  • Pyoderma: symptoms in children, treatment, photos, causes

    Most dermatological inflammatory diseases of an infectious nature in the medical classification are, of various kinds, pyoderma.

    Have a primary and secondary manifestation:

    1. 1) Primary form - is formed due to damage to perfectly healthy skin.
    2. 2) Secondary form - is a consequence of complications with scabies, eczema, manifestations of kidney failure or diabetes, as a result of combing the itchy skin.
    The causative agent of the disease are pyogenic bacteria of the family of staphylococcus, streptococcus pyococcus and many other pyogenic bacteria.

    The action of pyoderma on the skin does not cause significant changes. The skin is quickly restored, without any structural changes. If the deep layers of the dermis are involved in the inflammatory process, scar formation and pigmentation at the site of the affected areas of the skin is possible.

    Forms of pyoderma

    The forms of the disease are classified according to etiological factors and the depth of the lesion. Etiological factors of pyoderma include streptococcal and staphylococcal pathologies, divided into superficial and deep lesions.
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    Staphylococcal pyoderma of the superficial form is manifested:

    • folliculitis;
    • with ostiophalliculitis;
    • sycosis.
    Deep forms include furuncle formations and "bony udder." Streptococcal pyoderma of superficial form is manifested by streptococcal impetigo and simple lichen. The deeper form is the manifestation of ectimus.

    Mixed superficial forms are manifested by streptofrostococcal impetigo and mixed chronic pyoderma caused by allergies. Are manifested:

    • botryomicom;
    • with chancreiform pyoderma;
    • chronic ulcerative pyoderma.

    Causes of pyoderma

    The development of various forms of the disease in children and adults is facilitated not only by pyogenic flora, but also by various factors( endogenous and exogenous causes) that can change the state of microorganisms. The main pathological conditions include:

    • contact with the causative agent
    • favorable conditions( high absorption of the skin, weak immunity, violation of the protective water-fat layer of the skin);
    • availability of conditions for penetration( lack of hygiene, microscopic trauma);
    • hypovitaminosis and endocrine disorders;
    • Neurocircular dysfunction( VSD);
    • visceral disorders;
    • intoxication and chronic infections.

    Symptoms of pyoderma

    In all forms of pyoderma, characteristic symptoms are noted:

    • pain at the lesion;
    • purulent lesions on the skin;
    • burning and itching in lesions;
    • changes in the structure and color of the skin;
    • hyperemia of the skin or its individual parts.

    Pyoderma in children

    Many reasons contribute to the development of the disease in children. The main causes are as follows:

    1. 1) Low protective titre of antitoxin in blood plasma - a consequence of immunological disorders;
    2. 2) The high level of exfoliatin, the toxins of staphylococcus, in the blood, which is the main cause of the detachment of the epidermis and the formation of bubble exudates;
    3. 3) Low level of immunological reactivity, manifested by the inability to resist the introduction of foreign substances on antigenic properties.

    Symptoms of pyoderma in children

    Pediatric dermatitis can manifest itself in various forms of pyoderma:

    Peripouritis or vesicle-pustular formations are often the result of sweating( see how to treat children's chil- dren) or overheating in small children. The defeat of sweat glands, causes a large formation of small pustules in inflamed places on the folds of the body and in the scalp.

    The manifestation of streptococcal impetigo is a consequence of skin rash caused by:

    • scabies or dermatitis;
    • with purulent otitis, runny nose or insect bites.
    Infection with contact with patients with angina, or consequence of contact infection of ENT infections is characterized by the formation on the skin of the face, quite large pustular formations. When the abscess dries, the cortex disappears and a pigmented spot remains in its place.

    Education in the form of jaundice( slit impetigo) is manifested by painful, transverse cracks due to rapidly opening vesicles. Localize in the corners of the lips, eyes, wings of the nose. Often carries a chronic nature.

    Many children tend to bite the hangnails near the nail plates, which entails a slight penetration of the infection through microscopic cracks in the skin. This causes reddening and the formation of painful pustular vesicles on the nail rollers. Infectious damage can cause a fairly high temperature. This infection is called a superficial panaricium.

    Hyperhidrosis and diabetes in full babies can become a provocative factor in the manifestation of intertriginous streptoderma. It appears as a bubble rash in the folds of the skin under the armpits, in the groin area, between the buttocks or on the head in the zone of the auricles. Burst blisters leave behind red, wet wounds. After drying, the wound is covered with a yellow crust. Over time, the crust exfoliates, leaving a pigmented spot for a while. As a result of the weathering of damp skin in early spring or autumn, is the manifestation of white or dry lichen. The skin on the hands and face is covered with large pale pink scaly patches. May leak with escort.

    Symptoms of vulgar impetigo are expressed by vesicle formations on the inflamed dermis, which are dried and covered with yellow-green crusts.

    Pyoderma in the youngest children is manifested by diaper dermatitis in the form of bluish-red tubercles, covered with bubbles, with inflamed frame around the tubercle. Bursting blisters leave painful wounds covered with a crust.

    It is not unusual when a fungal infection joins the bacterial pyoderma.

    Treatment of pyoderma

    Treatment of pyoderma begins with the determination of the cause and detection of the pathogen by means of an analysis of bacterial culture. Both internal and external medicamental therapy is applied, as well as the observance of a number of immutable rules:

    • adherence to the rules of hygienic care;
    • Avoid contact with water from affected skin areas;
    • hair removal in the affected areas( so as not to spread the infection the hair should be sheared, not shaved);
    • in the treatment of infants shows weak manganese baths;
    • for small areas of the lesion appointed pastes, solutions and ointments with antibacterial and antifungal properties, and antiseptics;
    • for systemic spread of inflammatory processes, manifestations of general weakness and fever are prescribed antibiotic therapy and immunotherapy;
    • is required vitamin therapy with the appointment of a multivitamin complex.
    Preventive measures for the prevention of pathology include - timely treatment of wounds and microcracks, the prevention of chronic diseases, in order to prevent the development of repeated manifestations of diseases.

    Special care should be taken to care for the skin in children with diabetes. Observe the timely moisturizing of the skin, avoid maceration of the skin and the formation of micro-injuries. The slightest infected scratch, can cause a deep and extensive pyoderma. For the duration of the illness, the child should be isolated from healthy children.

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