lemon juice, 1/2 orange, 3 tbsp.spoons of olive oil.
    Mix all ingredients, add refueling, allow to infuse for 15 minutes before serving.

    Ingredients: 4 fresh cucumbers, 1/3 small pumpkin, 2 eggs, 150 ml of natural low-fat yogurt( no flavoring), a pinch of salt.
    Fresh pumpkin and cucumbers cut into strips, add finely chopped boiled eggs and add a little salt. Stir the salad and pour it with yogurt.

    Ingredients: 3 to 4 cucumbers, 2 to 3 eggs, 1/2 cup of tomato juice without salt, chopped greens to taste, a few sprigs of parsley or cilantro for decoration.
    Cucumbers and boiled eggs cut into cubes, mix and pour tomato juice. Add crushed greenery. Top of the salad can be decorated with wedges of boiled eggs and twigs of cilantro or parsley.

    Ingredients: 2 cucumbers, 3 eggs, parsley and dill greens. For refueling: 3 tbsp.tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tbsp.spoons of lemon juice, dill.
    Fresh cucumbers and hard-boiled eggs cut into slices, mix and pour with dressing. Salad to put in the refrigerator for 1 - 2 hours, before serving, sprinkle with fresh shredded herbs.

    Ingredients: 3 - 4 medium tomatoes, 1 egg, 1 cucumber, 1 tbsp.spoon chopped leaves of green salad, 1/2 cup of natural yogurt, dill.
    Wash tomatoes, cut into small circles and put on a dish mixed with cucumber slices and eggs. Then sprinkle the mixture with chopped leaves of green salad, season with natural yogurt, sprinkle with finely chopped dill.

    SURFACE-COLORED SALAD Ingredients: 4 - 5 fresh cucumbers, 1 - 2 small beets, 1/2 glass of peeled walnuts, 1/2 glass of vegetable broth, chopped lettuce, 1 teaspoon lemon juice.
    Beet boil until half cooked and grate on a large grater. Mix beetroot with sliced ​​cucumber and crushed walnut kernels. Salad pour vegetable broth, mixed with lemon juice, and sprinkle top with chopped lettuce.

    Ingredients: 1 kg of potatoes, 500 g of young carrots, 100 - 125 g of vegetable oil, 50 g of dill, a little lemon juice.
    Welded potatoes in a jacket so that it can be cleaned and cut into thin slices. Boiled carrots peeled and cut into slices, mixed with potatoes, seasoned with vegetable oil and gently mixed. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Before serving, salad can add lemon juice to taste.

    Ideally, doctors recommend to abandon meat and fish dishes, replacing them with dairy products, cereals and vegetables. Unfortunately, such a strict diet is not up to everyone. If you are among the "meat-eaters" or can not live without fish, do not eat meat and fish days more than twice a week. Use this food is allowed only in cooked or baked form. For one meal, you can eat one gram of meat or fish per kilogram of weight. That is, a person with a body weight of 80 kg can afford 80 g of meat or fish food twice a week.
    The choice should be made in favor of beef - boiled or steamed. Chicken meat is allowed. But veal and chicken meat can worsen a patient's condition, since they contain a lot of purines. Categorically contraindicated fried fish and meat, lard and by-products( liver, kidneys, brains, etc.), as well as fish and canned meat.

    Ingredients: 500 g pulp of low-fat beef, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, a little salt. Parsley to peel, cut into large pieces and boil, fill with cold water, for 30 minutes.
    A little chilled broth to drain( do not throw out parsley).Meat washed in running water, cut off the film, slightly add and place in a pan with broth, cook for another hour and a half, taking off the foam after boiling and reducing the fire. Peel the carrots with small cubes. Add the carrots and parsley to the meat and continue to cook over low heat for a couple of minutes.

