  • Lemon useful properties, weight loss

    Lemon is an evergreen fruit tree of the family of rutas, wild lemons are not found in the wild.

    A small evergreen tree with a pyramidal or sprawling crown, up to 2.5-4 m in height, a family of rutile. Leaves are leathery, oblong-ovate, with unbonded petioles. Flowers axillary with purple on the outside with petals, with a delicate, delicate scent. The fruit is berry-shaped, 6-9 cm long, 4-6 cm in diameter, with a teat on top, light yellow in color, with a hard-to-break crust.

    is cultivated in Southeast Asia, Southern Europe and other countries.

    In Russia, it does not grow wild, is cultivated in Western Georgia.

    Medicinal raw materials are fruits. They contain citric acid( 6.9-8.1%), sugars( 2-3.5%), vitamins A, B1, B2 P and C( 45-83 mg%), coloring matter of hypoperadin. In the skin of the fruit contains essential oil( 0.4-0.6%).Seeds of fruits contain essential oil and bitter substance limonin, branches and leaves - essential oil( 0,09-0,24%).The bark contains the citronitin glycoside-citronitin.

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    The therapeutic effect is explained by the presence of lemon oil and citric acid, which is widespread in many plants: for example, in lemon its content reaches 6%, and in the juice of wild fan - 9%.In animal organisms, citric acid along with other organic acids - apple and amber - sheds an important role in metabolism, participates in the citric acid cycle of Krebs, which takes an intermediate position in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Important in the therapeutic action of lemons is ascorbic acid( vitamin C).Nesmofa for various conditions of growing lemons in Ukraine, Georgia, as well as at home, the content of ascorbic acid in lemons remains quite high.

    At home, juice is obtained with a juicer or by hand. Lemon juice is used for deposits of salts, including uric acid( gout), with edema of cardiac origin, with infectious and viral diseases. Lemons are also useful when the acidity of gastric juice is low, for example in hypocidal gasphits.

    At least three thousand years ago people already knew about the lemon a lot of interesting things and used it for medicinal purposes. The name of the lemon originated from the Malay word "lemo".In India, this fruit was called "nimu", and in China - "limung", which means "useful for mothers".

    According to the botanist Decandol, the birthplace of the lemon is India, where it grows wild in the mountainous areas, at the foot of the Himalayas, from where it came for a long time to Mesopotamia, where it acclimatized.

    In Italy, a lemon was introduced in the IV century BC.E., but wide application in those days, he has not yet received. Arabs brought it to the 10th century in Palestine, and from there the Crusaders again brought the lemon to Italy, to Sicily.

    An ancient legend says: Hellenes, delighted with the aroma and color of the lemon, decided to elect him as the emblem of their fun on the day of a special holiday. It was then that the goddess of the Earth Gaia received news of the marriage of Jupiter with Juno. Since that time, the lemon appears in the marriage ceremonies of the Greeks.

    The medicinal properties of the lemon have been known for a long time. Even the ancient Greek philosopher Pliny claimed that the lemon is an exceptional remedy for poisoning. According to Athenaeus' story, the criminals convicted by the tyrant Clarek to death from the bite of a venomous snake were saved only by the fact that before the execution they ate lemons.

    In the XI century, the Chinese have already developed a number of recipes for the use of lemon and considered it a medicinal fruit suitable for the treatment of wounds, lung diseases, scurvy.

    Soft, juicy and very acid flesh of the fruit consists mainly of water and citric acid( up to 7%), contains also sugars( 2-3%), ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B, D, P, carotene. In the flesh of the fruit there are pectin substances, salts of potassium, copper and other microelements. The rind contains about 0.6% essential oil.

    At least three thousand years ago people knew that the lemon is not only tasty, but also has medicinal properties. What is the use of lemon? First of all, in ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, the properties of this biologically active substance are truly miraculous. It increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, especially colds. Vitamin C helps the body to become resistant to hypothermia. Saturation of the body with vitamin C accelerates healing of wounds, fractures of bones, treatment of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, sore throats, etc. And most of all vitamin C is not in the acidic pulp of the lemon, as it seems, but in its peel. Therefore, it is recommended to eat this fruit whole, without residue. According to some researchers, in mature lemon fruit the amount of vitamin C is 50-65 mg per 100 g of weight, in ovaries - 83 mg and in the peel of the fruit - 163 mg, and in young shoots - even 880 mg. It is established that the average daily human need for vitamin C is 20 to 50 mg, and for children 25 mg. Consequently, the value of lemons is enormous.

