  • Diet № 2

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    It is prescribed somewhat less often than diets № 1, 1а, 1б, 1д, mainly for normalization of motor and secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract with chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency. In particular, it is indicated for pronounced fermentation processes in the intestine and with constipation. It is also a physiologically nutritious diet, but with a restriction in the diet of whole milk, table salt, spices, coarse dietary fiber. Boiled meat before consumption can be lightly fried. Fried cutlets from beef are cooked without breading. And still, the puree-shaped and wiped dishes are preferable, which is the main thing in cooking.

    1) Chronic gastritis with secretory deficiency without exacerbation or residual effects of inflammatory processes.

    Intended purpose .Promoting the normalization of secretory and acid-forming functions of the stomach, reducing motor disorders, increasing the production of gastric juice, suppressing fermentation processes in the intestine, restoring compensatory-adaptive reactions of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the progression of the disease.

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    General characteristics of .A physiologically complete diet containing a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates with caloric content, appropriate work activity and a patient's lifestyle, rich in extractives, with a high content of ascorbic and nicotinic acids, vitamins Vb and Bi2, with a sharp restriction of milk and coarse fiber. The diet is 4-5 times a day.

    Culinary processing. The dishes with different degrees of grinding and a variety of heat treatments are allowed. Food is prepared mainly in puree or crushed form;when roasting, do not allow the formation of coarse crust( fry without breading).Food temperature: hot dishes 55-60 oC, cold at least 15 oC.

    Chemical composition and calorific value. Proteins 90-100 g, fats 90-100 g, carbohydrates 400-450 g, caloric content 3000-3200 kcal. The amount of free liquid is 1.5 liters. Table salt up to 15 g.

    Bread and bakery products-wheat bread white and gray yesterday's baking, unmarked sorts of bakeries and biscuits.

    Soups - on low-fat meat and fish broth, on vegetable broths with mashed vegetables and cereals.

    Meat and fish dishes - meat and fish, low-fat chopped baked and fried( not wrapped in breadcrumbs or flour), chicken in a boiled form.

    Eggs and personal products - soft-boiled eggs and scrambled eggs.

    Milk and milk products - milk with tea and other drinks and as a part of various dishes, cottage cheese, curdled milk, kefir, acidophilic milk.

    Vegetables and herbs - mashed potatoes from various vegetables, puddings, vegetable cutlets, baked and fried so that a crust is formed( not crumbled in flour or breadcrumbs), colorful boiled cabbage with butter, zucchini and pumpkin stew, tomato salad.

    Early greens, melkoshinkovannuyu, you can add to various dishes.

    Fruit, berries, sweets - mashed potatoes, puree »jelly, jelly, mousse from sweet varieties of fruits and berries. Sugar, honey.

    Cereals and pastas - cereals, puddings baked, cutlets from cereals, fried so that a coarse crust does not form;pasta finely chopped boiled, boiled vermicelli.

    Fats - butter, sunflower, olive oil. Snacks - cheese, mild( grated), soaked herring, doctor's sausage, low-fat ham.

    Sauces and spices - meat, fish, sour cream sauces;spices are excluded.

    Drinks and juice-tea with milk, cocoa and coffee on water, with milk. Broth of dogrose and wheat bran, fruit and berry juices, diluted in half with water.

    Prohibited: fresh bread and other fresh dough products( including biscuits), fried and crumbled in breadcrumbs or flour, meat and fish, fatty meat and fish, sharp, salted dishes, fish, meat, canned vegetables, meat,mushroom and other snacks canned foods, raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, milk in kind, black bread, lard, goose, duck, smoked, marinades, carbonated drinks, very cold and hot dishes and drinks.

    Breakfast - curd soufflé baked, porridge buckwheat dairy wiped, tea with milk.

    Lunch - broth with egg flakes, meat cutlets, fried without breading, carrot puree, jelly crimson.

    Snack - juice of berry, crackers( from the daily bread norm).

    Dinner - fish bits, fried without breading, mashed potatoes, oatmeal porridge mashed porridge, tea.

    At night, kefir.

    For the whole day - bread white 400 g, butter cream 25 g, sugar 25 g, fruit 1000 g.

    1) After operations on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract( 1-2 weeks after the operation for up to 4 months).

    2) Complications after operations on the stomach in the distant period: stomach gastritis, anastomosis, peptic ulcer.

    Intended purpose. Reduction of postoperative inflammatory phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract, intensification of post-operative tissue healing, prevention of complications and unfavorable course of the disease.

