
Moisturizing hair mask at home: the best professional, reviews

  • Moisturizing hair mask at home: the best professional, reviews

    Moisturizing hair mask at home: application and feedback from the photo

    Among all types of hair masks a special place is always occupied by moisturizers. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are necessary for any type of hair, especially considering the modern ecology and the active use by women of chemical styling products and drying with a hair dryer. What should be a moisturizing hair mask at home, described in this article.

    Hair type and mask

    There are several common products that are suitable for the role of hair moisturizers in a home mask. These are:

    • Sour-milk products( yogurt, yogurt);
    • oils for hair( burdock, castor, peach, almond, avocado, jojoba, olive);
    • honey;
    • sour cream;
    • aloe;
    • onion juice

    In addition, a moisturizing hair mask should always be chosen based on the type of hair - normal, dry, greasy.

    For normal hair, I will be ideal mask with essential oils. For example: 1. A teaspoon of peach oil + 1 teaspoon of burdock oil + a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask over the entire length of the hair and hold for 1 hour. Wash off with shampoo.

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    For dry hair, masks with products that dry the skin( lemon, mustard, pepper) are strictly not suitable. To moisturize dry hair, it is better to use oil masks that will give the hair the necessary percentage of fat and moisture. At the same time, during the application of the mask to the hair, it is better not to touch the roots and scalp, but only with the tips of the hair.

    Here is a pair of moisturizing masks for dry hair:

    1) 1 tablespoon of honey melt in a water bath and mix with 1 tablespoon onion juice and 1 tablespoon burdock oil. Apply a lightly warmed mixture to the hair and leave for 1 hour.

    2) 2 tablespoons of honey + 1 tablespoon of olive oil + 1 tablespoon of peach oil + 1 tablespoon of almond oil. Prepare the mixture and apply it to the hair for 30 minutes. The head must be wrapped with a towel.

    For oily hair, it is better not to use oil masks as moisturizing masks, because they only emphasize the effect of hair grease. For such hair, a mask with sour-milk products, for example kefir, is more suitable. The most simple mask: 1 cup kefir( curdled milk) slightly warmed and applied to the hair along the entire length. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the mask and wash the hair with shampoo.

    Reviews of women

    Russian women have different types of hair, and, therefore, moisturizing hair masks, they use different, and almost every lady has her own best moisturizing mask.

    Lilechka-rabbit writes: "For me, the best moisturizer for dry hair was and remains kefir. This is the cheapest and most effective product for hair care. Usually I just rinse my hair after washing 1 cup of warmed kefir. In kefir there is a lot of calcium, vitamins B and E, which perfectly nourish the hair and restore their structure. In kefir you can add burdock or castor oil and yolk 1 eggs. In any case, this kefir mask moisturizes the hair remarkably. "

    Ksyushka wrote about her hair moisturizing prescription."This is a good mask with castor oil. Usually on my long hair I take about such proportions: 2 tablespoons of castor oil and 2 teaspoons of almond oil. I warm up the mixture and put it on my hair. I hold 20-30 minutes, and then I wash off. Hair after castor oil looks great, but I want to warn that it has a very unpleasant smell( !!), so do not wit with proportions.

    Irina wrote: "And I have a problem - since childhood, fatty hair. Because they still need somehow moisturize, I try various home masks. Here, for example, the one that suits my hair most: 1 slice of black bread or 50 grams of dried bread + 1 teaspoon mustard powder + 1 tablespoon brandy + 1 yolk. Bread soak in water and add to the resulting mass of yolks, mustard, cognac. All slightly cool. Apply to the roots of hair and massage your head lightly. Top with a shower cap. Keep this mask for about an hour, no more. Wash off and wash your hair with shampoo. Hair after the mask is not so much zhirnjatsya, you can wash them on the 3rd day. Plus good hydration. "

    The blonde in the law writes: "Girls, hello! Recently, I looked for good professional moisturizing hair masks and found one masochku - well, just super! It is called hydrating mask Aqua Otium( producer Estel).The usual such a blue jar, but the effect of the mask is stunning! Hair becomes soft, smooth shiny and does not split! I just took on the palm of a little mask( a drop the size of a nut) and smeared on my hair. Waited 15-20 minutes and washed off. That's so easy! "


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    Among all types of hair masks a special place is always occupied by moisturizers. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are necessary for any type of hair, especially considering the modern ecology and the active use by women of chemical styling products and drying with a hair dryer. What should be a moisturizing hair mask at home, described in this article.