    Vitamin P, contained in the fruit of lemon, is needed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, its lack leads to bleeding caused by the fragility of the capillaries, to subcutaneous and other types of hemorrhage, pain in the legs, rapid fatigue, general weakness. Vitamin Р is especially necessary at an inclination to varicose expansion of veins, at threat of occurrence of trophic ulcers, for prophylaxis of a hemorrhoids.

    Lemon and lemon juice are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with the violation of mineral metabolism, with urolithiasis( citric acid dissolves uric acid and its deposits), gout, rheumatism and othersdiseases associated with metabolic disorders;atherosclerosis( citric acid).The ability of pectin substances contained in the fruit of lemon and its peel is studied, it is possible to remove heavy metals from the body.

    The bactericidal properties of lemon juice have been known for a long time( even in small concentrations it can destroy dozens of different bacteria), its ability to fight putrefactive processes in internal organs, including the liver. Lemon juice is effective for rinsing with sore throats, pharyngitis, externally it is used for fungal diseases and other infectious and parasitic skin lesions( scabies), with oily seborrhea. Very effective use of lemons and drinks with lemon in fever, colds, flu, accompanied by high temperature - this not only helps to alleviate the condition of the patient, but also helps to remove toxins from the body.

    Lemon juice is also used to stop nasal bleeding.

    Traditional medicine of different countries, the juice and peel of lemon has been used for a long time and is not going to give up this valuable herbal remedy. With the help of lemon they treated scurvy, jaundice, dropsy, nephrolithiasis, pulmonary tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases, hemorrhoids, acute rheumatism, gout, ache, lumbago and other diseases, strengthened the cardiovascular system( Avicenna considered lemon juice to be a powerful heartIn addition, he prescribed lemons for jaundice and pregnant women to improve digestion and as a remedy for nausea).Some doctors recommended lemon juice for breeding worms. Italian healers used lemons for the treatment of malaria.

    Alcohol tincture of lemon peel was recommended to improve appetite, as a sedative in nervous system disorders, and as a remedy for vomiting and for removing from fainting.

    In the Renaissance, after the great plague epidemics, the lemon juice established the glory of the best remedy against this terrible disease. He was taken with some liquid for 2-3 tablespoons daily as a preventative against plague and poisoning. Other doctors of that era considered it a good diuretic. It was common in folk medicine to treat typhoid with lemon juice( patients were given a drink from it with water and cognac).In chronic hemorrhoids, two tablespoons of lemon juice were taken every two hours.

    Already at the time of the discovery of America, Europeans widely used lemons from scurvy. Famous navigator James Cook took with him to the ships stock of lemons, and in 1795 in England a special law was issued, according to which the crews of ships were given daily portions of lemon juice.

    In the treatment of gonorrhea in women, oriental medics used lemon juice in a mixture with streptocide or only lemon juice. Doubt is also the use of lemon juice for stomatitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

    At the end of the 18th century lemon juice was very popular as a national antirheumatic remedy. With a cosmetic purpose, lemons are still used to remove freckles, pigment spots. Essential oil is widely used in perfumery, aromatherapy, in pharmacology - for the perfuming of various medicinal forms, for example ointments, and for improving the taste when taking drugs inside.

    Useful and curative properties of lemon juice

    Lemon is very rich in mineral salts, especially vitamin C and citric acid, so its use is very important for the body. He has a strong antimicrobial, antiseptic effect. So, for example, in southern Egypt, where the scorpion is widespread, often villagers are subjected to stinging scorpion. Then just take a lemon, cut it in half, put one half in the place of stinging, and the other half suck, and everything goes away.

    Lemon juice is taken with atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis, impaired metabolism, hemorrhoids, fever states. You can drink it by adding 0.5 lemon juice to 0.5 cup hot water 2-3 times a day, it is added to salads from fresh vegetables without the addition of cooking salt.

