Useful and medicinal properties of buckthorn fragile, alder
( wolfberry)
Shrub or tree 1,5-3 m in height with smooth, gray, on young branches - reddish, bark with cheche
wives( white specks).Leaves are regular, whole, glabrous, petiolate, with pointed apex, aim-noskraynie. Flowers are small, green, in loose bunches collected in the axils of leaves. Fetus is a black bone with several bones. Blooms in May-July.
Medicinal raw material is the bark from young branches( not older than 3 years old) 0.5 cm thick, collected in early spring( March-April) until the sap flow and emergence of leaves. In folk medicine, sometimes used to collect "berries" - shiny black stone with two bones.
The bark is consumed after 1-2 years of storage or hourly warming at a temperature of 100 degrees. The bark is dried in the air or in attics. Shelf life 5 years.
Anthraglucosides, the derivatives of anthraquinone, the main of which is frangulin, organic acids( chrysofane and frangulose), emodin, isoemodine, anthranols, etc., are found in the bark of the buckthorn.
Antraglucosides of buckthorn, when introduced into the body under the influence of digestive enzymes, are destroyed with the release of activestarted( emodina and chrozo-phanic acid) and contribute to increased intestinal motility, do not irritate the mucous membrane of the rest of the intestine. Therefore, the buckthorn bark is a mild laxative. In its influence is similar to the action of the Alexandrian leaf and rhubarb.
The buckthorn is used as a mild laxative for atonic constipation, spastic colitis and constipation during pregnancy, as well as to soften the stool with cracks in the rectum, hemorrhoids, etc.
The buckthorn is given in the form of decoctions of bark( 1:10), liquid and thickextract and drug frangulen. The action comes in 8-10 hours from the moment of reception, therefore, as a rule, the buckthorn should be applied at night.
In folk medicine, as in the scientific, the decoction of bark and fruit, infused with vodka, is consumed as a laxative;with dysentery;with sugar in case of stomach disease, stomach ulcer;the cortex is used as a laxative for typhoid
fever, liver disease, hemorrhoids and fever;externally - when scabies in children( decoction wash body) - an effective remedy.
Application of
Broth of bark: 20 g per 200 ml, and sometimes 500 ml;boil for 30 minutes;1 teaspoon( sometimes 1 tablespoon);indications are individual.
Bark tincture 30%: 25 drops 3 times a day.
Decoction: 1 tbsp. Spoon a crushed bark pour 1 cup of boiled water, boil for 20 minutes, drain in cool water. Take 1/2 glass at night and in the morning( laxative).
Powder of "berries"( three-year exposure) in a dose of 0.2 to 0.5 g( at the tip of a penknife) 3 times a day with diarrhea, anemia, dropsy( and a decoction).
Decoction 2: 20 g of bark for 0.5 liters of water. Cook for 15 minutes. Drink a day in 5-6 receptions for chronic constipation, liver tumors, hemorrhoids. The dose is determined individually.