    Hair type and mask

    There are several common products that are suitable for the role of hair moisturizers in a home mask. These are:

    • Sour-milk products( yogurt, yogurt);
    • oils for hair( burdock, castor, peach, almond, avocado, jojoba, olive);
    • honey;
    • sour cream;
    • aloe;
    • onion juice

    In addition, a moisturizing hair mask should always be chosen based on the type of hair - normal, dry, greasy.

    For normal hair, I will be ideal mask with essential oils. For example: 1. A teaspoon of peach oil + 1 teaspoon of burdock oil + a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask over the entire length of the hair and hold for 1 hour. Wash off with shampoo.

    For dry hair, masks with products that dry the skin( lemon, mustard, pepper) are strictly not suitable. To moisturize dry hair, it is better to use oil masks that will give the hair the necessary percentage of fat and moisture. At the same time, during the application of the mask to the hair, it is better not to touch the roots and scalp, but only with the tips of the hair.

    Here is a pair of moisturizing masks for dry hair:

    1) 1 tablespoon of honey melt in a water bath and mix with 1 tablespoon onion juice and 1 tablespoon burdock oil. Apply a lightly warmed mixture to the hair and leave for 1 hour.

    2) 2 tablespoons of honey + 1 tablespoon of olive oil + 1 tablespoon of peach oil + 1 tablespoon of almond oil. Prepare the mixture and apply it to the hair for 30 minutes. The head must be wrapped with a towel.

    For oily hair, it is better not to use oil masks as moisturizing masks, since they only emphasize the effect of hair grease. For such hair, a mask with sour-milk products, for example kefir, is more suitable. The most simple mask: 1 cup kefir( curdled milk) slightly warmed and applied to the hair along the entire length. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the mask and wash the hair with shampoo.

    Reviews of women

    Russian women have different types of hair, and, consequently, moisturizing hair masks, they use different, and almost every lady has her own best moisturizing mask.

    Lilechka-rabbit writes: "For me, the best moisturizer for dry hair was and remains kefir. This is the cheapest and most effective product for hair care. Usually I just rinse my hair after washing 1 cup of warmed kefir. In kefir there is a lot of calcium, vitamins B and E, which perfectly nourish the hair and restore their structure. In kefir you can add burdock or castor oil and yolk 1 eggs. In any case, this kefir mask moisturizes the hair remarkably. "

    Ksyushka wrote about her hair moisturizing prescription."This is a good mask with castor oil. Usually on my long hair I take about such proportions: 2 tablespoons of castor oil and 2 teaspoons of almond oil. I warm up the mixture and put it on my hair. I hold 20-30 minutes, and then I wash off. Hair after castor oil looks great, but I want to warn that it has a very unpleasant smell( !!), so do not wit with proportions.

    Irina wrote: "And I have a problem - since my childhood fatty hair. Because they still need somehow moisturize, I try various home masks. Here, for example, the one that suits my hair most: 1 slice of black bread or 50 grams of dried bread + 1 teaspoon mustard powder + 1 tablespoon brandy + 1 yolk. Bread soak in water and add to the resulting mass of yolks, mustard, cognac. All slightly cool. Apply to the roots of hair and massage your head lightly. Top with a shower cap. Keep this mask for about an hour, no more. Wash off and wash your hair with shampoo. Hair after the mask is not so much zhirnjatsya, you can wash them on the 3rd day. Plus good hydration. "

    The blonde in the law writes: "Girls, hello! Recently, I looked for good professional moisturizing hair masks and found one masochku - well, just super! It is called hydrating mask Aqua Otium( producer Estel).The usual such a blue jar, but the effect of the mask is stunning! Hair becomes soft, smooth shiny and does not split! I just took on the palm of a little mask( a drop the size of a nut) and smeared on my hair. Waited 15-20 minutes and washed off. That's so easy! "


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