    Lemon juice diluted in water( 0.5 lemon for 0.5 glasses of warm water) is useful for rinsing with angina, inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx. Also, the juice is used as an external medicine for fungal diseases of the skin.

    With stone disease in the gallbladder, drink 10-12 glasses and about 1.5 liters of a mixture of carrot, beet and cucumber juice throughout the day. In a day or two, bouts of severe pain will begin, for 10-15 minutes. On the 6th-7th day, a crisis with severe pain sets in, then the pain subsides, and soon everything will pass away, and the stone disappeared .With very severe pain, consult a doctor to get painkillers.

    Indications: lemon juice is used for the deposition of salts, including uric acid( with gout), with edema of cardiac origin. It is also used as a vitamin preparation for making drinks for colds and other infectious diseases that occur with increasing temperature. Lemons are also useful for gastritis with a decreased acid-forming function.

    Dosage form: Lemon juice is prepared at home using a juicer or by hand. Use fruits, syrups, fruit drinks, etc.

    Lemon oil is obtained from pressed fresh fruit peel. In appearance it is a transparent colorless or slightly greenish-yellow liquid with the smell of lemon and a spicy, bitterish taste. Store in dark, well-corked bottles filled to the top, in the form of 10% alcohol solution. When standing, the oil becomes thick and rancid. Applied to correct the taste and smell of medicines.

    Lemonade a year old

    Take 2 kg of crushed sugar, wash it with a zest with 10 lemons, cut off the white peel from these lemons, and then cut the lemons with mugs, removing the seeds. Then 10 boiling water are poured on lemons and sugar and allowed to cool, constantly stirring the water so that the sugar is completely dissolved. When the liquid turns into a syrup, it is filtered through gauze and poured into bottles that are well clogged and stored in a cool place( for a year).When you drink 1 cup of boiled cold water, 3 teaspoons of this syrup are enough.

    Liver cleansing with lemon and olive oil

    Required: 1/2 l of purified olive oil, 1/2 kg of lemons, 500 ml of beer.

    Method of preparation. Lemons, along with zedra, pass through a meat grinder, from the resulting mass squeeze the juice, which is combined with a cold beer. Collect the juice and put in the refrigerator.

    Method of use. After 6-8 hours after the last meal take 4 turns alternately.l.olive oil and 5 tbsp.l. Lemon juice with beer every 15 minutes. It is important to accurately observe the interval between meals and drink lemon juice immediately after taking olive oil so that there is no belching. When the olive oil is finished, gulp down the rest of the lemon juice. Such treatment well eliminates stagnation of bile and expels stones and sand from the gallbladder.

    Useful and curative properties of lemon essential oil

    Essential oil is obtained from the rind of the fruit by cold pressing. To obtain 1 kg of essential oil, about 3,000 lemons are required( the skin is used, and the flesh is used for the preparation of citric acid).

    Ancient medicine recommended a lemon for vomiting, fever and diarrhea. Decoction of the limo and and washed the stomach, the rind used for a snake bite. Lemon treated jaundice( as a prophylaxis of cholera and jaundice so far in countries of Asia Minor and the Middle East in many dishes abundantly used whether or n).It helps with a heartbeat, and the smell of lemon oil soothes and cheers the heart, is useful to someone who has drunk the poison. Lemon juice in large quantities recommended for viral acute hepatitis, toxic liver damage and hypoacid gastritis, with fever and blood infection( sepsis).

    Fresh juice and a decoction of the skin used to treat diabetes and hypertension.

    It was believed that the lemon essential oil makes the air fresh, clean, fragrant and eliminates evil. Lemon juice removes intoxication from wine.

    If you mix two pieces of crushed lemon seed with two parts of white pepper and give it to a woman, she will immediately throw out the fruit.

    Cosmetologists with lemon juice cleared the face and eliminated acne. And in our time, lemon, lemon essential oil and other products from this valuable fruit are widely used by people's and practical medicine as bactericidal, antiseptic, refreshing, antipyretic, cardiac, antirheumatic, antipyretic, antiarrhythmic, antiscorbutic, anti-anemic, antisclerotic, blood cleansing, anthelmintic and hypotensivefacilities.

    Lemon activates leukocytes in the body's defense system, so in the period of viral flare-ups, lemon juice or lemons must be consumed daily, as well as flavored with lemon essential oil in confined spaces. Lemon helps with insect bites, repels moths, ants.

