
Allergic rash on the body of an adult: treatment, how it looks, photo with explanations

  • Allergic rash on the body of an adult: treatment, how it looks, photo with explanations

    Allergic rash on the body of an adult: treatment and the main causes of its appearance( with photos and videos)

    Usually a rash is not a disease, it is a skin reaction to an allergen. Therefore, the treatment of an allergic rash on the body in an adult should begin with the search for a pathogen. And secondly, care for the affected skin is required.

    How does the rash

    On the skin unevenly appear small tubercles from light pink to red. Sometimes there are watery blisters, acne, swelling, or just redness. Skin lesions can occur on any part of the body, sometimes it is accompanied by itching and burning. Here, for example, what a rash looks like when a contact reaction to an allergen:

    Causes of rashes

    An allergy can be manifested as a result of many factors. And in order to understand what to treat a rash, you must first determine the source of its development. Some people react to several sources of allergy, while for others they do not pose any danger. Allergy is nothing more than a reduction of local immunity to an irritant.

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    There are the following causes of rashes:

    • The effect of external factors.
    • Hives.
    • Dermatitis.
    • Eczema.
    • Neurodermatitis.

    Below is a photo with explanations of the listed diseases.

    External factors

    Contaminated air, poor quality food, water with chemical additives often affect people with weakened immunity. Daily skin care is required. Use purified water, only fresh and natural products.


    Is called so because the rash looks like a reaction to injections of nettle - small tubercles that itch. The rash appears immediately after contact with the allergen. The most basic pathogens: nettle and other poisonous plants, insect bites, ultraviolet rays.

    Sometimes the tubercles join together, forming extensive spots with uneven edges:


    A rash occurs as a result of direct contact with the allergen: metal compounds, household chemicals, construction and finishing materials, non-natural fabrics. May occur immediately after exposure, sometimes after prolonged exposure to the allergen. The rash has the form of watery tubercles, which cause discomfort. Blisters can leave behind soaked erosion.

    For severe form of dermatitis, antihistamines are used. But usually it is possible to get rid of irritation with the help of ointments.


    Represents rough, dry patches. Pinkish irritation as it develops changes color to bard. The eruption is usually exposed to the top layer of skin on the face and on the outside of the palm. Zinc-containing agents are used for treatment.

    The most frequently asked question for eczema: how long does the rash go? The question arises from the fact that such a reaction is really difficult to cure, patience and time will be needed.


    This is a recurrent chronic disease. It represents nodules, plaques of the crust from pink to dull color. The causes of the formation are mainly internal diseases( upset of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic infections, worms).When treatment is first eliminated the cause of the formation, and then for the skin use special ointments, for example, wound-healing.


    In the treatment of any type of rash, both folk remedies and medications are used. For example, antihistamine tablets. In severe forms of rashes it is necessary to consult a specialist. Perhaps, hormones will be needed. It is important in the process of treatment to limit contact with substances that cause skin irritation.

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    Usually a rash is not a disease, it is a skin reaction to an allergen. Therefore, the treatment of an allergic rash on the body in an adult should begin with the search for a pathogen. And secondly, care for the affected skin is required.

    What does the rash

    look like?

    Small irregular bumps from light pink to red appear unevenly on the skin. Sometimes there are watery blisters, acne, swelling, or just redness. Skin lesions can occur on any part of the body, sometimes it is accompanied by itching and burning. Here, for example, what a rash looks like with a contact reaction to an allergen:

    Causes of rashes

    An allergy can result from a variety of factors. And in order to understand what to treat a rash, you must first determine the source of its development. Some people react to several sources of allergy, while for others they do not pose any danger. Allergy is nothing more than a reduction of local immunity to an irritant.

    There are the following causes of rashes:

    • The effect of external factors.
    • Hives.
    • Dermatitis.
    • Eczema.
    • Neurodermatitis.

    Below are photos with explanations of the listed diseases.

    External factors

    Contaminated air, poor quality food, water with chemical additives often affect people with weakened immunity. Daily skin care is required. Use purified water, only fresh and natural products.


    Is called so because the rash looks like a reaction to injections of nettle - small tubercles, which itch. The rash appears immediately after contact with the allergen. The most basic pathogens: nettle and other poisonous plants, insect bites, ultraviolet rays.

    Sometimes the tubercles join together, forming extensive spots with uneven edges:


    A rash occurs as a result of direct contact with the allergen: metal compounds, household chemicals, building and finishing materials, non-natural fabrics. May occur immediately after exposure, sometimes after prolonged exposure to the allergen. The rash has the form of watery tubercles, which cause discomfort. Blisters can leave behind soaked erosion.

    For severe form of dermatitis, antihistamines are used. But usually it is possible to get rid of irritation with the help of ointments.


    Represents rough, dry patches. Pinkish irritation as it develops changes color to bard. The eruption is usually exposed to the top layer of skin on the face and on the outside of the palm. Zinc-containing agents are used for treatment.

    The most frequently asked question for eczema: how long does the rash go? The question arises from the fact that such a reaction is really difficult to cure, patience and time will be needed.


    This is a recurrent chronic disease. It represents nodules, plaques of the crust from pink to dull color. The causes of the formation are mainly internal diseases( upset of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic infections, worms).When treatment is first eliminated the cause of the formation, and then for the skin use special ointments, for example, wound-healing.

    Treatment of

    In the treatment of any type of rash, both folk remedies and medications are used. For example, antihistamine tablets. In severe forms of rashes it is necessary to consult a specialist. Perhaps, hormones will be needed. It is important in the process of treatment to limit contact with substances that cause skin irritation.

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