
How to restore health after antibiotics - restoration of immunity

  • How to restore health after antibiotics - restoration of immunity

    Everyone knows what antibiotics are - drugs that saved millions from death. While there were no antibiotics, human mortality was very high, as people died from any, even the most insignificant disease. As time passed, medicine gained experience, and gradually antibiotics began to be perceived as a panacea. But is this correct? After killing pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics involuntarily kill and "their" - useful microorganisms involved in the life of the human body. Today we will talk about how to restore health after antibiotics.

    Drink clean water

    Since antibiotics are mainly destroyed by intestinal microflora, we need to restore it. Here are a number of measures that will help to do this.

    • Be sure to take care of the cleanliness of the water that you eat every day. This is especially true for urban residents, where in addition to dirty air from the tap, contaminated water with rust and chlorine flows. Drink clean water! Buy a filter for water treatment, use purified water, sold in large plastic containers. It is inexpensive, but great!
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    • Very often after taking antibiotics, unpleasant consequences occur, such as bloating and flatulence. Try to drink on an empty stomach curative infusion with herbs, cooked on kefir. To do this, pour a half-liter of fresh yogurt into a liter jar, you can take yogurt. Finely chop a pair of cloves of garlic, a quarter of the onions and send to the same jar. Add three or four fresh sprigs of dill and parsley, dry chopped chamomile and St. John's wort( all one teaspoonful).If there is no fresh greens, in case of emergency, you can take a dry one. Pour the jar to the top with steep boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, be sure to strain and drink a couple of glasses. After a week of such treatment you will forget what a dysbacteriosis is!
    Effects of antibiotic use
    • Do not be afraid to eat a couple of cloves of fresh garlic before bed. There will be no smell by morning, and in a few days you will feel much better.
    • Do not like garlic? Try the extract of propolis, in tincture, with a strength of 70 degrees. It is safe even for babies, only it is necessary to observe the measure. Children from half a year to a year give 2 drops, up to three years - 5 drops, from 3 to 7 - 6-7 drops, for older children - up to 10 drops. Adults under the age of 18 are given 20 drops. You can dilute with water or milk - as you like.
    • To revive the intestinal flora will help the next infusion. Take the dry grass of St. John's wort( 1 spoonful), sage( half a spoonful), tansy( a third spoon).All pour one glass of steep boiling water, wrap and insist for two hours. Strain. Drink before meals in small sips, you can add honey.
    Normalization of intestinal microflora
    • Drink a decoction of fennel seeds! It is completely harmless, so do not be afraid to use it as tea. It is even recommended for newborns, because their digestive system is not yet perfect.
    • Use more sour-milk products containing lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and acidobacteria. Yoghurts, kefir, ryazhenki, whey - in any supermarket today a rich choice! You will restore the intestinal microflora in the most natural way, and you will be pleased with delicious food! A small condition: be sure to check the expiration dates of the product. The maximum number of days to store it is no more than a week. All that can be stored for longer is not yours!
    • Take special medications that help to restore the intestinal microflora. These are such drugs as lactobacterin, bifikol, acylact, bifidumbacterin and others. Drink them preferably kefir, take half an hour before meals. Be sure to consult a doctor about their use, because otherwise you risk even more damage to your health!
    • You can try to cook sour-milk useful products at home, for example, Bashkir koumiss, Kazakh ayran, matsoni. The main recipe: you boil milk, cool it to 40 degrees, pour into a jar and add a teaspoon of "live" yogurt. It will be sourdough. Next, the milk is interfered with with the leaven and hidden in a secluded warm place all night. In the morning the drink will be ready! It is especially useful to take it on an empty stomach.
    Eating vegetables for food
    • Eat foods such as beets, cereal bread, garlic, kefir, fermented baked milk, vegetable broth, salads in vegetable oil, mineral water. Exclude white bread, sweets, carbonated drinks and alcohol, as they only increase swelling and intestinal fermentation.
    • Prepare dishes for a couple, stew, bake. Fried, spicy and too salty for the time of restoration of the intestine while you are forbidden!

    Support the work of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, they, in turn, will support your immunity, and soon you will forget about problems with the intestines and other diseases!