    The main diseases in which lemon and its products are used

    Internal use. It is recommended for various infections( influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis), asthenia, dyspepsia, aerophagia, scurvy, rheumatism, gout, urinary and biliary tract stones, atherosclerosis, obesity, hypertension, varicose, phlebitis, hemophilia, bleeding, liver, pancreas,dysentery, diarrhea.

    External application. With rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis, stomatitis, blepharitis, furuncles, lichen, warts, herpes, frostbite, purulent wounds, skin diseases, seborrhea.

    For internal use, use the following medicinal products from lemon.

    Lemonade: a slice of lemon or lemon juice from one fruit to half a glass of water .

    Lemon juice. The course of treatment begins with a half-lemon and bring up to 10 - 12 lemons per day, followed by a decrease to 1 - 2 lemons. Then 1 - 2 lemons continue to take 4 - 5 weeks. To destroy the worms, it is necessary to crush the skin, the pulp and the grains of one lemon, to insist for 2 hours in water with honey, strain, squeeze and drink before going to bed. With pinworms, the ground lemon seeds must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

    With increasing liver take 3 cut lemon, pour boiling water and in the morning they drink on an empty stomach.

    Against completeness, in the evening, pour a cup of boiling water 2 teaspoons of chamomile with chopped slices of lemon, insist until morning, drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Alcohol tincture( 1:10) of lemon peel stimulates appetite, has a calming effect in disorders of the central nervous system, a good remedy for vomiting and fainting.

    The lemon peel should be chewed to improve the performance of the heart.

    Female diseases( amenorrhea, ovulation of the uterus) are recommended to be treated with the following drug: grind the shell of 5 raw eggs and then mix it with 9 finely chopped lemons and skin, insist 4 days, add 0.5 liters of vodka. Take 50 ml 3 times a day.

    With rhinitis, it is recommended to instill a few drops of lemon juice into the nose 2 to 3 times a day, and with nosebleeds, a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice is placed in the nostrils.

    For stomatitis, aftah, rinse the mouth with a mixture of lemon, honey and water.

    With sore throats you can drink lemon juice and gargle with lemon juice mixed with water.

    The eyes of a newborn with blepharitis are washed with 1 to 2 drops of lemon juice.

    You can repeat it several times a year. Better in spring and autumn.

    1 day - squeeze 1 lemon for 1 glass of water
    2 day - 2 lemons for 2 glasses of water
    3 day - 3 lemons for 3 glasses of water
    4 day - 4 lemons for 4 glasses of water
    5 day - 5 lemons for 5 glasseswater
    6 day - 6 lemons for 6 glasses of water
    7 day - squeeze 3 lemons in 3 l of water, put 1 spoonful of honey and drink gradually for a day. After 7 days the amount of lemons decreases.
    8 days - 6 lemons for 6 glasses
    Day 9 - 5 lemons for 5 glasses
    10 day - 4 lemons for 4 glasses
    11 day - 3 lemons for 3 cups
    12 day - 2 lemons for 2 cups
    Day 13 - 1 lemonfor 1 glass
    Day 14 - 3 lemons for 3 liters of water, add 1 spoon of honey and drink during the day
    1-2 glasses of water on an empty stomach can drink many, and more is already more difficult. If you can not once drink a lot of water with lemon juice, then you can divide this dose by 2-3 times. In this case, juice should be drunk 1 hour before meals.

    Lemon diet has a contraindication - it is not suitable for people with high acidity of the stomach. If in doubt, consult a doctor.

    The effect of the diet will be greater if you increase physical activity.

    Lemon for weight loss: diet Beyonce Knowles

    Lemon for weight loss has gained wide popularity also thanks to the reference figure of the idol of modern youth - the queen of the world R'n'B - Beyonce Knowles, who managed to get rid of 9 kilograms of excess weight in just 10 days of strict restrictionslemon diet. This effective and stunningly effective diet for weight loss refers to liquid diets, because it requires all day long to drink only your own prepared lemonade: add 2 tablespoons of lemon fresh juice, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup and 2 mg of ground pepper to a glass of warm water. On the day is allowed at any time( as soon as the hunger is tortured) to drink 12 glasses of this dietary lemonade, knowing that one glass has 109 kcal. The way out of this mono-diet, which is so difficult for the body, occurs within 3 days by adding minimum portions of vegetable vegetable soups and fat-free chicken broths. This method is allowed to be repeated no earlier than 3 months later.

