  • Chronic colitis of the intestine: symptoms, treatment, causes

    Chronic colitis is an inflammatory process that affects the large intestine.

    In this disease, the inflammatory and dystrophic process develops in the intestinal wall, which eventually can lead to atrophy of the mucous membrane with a violation of its functions.

    Causes of development of

    Various causes can lead to the development of chronic colitis. The main provoking and causative factors for this disease are the following:

    1. 1) Various microorganisms that provoke the development of infectious inflammation. Most often this predisposes iersiniosis, dysentery and other intestinal infections, especially if they were late diagnosed or not treated in full. In addition, viral agents that can also cause the development of a chronic inflammatory process( particularly against a background of immune system disorders)
    2. 2) Protozoa and worms that disrupt the state of local immunity( see helminthiasis in humans)
    3. 3) In some cases, the development of the disease can be associated with the activation of opportunistic microorganisms that are constantly in the large intestine. This can occur against a background of malnutrition, with the presence of concomitant infectious diseases
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    4. 4) Various intoxications as their own metabolism products, and coming from the outside. This situation occurs when the kidney and liver function is impaired. The kidneys must remove the waste metabolic substances, and the liver participates in the processes of neutralizing such substances. This is exactly the case, but in some diseases this process can be disturbed by
    5. 5) The effect of ionizing radiation, which is often found in the treatment of oncological diseases
    6. 6) Prolonged intake of various pharmacological agents( antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and others)
    7. 7) Congenitalmetabolic disorders
    8. 8) Enzyme deficiency, which can be both congenital and acquired
    9. 9) Intolerance of certain foods, as well as a food allergy
    10. 10) Atherosclerotic lesion of the mesenteric arteries that feed the small and large intestine
    11. 11) Systemic connective tissue diseases.
    Thus, various factors can lead to the development of chronic colitis. On the one hand, it can be infectious factors, on the other - ischemic, etc. Therefore, taking this into account, chronic colitis is generally classified as follows:

    • infectious
    • alimentary
    • toxic
    • ischemic
    • allergic
    • radial
    • combined.

    Classification of

    It is also common to divide chronic colitis into other species, taking into account different classification approaches. Depending on the clinical course, the stage of exacerbation and the stage of remission( stagnation of clinical symptoms) are isolated.

    The defeat of the large intestine can be segmental( the pathological process involves only one of its departments) or total, which affects the entire colon.

    Colitis can also be of varying severity. This classification is based on the degree of developing inflammatory changes. Therefore, a mild, moderate and severe course of chronic colitis is isolated.

    In this disease, both the motor function and the digestive system can be disrupted. Disturbance of motor function can be according to hyperdynamic, hypodynamic or mixed type. Disruption of the digestive function, if present, proceeds according to the type of putrefaction or fermentation, which leads to the development of dyspepsia.

    Symptoms of chronic intestinal colitis

    Clinical manifestations of chronic colitis are characterized by alternating periods of remission and exacerbation. As a rule, in the first case the symptoms of the disease are practically observed or they are not pronounced. Usually patients with this disease go to the doctor during an exacerbation.

    It is characterized by such clinical symptoms as:

    1. 1) Pains, which are most often localized in the lateral parts of the abdomen. They can have a different character - from spastic( cramping) to aching. As a rule, irradiation with them is not observed
    2. 2) Changing the stool for chronic colitis. Some patients may have diarrhea and others may have constipation, depending on the type of developing impairment of the motor and digestive function of the large intestine
    3. . 3) Constant rumbling in the intestine
    4. . 4) Its causeless swelling( flatulence), but sometimes you can identify a relationship with that orother causative factor
    5. 5) After emptying the intestine, there is no complete sensation of this, which can lead to mood swings, increased irritability of the patient, etc.
    6. 6) There are tenesmus, that is, urges to act of defecation, which are not accompanied by it. This strongly exhausts the patient
    7. 7) There are phenomena of dyspepsia that include nausea, a feeling of bitterness or metallic taste in the mouth.
    Gradually, these patients develop asthenoneurotic syndrome, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • general weakness
    • increased fatigue, which disrupts the habitual lifestyle of the patient
    • frequent mood swings
    • headache
    • depression of mood
    • irritability
    • insomnia, etc.
    Against the background of impaired absorption and fermentation processes, symptoms of impaired absorption develop. This leads to the development of anemia and hypovitaminosis, which is manifested by characteristic signs, namely:

    • pallor of the skin
    • hair loss
    • brittleness of the nails
    • a violation of taste, etc.
    All these signs of impaired absorption usually occur in patients with persistent chronic colitis, as it leads to secondary involvement in the pathological process of the small intestine.

    Diagnosis of chronic colitis

    Final confirmation of the diagnosis of chronic colitis is assisted by additional research methods. Among them, the most informative are the following:

    • X-ray examination of the intestine with contrast, which allows to detect a violation of the motor function
    • microscopic examination of the feces
    • bacteriological examination of the stool with determination of the sensitivity spectrum of the isolated microorganisms.
    The results of all diagnostic tests carried out should be evaluated in conjunction with the clinical picture. This allows the doctor to make the correct diagnosis.

    Treatment of chronic colitis

    Treatment of chronic colitis is carried out conservatively, and it differs during exacerbation and during remission.

    In the latter case, the greatest value is given to dietary nutrition, which allows the early normalization of the operation of the large intestine.

    It should be based on the following principles:

    1. 1) In the case of constipation in the diet must be present vegetable fiber
    2. 2) Drink within a day you need about 2 liters of purified water without gas
    3. 3) Easy-to-digest carbohydrates should be removed from food, as theystimulate fermentation processes in the large intestine
    4. 4) In the case of diarrhea, it is necessary to remove legumes from the diet that stimulate the formation of
    5. 5) Food should be treated both mechanically and thermallytku, to have a gentle effect on the intestines.
    When exacerbation of chronic colitis is shown, the therapy is aimed at the following factors:

    • normalization of intestinal microflora
    • restoration of normal intestinal motor function
    • treatment of concomitant diseases that are able to stimulate the progression of chronic colitis.
    Given the fact that infectious-dependent colitis occurs more often, it is more rational to consider his program of treatment.

    It implies the use of the following drugs:

    1. 1) Antibiotics that are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the isolated microorganisms and only during the exacerbation of
    2. 2) The subsequent use of probiotic drugs that restore the qualitative and quantitative composition of microorganisms in the large intestine
    3. 3) Use of antispasmodicsallow to cope with the pain syndrome with intestinal spasm
    4. 4) Taking medications that normalize the stool( laxatives for constipation andfastening with diarrhea)
    5. 5) Enzyme preparations that prevent the development of the syndrome of impaired absorption.

    Prevention of

    The main preventive measures that will prevent the development of colitis of the intestine are the following:

    1. 1) Balanced diet, in which there is a sufficient amount of vegetable fiber
    2. 2) The daily need for water should be 2-2.5 liters, depending on the timeyear
    3. 3) Careful washing of hands to avoid infection with pathogenic microorganisms
    4. 4) Discarding bad habits of
    5. 5) Regular use of the toilet, as this will avoid activationconditional pathogenic microflora, constantly present in the intestine
    6. 6) Visit to the gastroenterologist with the slightest problems in the intestines, which will allow timely diagnosis of a pathological process of the digestive system and timely start treatment.

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