    A physiologically complete diet with a high protein content, normal content of complex carbohydrates, normal fat content, with restriction of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, with maximum restriction of nitrogen extractives( especially purines), refractory fats, cleavage productsfat, resulting from frying( aldehydes, acroleins), with the exclusion of strong stimulants of bile secretion and pancreatic secretion and intestinallez, with the exception of products and dishes that cause dumping syndrome( sweet, liquid milk porridges, for example manna, sweet milk, sweet tea, hot fatty soup, etc.).A diet with a low content of table salt.

    In case of severe dumping syndrome, it is recommended to take a separate liquid and solid portion of the ration: use the liquid 30 minutes after the intake of dense food, during lunch you must first eat the second course, then the first. Eat food lying in bed. A mode of a food fractional - 5-6 times a day.

    Culinary processing. All dishes are cooked in boiled form or steamed, mashed. Third meals for lunch are unsweetened( without sugar) or xylitol( 10-15 g per serving).A limited amount of sugar is given on the hands of the patient, sugar is better to use a snack. Food temperature: hot dishes not higher than 55- 65 oC, cold not lower than 15 oC.

    Chemical composition and calorific value of .Proteins 140 g, fats 110-115 g, carbohydrates 380 g. Caloric content of 3000 kcal. Table salt of 8-10 g.

    Bread products - wheat bread of yesterday's baking, bread crumbs from wheat bread, biscuits unhealthy sweet. Bread is allowed not earlier than 1 month after the operation.

    Soups-on vegetable, cereal broths, wiped, excluding white cabbage and millet.

    Meat and fish dishes-various dishes from lean meat( beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal) with the removal of tendons, lean fish( cod, pike perch, carp, pike, navaga, bream, silver hake, carp, icefish) inchopped form( mashed potatoes, soufflé, knels, meatballs, rolls, cutlets).These products are cooked, or cooked on steam, or baked( with preliminary boiling).

    Eggs and egg products - soft-boiled egg, no more than 1 egg per day, scrambled egg white omelet.

    Milk and milk-milk products with tea and other products or in various dishes: with tolerability - whole milk. Kefir is turned on 2 months after the operation. Sour cream only as a seasoning. Curd freshly prepared uncooked curd.

    Vegetables and greens - boiled vegetables. Cabbage only colored, boiled, with butter, zucchini and pumpkin stewed;carrot, beet, mashed potatoes.

    Fruits, berries, sweets - natural fruits and berries, fresh and dry in the form of savory wiped compotes, jelly / jelly, mousses. Apples are baked without sugar. Fruits and berries with coarse fiber( pear, quince) are not allowed. You can give compotes, jelly on xylitol. Sugar, honey, jam sharply limit.

    Cereals and pasta - unsweetened wiped viscous porridges, puddings, casseroles of rice, prilled cereal, oatmeal. Semolina bounds with me. Pasta is only finely chopped boiled.

    Fats - butter, melted, sunflower refined. Do not fry, but add to the dishes in kind. Snacks-cheese is mild( Dutch, Soviet, Russian) grated, caviar pajasnaja or granular, in a small amount, jelly from the boiled legs and boiled meat on gelatin( without extractive substances).

    Sauces on vegetable broth, sour cream sauces. Flour for sauces does not passer with oil.

    Drinks and juices - unsweetened fruit, berry and vegetable( except grape) juices, diluted, not concentrated. Broth from the hips, a weak tea with milk, a weak surrogate coffee on the water, with milk.

    Prohibited: fried foods, hot and hot dough products, brains, liver, kidneys, lungs. Meat, fish, mushroom soups, cabbage soup, borsch. Pickles, smoking, marinades;sharp and salty dishes, spicy seasonings, meat, fish and other eateries, smoked sausages;foods rich in cholesterol( fatty meat, chicken, lard, egg yolk, cream, high-fat cow milk, sour cream, etc.);cold and carbonated drinks;chocolate, cocoa, ice cream;alcohol in all kinds;white cabbage, beans, spinach, sorrel, mushrooms, radish, rutabaga, onion, garlic, spices. Foods rich in organic acids: sour varieties of berries and fruits - cranberries, gooseberries, red and black currants, red cherries, lemons, sour apples.

    1-st breakfast - scrambled egg whites;buckwheat porridge, without sugar;tea with milk.

    2nd breakfast - meat balls;Apple baked without sugar.

    Lunch - pearl barley soup ground, with carrots;Cutlets meat steamed with carrot puree;compote of dried fruits rubbed( xylitol).

    Snack - curd pudding without sugar.

