  • Allergy to the sun: photos, symptoms and treatment, causes

    To the concept - an allergy to the sun, characterized as a polymorphic rash, modern medicine includes all diseases provoked by the hypersensitivity of the organism to the sun's rays.

    They are traditionally referred to as photodermat and photodermatosis.

    The results of medical research have shown that photodermat and photodermatosis are not the result of the influence of sunlight alone, because the allergen must contain a complete protein.

    Therefore, sunlight is considered to be one of the factors that provokes the accumulation of a large number of allergens in people with certain problems of internal organs.

    And it is common to treat rash and itch caused by exposure to the sun as a false allergic reaction, because there is no formation of antibodies in the blood serum.

    The mechanism of sun allergy development

    The sun's rays can not be an allergen in principle. But, it can be a catalyst for various aggressive reactions not only of immunity, but of the whole organism as well, manifested as:
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    1. 1) Phototractive reaction is the result of a burn with excessive sunburn.
    2. 2) The phototoxic reaction is a consequence of the interaction of drugs or plants with ultraviolet radiation. The result is photodermatosis.
    3. 3) Photosensitization - allergy to the sun or photo allergy. The manifestation of pigmentation in people prone to allergies, even with minimal exposure to the sun.
    This phenomenon, like photosensitization, is characterized by increased sensitivity of the body to the effect of some form of visible radiation, including ultraviolet radiation. The action of ultraviolet radiation awakens in the body a process aimed at protecting the skin from the effects of sunlight - thickening of the stratum corneum, increased pigmentation, the appearance of sunburn.

    For many people, UV protection through tanning is an effective tool. If the effect of sunlight on the skin is not prolonged and it has time to recover, since a natural defense mechanism can not be switched on immediately.

    The degree of protection from ultraviolet radiation is associated with melanin pigmentation( skin color).The higher the percentage of melanin, the higher the degree of protection. This explains the fact that photodermatoses tend to be affected by people with fair skin who are sunbathing with difficulty or do not at all sunbathe.

    Photosensitizers, including food products, various plant components or dosage forms, are a catalyst for the sensitivity of the body to ultraviolet radiation, which activate the immunity protest, and cause an aggressive response to stimuli in it. Inside the body, biologically active substances are formed - acetylcholine and histamine, which provoke a rash and itching, as an allergic manifestation.

    On the speed of exposure photosensitizers are divided into two types - optional and obligate.

    1. 1) The optional species - provokes allergic manifestations very rarely, only in those cases when exposure to sunlight is more intense, and when the body is prone to allergic manifestations.
    2. 2) Obligatory appearance - causes a phototoxic reaction always, activates photosensitivity very quickly, in almost a quarter of an hour of exposure to the sun.
    Under certain conditions, photosensitizers have the ability to accelerate the withering of the skin, promote the development of cancerous tumors on it.

    Causes of sun allergy

    The provoking factors of polymorphic rash manifestation are quite diverse. Various diseases can act as a catalyst:

    • liver disease and chronic kidney disease;
    • GIT pathology and enzymatic insufficiency( pancreatic function disorder);
    • of gallbladder disease and thyroid pathology;
    • pathology of porphyrin( pigment) metabolism( porphyria, pigment xeroderma);
    • helminthic invasion and parasitic infection;
    • vitamin deficiency and uncontrolled intake of medications;The
    • is a hereditary factor.
    The juice of many plants caught on the skin can cause photodermatosis - for example: forest doe, cowhide and quinoa, nettle and buckwheat, St. John's wort and many other plants. The development of solar allergy can be a consequence of disinfectants, perfumes and cosmetics, which includes provoking oils.

    Drugs - individual antibiotics, tetracycline sulfonamide preparations, neuroleptics, fluoroquinolones and immunosuppressants.

    See also, the causes and symptoms of food allergies.

    Symptoms of sun allergy

    An allergy to the sun, and its symptoms manifest as merging blisters, initially on the face, gradually spreading throughout the body. Cutaneous manifestations are often accompanied by:

    • headache;
    • by the inflammation of the lip rim( cheilitis);
    • is a manifestation of conjunctivitis;
    • with blistering blisters with exudate and puffiness of skin areas is evidence of solar eczema.
    Toxic photodermatitis is characterized by skin rashes in open areas of the body - the emerging vesicles subsequently burst, and pigmentation occurs in their place.

    Toxic photodermatosis is manifested by the sagging of the skin and its peeling. The skin becomes flabby and dry, hyperpigmentation develops, small blood vessels burst. With photophytodermatitis - the skin reddens significantly, irregular blisters appear, the body burns and itches. Hyperpigmentation is expressed by vague patterns.

    First aid for solar allergy

    The best remedy for sun allergy is a reasonable attitude towards it. But if it was not possible to avoid this - immediately consult a doctor. If this is not possible:

    • should be abundantly lubricated with a solution of furacilin, watermelon juice or cucumber;
    • Apply a mixture of beaten egg whites and cabbage juice to the skin;
    • with a mixture of honey and water, lubricate the formed blisters;
    • apply compresses from the decoction of marigold and string or strong, chilled black tea;
    • the inflamed skin is lubricated with methyluracil ointment;
    • after a meal it is desirable to take a tablet of nicotinic acid.
    See also what is the bloom allergy.

    Treatment of sun allergy

    The main task in the treatment of allergies to sun of various types is to reduce the effect of photosensitization. Therefore, the first tool in the treatment of such patients is the preparations of the photosensitizing series:

    • preparations of quinoline series;
    • B-carotene;
    • para-aminobenzoic acid;
    • natural antioxidants - vitamins A, E.
    The use of antioxidants is possible and in the form of cosmetics, which include extracts:

    • of green tea or grape seeds;
    • chamomile and ginkgo;
    • of the bark of the seaside pine;
    • of medicinal calendula and blue cornflower.
    The main criterion for choosing phyto-protective agents is the SPF( solar protection factor) index, the higher it is, the greater the protection.

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