  • Eczema on the hands: photo, treatment, initial stage, causes

    The most common form of dermatitis is eczema.

    Characterized by inflammatory processes of the surface layer of the dermis, manifested as a reaction to the internal state of the body and as a response to environmental stimuli.

    Eczema on the hands refers to allergic skin diseases. It is manifested by multiple various small elements of the rash, as a result of relapses. It flows in a chronic form. How and what to treat eczema on the hands of a very urgent issue in our time, in which we will try to figure it out.

    Causes of development of eczema on the hands of

    The development of eczematous manifestations depends on the sensitivity( sensitization) of the skin to allergic reactions of internal and external factors, which can be either polyvalent, depending on allergens of different groups, or monovalent - an allergen of a certain type.

    Aggravation of sensitivity is facilitated by various causes:

    • stress states;
    • of the endocrine system;
    • pathological processes in the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
    • instagram viewer
    • skin diseases of fungal origin;
    • chronic infections and carriage of the coccal flora;
    • diseases of an allergic nature.
    In children with exudative diathesis, congenital hypersensitivity of the skin and the manifestation of eczema in toddlers is associated with this factor.

    Symptoms of eczema on the hands of

    There are no age restrictions for eczema, usually on the skin of the face and hands, it can also appear on the legs.

    Depending on the symptoms and nature of the rashes, the initial stage of eczema on the hands is divided into types:

    1) Eczema is dry, caused by the formation of cracks in the dry skin, with itchy and flaky, inflamed skin. Can manifest on the hands and feet.

    2) Eczema wetting - manifested on the scalp under the hair, localized on the chest, the bend of the elbows and knees. It may look like a much reddened skin, characterized by a small bubble rash or wet spot on the inflamed, very itchy skin.

    According to the types - it is subdivided:

    • to the true form;
    • microbial eczema;
    • seborrhoeic eczema;
    • is a professional eczema.
    Each of these species of specimen is characterized by acute, subacute and chronic form of the stream.
    Eczema is a true species. Refers to a group of diseases of itching dermatoses.

    Acute form of eczema flowing on the hands:

    • with bright swelling of the lesion;
    • by the formation of multiple blisters rashes;
    • opening of the bubbles creates abundant wet small erosion;
    • with characteristic periodic itching and burning.
    Duration of acute form - up to two months.

    The course of the subacute form of eczema proceeds with less pronounced areas of inflammation:

    • , the color of the inflamed areas acquires a bluish-pink hue;
    • formation of puffiness and moistening of inflamed areas is moderate;
    • itching and burning sensation subsides;
    • adds coarsening and infiltration of the skin.
    The duration of the disease in this form can last up to six months.

    The chronic course of eczema is characterized by:

    • the predominance of the symptom of cutaneous infiltration.
    • marked a sharp thickening of the skin of affected areas;
    • by strengthening the skin pattern;
    • is a violation of skin pigmentation;
    • skin looks like a frayed, rough surface;
    • formation of point erosions with wet serous "wells";
    • rapid spread to healthy areas of the skin, forming erythema.
    The microbial appearance of eczema on the hands is monovalent in nature, increasing the skin reaction to any one kind of allergen. Shown:

    • asymmetric localization of lesions;
    • focal coat with a purulent crust, after removal, which erupt erosive surfaces with wet "wells";
    • with clear boundaries of the outbreaks, outlined by a line, in the form of a border of exfoliated epidermis;
    • formation of abscesses, fistula and non-healing trophic ulcers;
    • is an intolerable itch.
    The manifestation of seborrheic disease is characterized by pathological association with lipophilic yeast fungi - the genus Pityrosporum ovale. It is also one of the indicators( marker) of HIV infection. Shown:

    • with yellow-pink scaly patches between skin folds;
    • hyperemia and wet "wells";
    • with deep painful cracks;
    • formation in the center of yellow-pink spots of small-node elements
    Professional kind of eczema. The name itself characterizes the etiology of the disease. It manifests an allergic reaction to external stimuli, more often in the conditions of professional activity. The course of the disease is of a moderate nature, caused by a monovalent reaction.

    To test the allergen, tests are used in the form of skin tests. To prevent the disease from passing through the chronic stage, treatment should begin at the first sign of manifestation.

    Eczema on the hands of the photo - the initial stage of

    This is how eczema on the hands looks in the initial stage.

    How to treat eczema on the hands of

    The primary task in the medical process is to alleviate the patient's condition by eliminating or softening the cause that has served the manifestation of the disease.

    The process itself should be comprehensive, including symptomatic treatment, the organization of the regime of work and rest, the exclusion of contacts with substances that provoke allergic manifestations, the observance of a diet that excludes and provokes allergies.

    The use of medications depends on the type of eczematous manifestations, symptoms and stage of the disease. Appointed strictly individually. Than to treat an eczema on hands - it can be such preparations:

    • corticosteroid preparations suppressing inflammatory reactions;
    • antihistamines, removing toxins and allergens from the body;
    • immunocorrecting drugs, normalizing the regulation of immunity.
    • for the maintenance of the nervous system - soothing agents and herbal infusions;
    • antiseptic ointments, baths and lotions
    • for prevention of exacerbations a vitamin complex is prescribed.
    Do not trust random recipes. Each person, in itself, is individual. And in the treatment of eczema on the hands should be only an individual approach.

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