
How to determine pregnancy without a test( at home)

  • How to determine pregnancy without a test( at home)

    Quite a lot of girls are worried about the question of how to understand if pregnancy has come, when there is no test at hand? Asking any gynecologist, you get the same answer - no way. At home, you can not get a 100% accurate result. The result may be unless probable signs and symptoms. Therefore, we can tell how to determine a pregnancy without a test, only in theory.

    Symptoms and signs

    Symptoms and signs of pregnancy

    You can talk about a possible pregnancy if you have some or all of these signs:

    1. Delay in menstruation. Absolutely indirect evidence, because this can happen even in those girls who can not be exactly pregnant. For the period of onset or not the onset of menstruation affects a large number of all sorts of factors: stress, climate change and so on. Even doctors can tell if you are pregnant, only after a delay of at least 2-3 weeks. At an earlier date, this can not be done.
    2. Toxicosis( nausea and vomiting).These two signs can be called the most common, but again, not the most faithful, because it is often possible to meet a woman who did not suffer at all from such a phenomenon.
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    3. Chest pain Chest pain. It should be noted immediately that this symptom is characteristic only of those girls who never suffered from pain in the mammary glands. It happens that even touching the chest area is painful. If the breast also increased in size, you can talk about a possible pregnancy.
    4. Pain in the ovaries and uterus. Pain in pregnant women should be similar to that experienced by girls during menstruation. Again, if the stomach hurts, this may indicate more about the mass of all sorts of reasons, ranging from the early onset of menstruation and ending with various pathologies of the uterus and ovaries.
    5. Increase in the number of selections. Usually this sign can be observed during ovulation. Allocations should be clear and odorless. If you notice a whitish shade and an unpleasant smell, most likely, you have thrush. It is worth noting that this problem is often accompanied by pregnancy.
    6. Decreased or increased libido Decreased or increased libido. In any pregnant woman, one can observe a leap of libido on either side: positive or negative. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the body. Husbands of girls in no case should not worry about the fact that their loved one has lost past feelings, it's not so at all. Simply she, without knowing herself, is preparing to become a mother.
    7. Drowsiness, irritability, tearfulness and other "female" emotions. In addition, notice that you do not have any strange desires. For example, you woke up in the middle of the night and realized that you would simply die without salt fish or pineapples. It is necessary to understand that in quite frequent situations such desires are not a mere whim, it is a signal that perestroika is taking place in your body.
    8. More frequent urination in the toilet. If you understand that you drink enough water, but you want to go to the toilet literally, you can suspect pregnancy. But only to suspect. After all, such a sign is also characteristic of a disease called cystitis, for example. But with it usually hurts the stomach and feels painful with urination. If there is not one, you can think about the future of motherhood.

    Determination with thermometer

    Basal temperature

    Now you will learn to measure basal temperature and understand what its various indicators mean.

    Please note! This method is used most often not to determine whether there is a pregnancy or not, but in order to understand when it is most likely it can occur.

    How to determine pregnancy by temperature? You should start your tests no sooner than two days before you have to start menstruating. The cycle is divided into 2 phases - before and after ovulation. By duration, they are almost equal. That's it in the second phase, if pregnancy has occurred, the temperature rises( to 37 degrees) and holds for a while.

    The basal temperature can be measured in the rectum, vagina or mouth. Keep the thermometer 3 minutes. If you put a thermometer to measure the temperature of the armpit, nothing happens.

    Remember, however, that the correctness of such measurements is significantly influenced by illnesses, stresses, certain medications. In general, the accuracy of the method is rather low. If you understand that there is nothing of the above, you can consider elevated basal temperature as a sign of pregnancy for some time. This symptom can be particularly accurate in combination with all or some other symptoms, of which we have already spoken.

    Please note that it is necessary to measure basal temperature from the very morning, without getting up from bed. Moreover, you can not make any sharp movements at all, even shake off the thermometer in the evening.

    But in general, of course, if you think that you are pregnant, the best option is not to guess about it, but to ask for an exact answer to the gynecologist.