
White discharge in girls, women: when to call a doctor

  • White discharge in girls, women: when to call a doctor

    Very often, girls and women consult a doctor with the problem of white discharge from the genitals. White discharge in girls can sometimes be a sign of a disease. But this is optional. This is due to the fact that during the childbearing age secret is allocated. Its composition is very complex, because it contains epithelial cells that are sloughing, leukocyte cells, microbes that are located in the mucus.

    It should be noted that such excretions normally amount to 2 ml. As for the color, it varies from white to yellowish hue. The smell can be present and resemble sour-milk products, or completely absent. The general nature of the secretions can vary depending on the cycle of menstruation.

    More abundant white discharge becomes a week after the end of the menstrual period, but it does not last long either. At the initial stage they resemble a dense transparent color, later turn into a yellowish creamy mass. In connection with the instability of the hormonal sphere, such discharge in girls is very abundant.

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    If the discharge has an unpleasant odor, their amount increases markedly, and other symptoms appear, in particular, itching and pain, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Self-medication is fraught, since such symptoms may belong to various diseases.

    White discharge in women can also indicate the presence of cancer, talk about hormonal failure in the body. In addition, such discharges are observed in women and girls with blood diseases and diabetes mellitus.

    In a healthy female body, in the period before menopause, that is, in the genital stage of life, lactobacilli or lactobacilli must be present. Therefore, small discharge from the vagina, which does not cause discomfort and pain, is the norm.

    The fact is that many bacteria that penetrate the reproductive system can not reproduce in the acidic environment created by the above-described lactobacilli. Therefore, lactic acid sticks protect the body from inflammatory processes.

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    In the female vagina necessarily present conditionally pathogenic organisms, which, for the time being, do no harm. Everything can change if the rules of personal hygiene are violated, immunity is noticeably lower, hormonal failures have occurred. The microflora of the vagina changes, inflammation occurs.

    1. Genital candidiasis is a thrush. With this disease, the girl has a white highlight, reminiscent of the curds mass. The disease causes a yeast microorganism, Candida fungus. It is constantly present in the microflora of the vagina, maintaining the necessary level of acidity.

    In the presence of a number of conditions, its rapid multiplication occurs and, as a consequence, the disease is a thrush. The disease extends to the genital tract tissue - the epithelium, and a number of internal organs.

    In addition to white cheesy extracts for thrush, the following symptoms are common: itching, burning, white coating on the walls of the vagina, sleep disturbance, pain when urinating. The disease is not dangerous to health, it is easily treated, but it can negatively affect the sexual life.

    2. Incorrect food. It is possible that the allocation of white in girls, having a curd consistency, are caused by eating lots of sweet, coffee, yeast baked goods, beer, fatty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks. Symptoms of the disease will disappear if the food becomes "right" and balanced.

    3. Chlamydia. With this disease, there are white, or yellowish discharge, with a sharp unpleasant odor. Chlamydia provokes the appearance of other gynecological ailments. In cases where white discharge is accompanied by a fishy smell, you can talk about bacterial vaginosis.

    4. Mycoplasmosis. Infectious disease, usually occurring in acute form. It is caused by pathogenic microorganisms - mycoplasma. In this case, the ailment is always present, as a symptom, of the white color of vaginal discharge.

    5. Ureaplasmosis. An infectious disease that is very secretive. This is because the bacteria "live" inside the cells, waiting for certain circumstances, when you can show yourself. Symptoms of inflammation of the vaginal sphere are absent, the smear does not show pathological processes, but occasionally white in color may appear.

    Thus, it becomes clear that white discharge may have a physiological or pathological character. The main thing is to pay attention to symptoms in time and visit a specialist.

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