    Thus, using a lemon for weight loss and all its beneficial properties in moderation, if necessary, and the appointment of a specialist, you can make yourself a natural figure, not a surgical one, without an injury to the body, an ideal figure.

    Water with lemon slimming

    Water with lemon slimming is one of the simplest recipes. In general, water is liked by a lot of lemon, and it is especially good in the heat, in the summer, when this refreshing drink with lemon perfectly quenches thirst. Traditionally, self-made lemonade is made from water, lemon and sugar, if you are going to lose weight this way, you will forget about sugar.
    Weight loss with lemon and water allows you to lose up to 10 kg of weight in 10 days, but you will definitely get stomach problems, even if you used to have a healthy stomach before.
    This method of losing weight with a lemon involves a complete refusal of food, you can drink water with lemon, green tea or just plain water, and - nothing more. From the medical point of view, the use of such a "diet" is dangerous to health, especially a major problem can be the way out of starvation.
    The results of losing weight on water with lemon are unlikely to last for long, barely having stopped starving, you will start eating everything and in excess.
    So, how to prepare water with lemon and how to take. Freshly squeezed lemon juice in the amount of 2 teaspoons is mixed with kaenic hot pepper on the tip of the knife and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup. This hellish mixture is diluted with water to a volume of 1 cup. For a day in 10-12 receptions you will drink 2.5 liters of water with lemon, you need to drink every hour.
    Leaving the diet on lemon juice should be very mild. If you immediately eat fried potatoes with meat, it is guaranteed to end with the hospital, start out with vegetable decoctions and fruits in small quantities, washing it down with water and lemon. By 3 day you can afford porridge, from 4 days to switch to your usual food.

    Tea with lemon slimming

    In Russia, always respected tea with lemon, but for weight loss just tea, black, does not fit. It is necessary to use green tea, and slices of lemon are already added to it. Tea with a lemon for weight loss is also used in the diet on lemons, do not try to lose weight only on it, replacing them with a diet, this is already starvation. In general, it is a very tasty drink, really beneficial. The green tea itself can burn fatty deposits( it is estimated that you can lose 4 kg of weight per year by simply drinking regular green tea lying on the couch - without sports).Drink with lemon slimming on the basis of green tea is prepared as follows: green tea is brewed as usual, and already in it are added 3-4 slices of lemon, sugar can be replaced with honey, or drink without sugar, so it also turns out delicious. To drink such tea it is necessary during the day between meals, up to 10-12 cups a day.
    It is important to remember that you will not be able to lose weight if you do not eat a low-calorie diet at the same time.

    Ginger with lemon slimming

    Ginger due to the fat burning properties has long been recognized as a means to lose weight. Unfortunately, it stimulates appetite, so ginger with lemon slimming is used after eating, and not before eating. Cooking it is very simple. Take the lemon and cut it in half. From one half squeeze the juice, and cut the second in thin slices. Peeled ginger, too, slice thin slices and fold into a teapot, pour lemon juice, add lemon and pour boiling water. Insist 10 minutes. In a slightly cooled tea you can add honey to taste, you can not add honey to boiling water - so it loses all useful properties. Ginger, honey and lemon are excellent means for losing weight, used even by Tibetan monks.
    There are other ways to use lemon for weight loss, for example, someone eats lemon for the night, and someone uses garlic together with it, there is even such a method as inhaling the aroma of lemon. Essential lemon oil for weight loss reduces appetite twice only after 6 inhalations of each nostril, acting on a reflex level.
    Whatever it was, if you do not abuse the lemon - it will at least become a source of health.
    Good advice. Remember that lemon juice is harmful to tooth enamel, and if you have switched to a lemon diet, then rinse your mouth after every consumption of lemon.
    Warning: citric acid is a strong irritant. Therefore, all diets based on lemons are categorically contraindicated suffering peptic ulcer and people with high acidity of the stomach.

    What to expect from a lemon?

