
How to Clear Karma by Prayers, Mantras and Other Means

  • How to Clear Karma by Prayers, Mantras and Other Means

    Very often among young people you can hear such phrases: "Do me something good and plus you in karma."In case of failure, they say that "this is your karma."

    The word karma has several meanings:

    1. From the esoteric point of view, karma is a special deity of the Hierarchy of Light created by God for the development of all people. According to this theory, people who live by the laws of God will receive a reward in their next life, and those who have sinned a lot are punished.
    2. Karma is the experience of the soul, which she accumulated for all her incarnations. When a person is told that he has bad karma, refer to his sins in previous lives, which he must atone.
    3. Karma is destiny. Esotericists consider such definitions erroneous.

    However, do not confuse karma with imprudence and bad luck. Any act has its consequences.

    Example. If you cross the road to the red light of a traffic light, you can hit the car. You broke this rule and ended up in the hospital. Is your misfortune karma? No, a consequence of inattention.

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    Another example. You and your classmates missed the lessons, but only your parents called. Karma? Just bad luck.

    In this article we will answer in detail the question "How to purify a person's karma".

    Conscious purification of karma contributes to the improvement of life, therefore most people are ready to put their karma in order by any means.

    Experienced esotericists believe that there are ways that will never help make your karma more clean. These include:

    • Burning karma - a person records sins on paper and burns it, accompanying the ritual with a special spell. For the forgiveness of sins, it is important to work on yourself, and not to burn sins to adultery. After all, it's important to realize your mistakes and change.

    • Special prayer or mantra. According to the esotericists, mantra, cleansing karma, is a myth.

    Mantra is the energy of the sounds that surround us. In accordance with this theory, a person needs to repeat several times a day special words and within a certain time karma will be cleared. The absence of the work of the soul makes such a method ineffective.

    Very often people are interested in how to cleanse karma with prayers. For this, one should once read such prayers as "Our Father", "Theotokos, Virgo, Rejoice," "For the Purification of the Gens".

    To effective ways include:

    1. Long years of work on themselves with the realization of their mistakes and cleansing of bad thoughts. At this stage it is important to change completely the thinking.
    2. Work with a spiritual mentor who should help in achieving your goal.
    3. To do good deeds for people. For example, disinterestedly give way to grandmother in public transport.
    4. Yoga classes. The daily practice of yoga helps to clear karma more quickly.

    Many people are interested in the answer to the question of how to purify the karma of the genus.

    Very often karma of the kind was defined as spoilage, but it is not. Karma is not punishment, it is only the experience of the soul.

    Especially necessary cleaning karma kind for those families in which there were suicides, abortions, there were criminals in the family.

    Also, if a girl does not get to marry or have a baby, you need to remove the promises of celibacy.

    If problems with money - to make promises of lack of money. Ideally, a master must work with each member of the family. One person a day.

    The best way to purify the karma of the family is to go to church and pray for the atonement of the sins of the race.

    The procedure for cleansing the karma of the genus is quite complicated and many scammers use naivety of people. Of course, their karma also spoils, but the best method is to do good and not do things for which the family will pay.