
How to get rid of laziness - get rid of laziness

  • How to get rid of laziness - get rid of laziness

    Attacked apathy, complete reluctance to do anything and the strongest laziness? Most often, these feelings and feelings occur precisely in the autumn, when even nature itself falls into a hibernation. So the person: there is not clear fatigue, depression and other. .. Only here it is never necessary to give in to similar feelings, it is necessary to force itself to work. But how to get rid of laziness and mobilize yourself?

    Reasons and solutions

    Elimination of laziness

    In order to get an answer to this question, you need to first understand the reasons that this laziness is caused. When you dig down to the "root of evil", you will get rid of this feeling, let not forever, but for a long time. So, these are the most common causes of laziness:

    1. Important work The importance of the work that you need to do .Agree that absolutely no one will like to do the work, which absolutely nobody needs. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how much your activity will be necessary. To do this, simply answer yourself to the question: what will happen if you do not do it at all? Can not you forget about him? Then put another question: maybe it will be easier for you if you do this thing a little later, that is, just postpone it for a while? So you for a certain period of time get rid of such undesirable work, perhaps in a few days everything will settle down and your laziness will disappear, as if it did not exist. If this does not happen, and it is impossible to postpone the fulfillment of the task endlessly, we will have to force ourselves to do it. As, find out in the next paragraph.
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    2. Increased motivation of .When we understand that the work that we need to do is really incredibly important, getting ourselves to it is much easier. In order to increase motivation, you can use this technique: increase in your own mind the significance of the result of the work done. Imagine how much joy or simply relief it will bring. For example, you need to finish the annual report as soon as possible, and you are too lazy. Now imagine how much easier it will be for you, when you do it, what burden will fall from your shoulders.
    3. We will save energy Energy accumulation .Quite often it is difficult to get rid of laziness from the fact that you have accumulated fatigue. Listen to yourself and see if this applies to you. If so, rest a little, even for five minutes. Relax even when the task requires very little time. A good discharge is provided by switching to another type of activity, simple physical exercises or just a walk around the office. You in fact know that those who constantly sit at the computer, just every 45 minutes to break at least 5 minutes? Believe me, even after a very short rest, it will be easier to work. Just do not overdo it. .. with rest, 10-15 minutes will suffice with a head. Never noticed that after a long rest to force yourself to do something more difficult? So try, that this time with you this did not happen.
    4. Action Plan for .It happens that a person is too lazy to start a certain task because it is incredibly complex. In this case, the question is quite reasonable: where do we start? Here it all usually ends. .. If this is about you, then be sure to break the big and complex task into several stages and be sure to set the execution time for each of them. It's best if you write it all down on paper and put it in front of your eyes. How nice it will be afterwards to cross out point by point. ..

    Effective advice


    It happens that none of these tips help: you all delay and postpone the case, try to break it into small components, and laziness does not disappear anyway. What to do in this case? There is one excellent advice.

    In order to get rid of laziness, you can negotiate with her. Yes, yes, do not be surprised. Do not have to force yourself to start work. You, on the contrary, must conclude with yourself and your laziness an agreement, thereby deceiving it. Do not you want to do anything? Fine, then do nothing, nothing at all. Do not go online, do not call anyone, do not read books. All you can do is pour yourself a cup of tea and just walk around the office.

    It seems to be a simple advice, but it has one secret: while you are idling, in your thoughts imagine the whole process of work in the smallest detail. Again the same annual report: imagine how to find the necessary files, how to create a document, how to enter data into it, and so on. After some time, laziness will disappear without problems, and you will start your work and perform it successfully and very quickly.