    First of all, you will cause great damage to your teeth: you can not brush your teeth after using lemon, as the enamel becomes extremely sensitive, and the acid left on it acts destructively and disastrously.

    Secondly, the stomach will suffer., Especially with high acidity or chronic ailments.

    Thirdly, the menstrual cycle can be lost, which means that such weight loss also affects the hormonal background.

    In addition, allergic reactions are possible.

    In general, the price is expensive for minus 200-300 g in the morning, do you think?

    For the treatment of migraine it is necessary to apply compresses with lemon juice on the forehead or a slice of lemon on whiskey.

    For fresh infected wounds, bandages or tampons moistened with pure lemon juice are applied, with frostbite - rub frosted places with lemon juice, and with otitis - dip lemon juice into ears.

    Warts can be removed if 2 times a day apply them tampons, moistened with 1 strong vinegar, which 8 days insisted peel 2 lemons.

    When oily skin is necessary) morning and evening, rub your face with lemon juice and let dry for 20 minutes. Then you can apply a cream or powder.

    To maintain the softness of the hands, use a mixture of lemon juice, glycerin and cologne in equal parts.

    You will keep your teeth dazzling whiteness if you clean them daily with lemon juice.

    To prevent wrinkles apply lotion with lemon juice. To make yogurt, squeeze 1 lemon into 0.5 liters of milk, stirring constantly with a spoon. This product is rich in vitamins.

    Preparation of a lemonade: in a bottle of 5 l put the chopped lemon together with a peel, shake up 3 times a day. After 8 days strain and pour into bottles. Close the bottles with stoppers and lay them horizontally. The lemonade obtained is an excellent drink during the heat.

    As for pure essential oil, it is recommended to drink 2 to 3 drops of honey. Due to the fact that it is a strong antiseptic and bactericide( oil vapors neutralize meningococc in 15 minutes, pneumococcus - 1 - 3 hours, staphylococcus aureus - for 2 hours, streptococcus - for 3 hours, typhoid bacterium and staphylococcus itself neutralize for5 minutes, diphtheria bacillus - for 20 minutes), essential oil is advisable to use in inhalation formulations, in means for aromatherapy and massage creams, in cosmetics, aromatic oils.

    Lemon for weight loss

    Today, many have heard about losing weight with lemon: lemon diets, or drinking juice, water, tea with lemon in order to get rid of extra pounds. Lemon essential oil also helps to lose weight, and apply it better in conjunction with other ways.

    Organic acids, which are abundant in lemons, break down fats in our body, normalize metabolism and dull the feeling of hunger, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin C, which is very rich in lemon, helps us maintain strength, and any diet is easily and painlessly transferred.

    The diet is designed for 15 days

    There is everything you can, but up to 18 hours.
    First day. Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon into a glass of warm water and drink before eating.
    Starting from the second day, add one lemon a day.
    On the seventh day, seven lemons and seven glasses.
    The eighth day. Do not eat anything. Squeeze three lemons into three liters of water, add 2-3 tablespoons of honey and use this drink throughout the day.
    On the ninth day, seven lemons and seven glasses.
    Daily reduce the number of lemons by one.
    The fifteenth day. The repetition of the first day.

    If one or two glasses to drink difficult, then more can be taken for 2-3 doses, but be sure to eat.

    This diet is absolutely not suitable for people who have suffered a peptic ulcer, as well as patients with gastritis, enterocolitis and other diseases of the digestive system.

    The lemon diet is practiced in several ways. Consider the basic principles of one of the options.

    First, accustom yourself in the morning to squeeze one lemon into a glass of hot water and drink on an empty stomach. Secondly, when preparing any dish, use all the components of the lemon. If you fry meat or fish, then water them with lemon juice. Be sure to use lemon peel. Finely chop it, and it is better to grate on a fine grater and add to all dishes. Especially recommended chicken, turkey, sea fish. Bread of rye coarse grind will be very useful in small quantities. And replace the sugar with honey. It is necessary to eat at the same time, at least 4 times a day, but gradually. And do not forget about physical activity. According to experts, to really lose weight, a day must make 10,000 steps!

    It should be noted that lemon in this diet is used as an auxiliary element, but it performs the most important function for losing weight: it normalizes the metabolism in the body.

    The diet is calculated for 14 days