    STEAM Ingredients: 1 kg beef tenderloin, 4 carrots, 1 parsley root, salt.
    Beef washed in running water, cleaned of films, cut into thin slices and placed in the bottom basket of the steamer. Carrots and parsley wash, clean and cut into cubes. Put the finely chopped vegetables and roots in the top basket of the steamer and lightly season with salt. Both baskets put in a double boiler and cook until the meat is ready. Before serving, garnish the meat with steamed vegetables.

    Ingredients: 400 g of beef pulp, 1 bell pepper, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, 1 pinch of sugar, 1 tbsp.a spoon of grated cheese of hard varieties, greens and a pinch of salt.
    The meat washed and cleaned from the films is cut across the fibers with slices approximately 1 cm thick, slightly beaten off with a hammer, add a little salt and leave for 30 minutes. Shape the oil with oil and put veal slices in it and pour half of the water. Put in the oven for about 45 minutes and bring to semi-ready, if necessary pouring water.
    Wash vegetables, peel and chop. Pour on top of veal, sprinkle a little and leave in the oven for about 25 minutes( until the meat is ready).10 minutes before the ready to sprinkle the vegetables with grated cheese. Put again in the oven until the cheese melts completely.

    STEAM Ingredients: 1 kg of cod, 1 carrot, 3 zucchini, 2 tbsp.tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tbsp.a spoonful of dry greens of parsnip, a little salt.
    Fish to treat, sprinkle a little and rub with dry greens of parsnips from the outside and from the inside. Put the fish in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Carrots and zucchini clean and cut into large cubes. Vegetables salt and put on the bottom of the steam basket, laying on top of the fish. Cook the dish 20 - 25 minutes.

    PART Ingredients: 700 g of pike-perch, 2 glasses of vegetable broth or spicy broth, greens and a little salt.
    Gutted and washed fish cut into portions, dried with a napkin and rubbed with salt. Prepared fish put in a steam basket, shifting with twigs of greens. Vegetable broth or spicy broth pour into the steamer's container. Cook the fish for a couple of 15 minutes.
    For garnish, serve crumbly rice, cooked simultaneously with fish.

    Porridges( dairy and boiled on water) and vegetable stews should be the basis of your diet. Remember that when cooking you should not overeat and pepper the dishes. Refuse beans, peas and other beans.

    Ingredients: 10 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 bay leaves, a little salt. Peeled potatoes cut into 4 parts, pour water on 2/3, add grated carrots, onion, bay leaf, a little salt. Stew for 20 minutes.

    Ingredients: 1 kg of carrots, 1 cup of prunes without pits, 2 - 3 tbsp.spoons of vegetable oil, 100 g of honey.
    Carrots, cut into cubes, stew, adding water and butter, until half cooked. Then add the sliced ​​prunes and honey to it and stew for another 5 to 7 minutes.

    Ingredients: 5 - 6 carrots, 100 g of leeks, 1 tbsp.spoon of vegetable oil, 3 tbsp.spoons of lemon juice, a little salt.
    Carrot cut into strips, leeks - mugs. Stir, add the oil. Slightly warm on low heat for 3 minutes. Then add the lemon juice, salt and simmer in a sealed container for 3 to 5 minutes.

    OIL Ingredients: 0,5 kg carrots, 4 tbsp.spoons of olive oil, a pinch of sugar, 1 cup of water, parsley, a pinch of salt.
    Peel the carrots, cut into slices or cubes and put in a saucepan. Add lean oil, a pinch of cane sugar and salt and a coffee cup of water. Stew on low heat until liquid evaporates. Ready carrots can be sprinkled with finely chopped parsley.

    Aromatic Pepper
    Ingredients: 300 g sweet peppers, 1 onion, 30 g lemon juice, 5 tbsp.spoons of vegetable oil, a little salt.
    Pepper and rinse thoroughly in the oven, then peel and cut. Peel onion, cut into rings, season with vegetable oil and lemon juice and mix with pepper. A little salt. Serve as a garnish for the second course of beef and chicken.