    Dinner-fish boiled with mashed potatoes;Meat steak roll, tea.

    For the night - freshly made cottage cheese( wiped), with sour cream, fruit jelly 1 glass( xylitol).

    For the whole day-white bread 300 g, sugar 30 g, rose hips boil 200 g.

    1) After operations on the gastrointestinal tract( 3-4 months or more after the operation for up to 1-1.5 years).

    2) Complications after stomach surgeries: mild and moderate severity of dumping syndrome, hypoglycemia syndrome, lead loop syndrome, cholecystitis, hepatitis.

    Intended purpose. Prevention and reduction of the manifestations of postoperative complications, normalization of the functional state of the liver and bile ducts, intestines and pancreas, restoration of the gastrointestinal tract disrupted during the operation.

    Physiologically high-grade diet with a high protein content, normal fat content and complex carbohydrates with a sharp restriction of simple carbohydrates with normal salt content, mechanically sparing, with moderate restriction of chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, with the exception and restriction of products anddishes that cause the development of dumping syndrome, with the exception of strong stimulants of bile secretion, secretion of the pancreas and intestinal glands. A mode of a food fractional - 5-6 times a day. On the set of products, the diet is significantly different from the rubbed option.

    Culinary processing. All dishes should be cooked or steamed, give them unprotected. Individual dishes are allowed in the baked form without rough crust, the third dish is unsweetened at lunch or it is prepared on xylitol( 10-15 g per serving).Sugar is given on the hands of the patient, it is better to use it in a snack. The temperature of food is normal.

    Chemical composition and calorific value. Protein 138 g, fat 110-115 g, carbohydrates 390 g. Caloric value 3000 kcal. Table salt of 10-15 g.

    Bread products - wheat gray bread of yesterday's baking, uneatable and unsweetened sorts of bakery products and biscuits. Rye bread.

    Soups - on vegetable broths and cereals, vegetarian. Borsch, cabbage soup, beetroots from fresh cabbage, low-fat meat soup once a week.

    Milling and fish dishes - various products from lean meat( beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal), lean fish( cod, pike perch, sazan, navaga, pike, carp, etc.).These products boil, bake, extinguish, you can not cut.

    Eggs and dishes from them are soft-boiled eggs, no more than 1 per day, scrambled egg white.

    Cereals and pasta - crumbly and viscous porridges, puddings, casseroles from cereals unsweetened;pasta cooked and in the form of casseroles. Recommended buckwheat, gerbera and rice porridge, semolina is limited.

    Vegetables and greens - various vegetables - raw, boiled, baked, stewed. Non-acidic sauerkraut, cabbage boiled with butter, zucchini and pumpkin stew, salads, vinaigrettes, green peas are allowed. Tomatoes with vegetable oil. Early raw finely shredded greens can be added to various dishes.

    Fruits and berries, sweet and sugary products - all sorts, not very sweet fruits and berries in kind and in the form of unsweetened compotes, kissels, mousses. Grape juice is limited, which causes swelling of the intestine. Sugar, honey, sweets, jam are sharply limited.

    Milk and milk products - milk with tea and other drinks or as a part of various dishes, with tolerability-whole milk, curdled milk, kefir, acidophilus milk. Sour cream as a seasoning and in salads. Curd is non-acidic fresh.

    Fats - butter, melted, olive, sunflower oil.

    Snacks - cheese, mild, lean herring, doctor's sausage, dietary sausages, pate from meat, homemade, ham without fat. Salads, vinaigrettes, jellied fish on gelatin, jelly from the boiled legs on gelatin.

    Sauces and spices-sauces on vegetable broth, sour cream sauces.

    Drinks and juices - weak tea, coffee on water, with milk, juices unsweetened, fruit and berry, vegetable. Broth of dogrose.

    It is forbidden to eat the same foods and dishes that, when you assign an erased version of the P diet, except white cabbage.

    1 st breakfast - boiled meat, tomato and cucumber salad with sour cream, porcini gherule without sugar, tea with milk.

    2nd breakfast - cheese( 50 g), apple

    Lunch-borsch vegetarian, stew from boiled meat with prefabricated vegetables, jelly( on xylitol).

    Snack-boiled fish, beets boiled.

    Dinner-souffle meat, carrots stew, cheesecake with cottage cheese, sugar-free, fruit( 200 g).

    At night - kefir( 1 glass), fresh cottage cheese( 100 g).

    For the whole day - rye bread 150 g, white bread 150 g, sugar 30 g, broth of wild rose, black currant 200 g.