
Keratin mask for hair: how it is useful and how to do it at home

  • Keratin mask for hair: how it is useful and how to do it at home

    Beauty can not be built on individual elements. Therefore, beautiful should be not only the hair, but the hair itself. Under the influence of various factors, hair lose its shine, elasticity, split and fall out.

    What can I do to restore my hair a healthy look? A keratin mask for hair will help.

    Keratin is a structural protein and forms the protein basis of the hair. The lack of this component is filled by the mask, filling the structure of the hair. It provides restoration and protection, provides nutrition to the hair along its entire length.

    Advantages of keratin remedies for hair

    This procedure is almost safe for hair. Unlike other methods of straightening, hair due to saturation with keratin is not destroyed, but on the contrary, get a healthier look. The result is a double effect - healing and straightening.

    Harmful habits, negative impact of the environment, consumption of substandard food products - all this has a disastrous effect on your locks, destroys the natural keratin. They become split, dry and look lifeless. Treatment with keratin allows its molecules to penetrate the structure of the hair. Thus, your locks get all that they have lost - protection from external negative influences.

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    After this procedure, the hair condition is noticeably improved. They become more elastic, shiny, strong and healthy. This is due to the fact that the mask with keratin restores their structure, removes porosity.

    Mask with keratin is sold in pharmacy kiosks and can be used at home. But for a greater effect, you can go through this procedure in the salon. Here you will be offered a whole complex of events.

    To begin with, they will clean the hair with a special collagen shampoo that will remove them from the rest of the styling products. After that, the hair is dried. Now a mask with keratin is applied, which is evenly distributed on strands.

    Then, the hair is again dried and stylized with ironing. It would seem that high temperatures do not have a positive effect on hair. However, the action of the protein mask and heat forms a protective layer on the hair and promotes thickening, giving a volume.

    The effect of using a mask with keratin remains on the hair for 2 to 4 months. One condition - after the procedure hair can not be wetted for the next three days.

    Recipe for a home mask with keratin

    This mask for hair can be made at home, which will significantly save money. There are several recipes. For example, juice half a lemon, 50 grams of aloe vera juice and 4 drops of rosemary oil. All this mix well and apply on dry hair, pre-washed. Hold for about 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

    And one more recipe: combine a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with the oils of rosemary, sage and jasmine( 2 drops each) and mix with a glass of warm water in which a tablespoon of gelatin is dissolved. Apply the mask to clean and damp hair. After 15 minutes of application, rinse well with water. Dry your hair better with a towel.

    Masks with keratin at home require strict adherence to two rules:

    1. Do not use shampoo for rinsing.
    2. Do not use a hairdryer and curling iron for styling.

    Another variant of a home mask with the effect of keratin is a mask based on egg yolk. The combination of protein and vitamins makes it possible to achieve a noticeable improvement in the condition of the hair. To prepare it you will need:

    • Raw egg yolk;
    • About 20 grams of soda;A pinch of salt.

    All components must be connected and beaten with a mixer in a homogeneous mass. The mixture is then applied to damp hair and allowed to stand for about 20 minutes.

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