    Ingredients: 1 cup of Hercules, 100 g of fresh strawberries, 1 banana, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey.
    Strawberry to wash and cut each berry into four pieces. Banana peel and cut into circles. Hercules pour boiling water and insist under the lid for 5 minutes. Add honey, strawberries, banana, stir and persist for 5 more minutes.

    Ingredients: 200 g cottage cheese, 2 - 3 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, a little salt.
    Curd cottage cheese, chop the onions finely, peel the tomatoes and cut them finely. Add salt and, stirring the mass, pour in it( gradually) the vegetable oil.

    Ingredients: 1 tbsp.skimmed milk, 2 tbsp.tablespoons semolina, 2 tbsp.tablespoons of butter, 3 eggs, peel and juice 1 orange, 1 tbsp.spoon of honey.
    Bring milk to a boil, add, stirring, semolina, add butter and boil until ready. Then cool, mix with egg yolks and whipped into whites with proteins, add orange peel and honey. This mass is put in a greased form, decorated with orange slices and baked in an oven for 20 - 30 minutes. Place the dish on the table hot with orange juice.

    Coffee, strong tea, cocoa and alcoholic beverages are prohibited. It is useful to use medicinal mineral waters. But which waters and in what quantities to use in a particular case, only the attending physician will tell. Useful juices, fruit salads and vegetable cocktails.

    Ingredients: 200 g cherries, 200 g yellow cherry, 100 g strawberries, 1 orange, 1 lemon, 100 g kernels of walnuts, 2 tbsp.spoons of cane sugar.
    Berries are washed, peeled off from stems and seeds, peeled orange, peeled into slices, slices cut in half, and seeds removed. All combine, add the kernels of walnuts, season with lemon juice, cane sugar. Put in the refrigerator for an hour.

    Ingredients: 500 g of pulp pulp, 200 g of apples, 1 lemon, 2 tbsp.spoons of honey( or cane sugar), 100 g of nuts.
    Wash the pumpkin and apples, add grated lemon zest, lemon juice, honey or cane sugar, grated walnut.

    Ingredients: 1 carrot, 1 teaspoon of cane sugar or honey, 1 tbsp.spoon of chopped nuts, 1 sweet apple.
    Carrot and apple grate on a fine grater, add cane sugar, chopped nuts. Mix everything.

    Ingredients: 500 g of pumpkin, 1 tbsp.water, 7 tbsp.spoons of honey, 50 ml of lemon juice, lemon peel.
    Pumpkin cut into slices, peel, cut out the core, chop the pulp into slices. Boil water and dilute honey in it. Add the zest and lemon juice and pour the pumpkin with this hot syrup. After cooling the marinade, merge into a saucepan, boil again, dip the pumpkin into it and cook on low heat until it becomes transparent.

    Ingredients: 500 g prunes, 300 g walnuts, 50 ml honey.
    Soar the prunes. Carefully pull out bones, stuff with slices of walnuts. Fill the prunes in molds and pour honey over them. Sprinkle with nut crust.

    Ingredients: 2 lemons, 300 g of pulp of watermelon, 1 beet, 2 cucumbers.
    Squeeze juice from lemons, watermelon, beets and cucumbers. Mix, add a few cubes of food ice. It is recommended to drink not earlier than one hour after a meal or one and a half to two hours before eating.

    Ingredients: 400 g of pulp pulp, 300 g of pitted plum, 2 grapefruit.
    Squeeze juice out of pumpkin, plums and grapefruits. Mix, if desired, add food ice. Decorate a glass of grapefruit in a glass.

    Ingredients: 2 bananas, 1 kiwi, 2 cups of pineapple, 1 lemon, 50 g of honey, 150 g of mineral water.
    Bananas and kiwis cleaned, together with pineapple squeeze the juice with the pulp. Add honey and lemon juice. It is a refreshing, toning cocktail, which is recommended to be consumed every day.
    Please consult with your doctor about the choice of mineral water.