
Diet for inflammation of the pancreas, which dishes can be used in the menu

  • Diet for inflammation of the pancreas, which dishes can be used in the menu

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    Probably no one wants a future in which all favorite dishes, sweets, meat, fish are banned, and the main menu is made up of lenten porridges. Therefore, of course, do not bring yourself to the pancreas.

    However, if you have already been diagnosed with this disease, do not despair. Try to begin to observe a special diet that will help improve your condition.

    Keep a food diary in which you will write down if you ate something "forbidden".Next, write down your condition after eating it. Perhaps this will help you not to interrupt proper nutrition and to reconsider your views on food.

    You can try to recognize the signs of pancreatitis yourself, and the first of them is a sharp pain in the left side. If this pain often worries, especially after eating( fatty foods, fried meat, spicy dish, baked goods), you should visit a gastroenterologist. And even before his visit to sit on a special diet.

    To prevent the acute form from flowing into a chronic form, start eating more correct and healthy food, and perhaps the pain will not return, and eventually the disease will completely come to naught. By this time, you have already become accustomed to the new diet and it will become easier to observe. And no other treatment is needed.

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    What do experts recommend for a diet with inflammation of the pancreas? Firstly, the main recommendations concern the ways of preparing dishes. You can eat dishes boiled, steamed, steam, raw. No fried!

    Secondly, all products for a therapeutic diet should be easily digested, the texture should be soft, so that it is easy and without discomfort to pass through the gastrointestinal tract.

    Food temperature also plays an important role - warm, and only warm. Your food should be salted at a minimum. Anything that can irritate the stomach and intestines, or just a little, or even remove - sour, peppery, bitter, alcohol.

    Nutrition for inflammation of the pancreas should be balanced and respected by all rules. Do not think that now you "can not do anything" and get frustrated. There are many approved products with a therapeutic diet:

    1. Cereals. Buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
    2. Pasta. Boiled vegetables( better - ground).
    3. Low-interest dairy products.
    4. In a small amount - vegetable oils.
    5. Fruits.

    For the onset of a stable remission, you can not interrupt the diet, be tempted to banned, drink alcoholic beverages( in general! In any quantity!).Violated not only the metabolism, but also the level of glucose in the blood! Give up sweets and baked goods! Some indulgences are possible only with full recovery, but everything should be in moderation and not often.

    During periods of exacerbation in general, only intravenous nutrition is possible, if you do not want to eat "through the tube," you will have to suffer a diet. Adapting to a diet occurs in a month without a breakdown.

    Food for inflammation of the pancreas does not have to be very fresh and tasteless, if you make a menu correctly and find recipes for interesting dishes, you can eat healthy and tasty food. Therefore, an approximate menu for every day is presented here in the form of non-trivial dishes, which you should like.

    Sample menu

    You can start the morning with baked apples. Make them sweet "roses", and enjoy a dietary breakfast! From such a daily breakfast, no one will refuse. Drink diluted pomegranate juice.

    The first snack is .Toast with a piece of low-fat cheese and warm tea. The next day, make a sandwich from yesterday's bread and a slice of tomato.

    For lunch we offer the following option: boiled beef with garnish of buckwheat. And with cucumber - fresh. As an option for another dinner - a porridge of well-cooked lentils.

    Another snack is .Cottage cheese pasta with boiled dried apricots. Cottage cheese for this shake on a blender, you can add a little sour cream or kefir to the same place, sugar - a couple of teaspoons. Dry the dried apricots with a blender. The next day - cottage cheese casserole, but the cottage cheese should be the same - pasty.

    Dinner. Did you know that semolina porridge, whipped with a mixer, looks like a delicious soufflé?And other porridges from whipping become much more delicious! Porridge can be alternated with soup-puree, so that every day there was something different.

    Follow all medical recommendations and be healthy!

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