
Pharmaceutical ointments from wrinkles: kuriozin, badyaga, retinoevaya and others

  • Pharmaceutical ointments from wrinkles: kuriozin, badyaga, retinoevaya and others

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    Modern cosmetology firms offer just a huge selection of anti-wrinkle remedies: masks, creams, serums and much more. There are also medicinal ointments from wrinkles, which, of course, have their advantages, but there are also disadvantages.

    So, for example, any product bought without a prescription does not guarantee any result and can give a negative reaction to the skin. On the other hand, there are fewer chemicals in pharmaceuticals.

    To decide for yourself which is better to get from wrinkles, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Let's look at some of them - their pros and cons, scope and rules of use.


    Curiosine contains hyaluronic acid, and in very active form, it perfectly moisturizes and regenerates the skin, so it can compete with expensive cosmetic products from wrinkles. Plus, this cream is that the skilful people add vitamins E and A, which enhances the effect of pulling.

    Not addictive, like some of the expensive store creams, but you do not need to use it constantly, it takes two weeks to reach the result, and if you want, you can repeat this action in 2-3 months.

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    Badyaga - a good thing. So they write on the Internet, so friends tell each other. However, one of my friends once faced with the fact that before applying a non-standard means for the face, you must first read reviews on the network and test for allergies. I do not know, of course, why the 23-year-old girl needed a remedy for wrinkles, but after the second mask she did not leave the house for two days, because her face was burning, red and swollen.

    But if you are not afraid of this effect, but want to experience the rejuvenating effect of this ointment from wrinkles from the pharmacy, then remember that to it hydrogen peroxide is added, and the face, in any case, will turn red, so it is better to refrain from important experiments before important events. Apply for 5 minutes for the first time, then wash off.

    Ointment Relief

    As a part of shark fat, with its help skin cells regenerate well. Also, the ointment removes the swelling around the eyes. Suitable for deep wrinkles, but for this, it must be applied in the morning and evening.

    Retinoic Ointment

    Well copes with wrinkles, renews the skin, the complexion becomes natural, becausecontains a large amount of vitamin A, which is famous for its magical effect on the skin. The first use is trial - after taking a break for a couple of days to check for side effects. We put it and do not wash it off!

    Ointment Solcoseryl

    Capable of reducing stitches from surgery and accelerating the regeneration of the epidermis, producing collagen. With wrinkles, too, he fights "perfectly."With dry skin, it can be applied overnight - in the morning the skin will be moisturized and tender. Apply no more than a week, preferably every other day.

    Zinc ointment

    Zinc ointment smoothes fine wrinkles. Zinc protects the skin from ultraviolet, this prevents the skin from fading. Suitable only for oily and normal skin.causes dryness. The ointment is mixed with a moisturizer and applied to wrinkles.

    Pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle ointments are a good substitute for branded creams, especially if you can not afford them because of their high cost.

    But always do an allergy test, read the reviews, follow all the rules, do not hold such a first time on the skin for a long time, and with the slightest discomfort, rinse immediately with water and do not apply any funds.another, even proven, cream can have an irritating effect on the skin already damaged by an unfamiliar means. And be sure to remember that for a long time to use such tools is dangerous.

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