
Cooked carrots: benefit and harm, ways of cooking, influence on the human body

  • Cooked carrots: benefit and harm, ways of cooking, influence on the human body

    Cooked carrots: the benefit and harm of this root for the human body

    Carrots - this is the product that ate absolutely everything. Its benefits are much spoken and written. Perhaps your mother also said: "Eat a carrot, you'll see well, it's useful for sight."And in fact, carrots contain a large amount of vitamin A, beta-carotene. In a day you need to eat 2 carrots to fill the daily rate of this vitamin.

    If you go a little deeper into the story, you can find out that the carrot came to us from Afghanistan. Then it was bright purple, there and still is the largest plantation of carrots. Already later in Holland, a sort of carrots, the color of which became the same as we are accustomed to seeing it today, is bright orange. To date, there are more than 60 varieties of this vegetable.

    You can talk a lot about the benefits of a raw carrot, but is there any benefit to boiled carrots?

    Cooked carrots are also useful, as well as raw. Let's consider what is the benefit and harm of cooked carrots.

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    Useful substances

    After boiling, vitamin A in the carrot does not disappear, it remains. If you notice, the color of carrots after cooking does not disappear, but remains the same bright orange, indicating that beta-carotene is not boiled in water. Eating a couple of cooked carrots a day, you protect your vision from problems. In general, vitamin A is useful for strengthening the retina of the eye, which is why it is advised to eat for short-sightedness or simply with a constant eye strain, for example, working at a computer.

    It is the cooked carrot advised to eat with diabetes, because in the boiled vegetable antioxidants are 30% more than in the raw. In addition, the boiled carrots normalize the carbohydrate content, reduces the need for insulin.

    Boiled carrots contain iodine, calcium and iron salts.

    And the sugar content in carrots is almost 15%.

    The use of a boiled carrot is that it will help people suffering from hypertension, varicose veins, even those who have suffered a stroke.

    Many diets are built on the reception of a boiled carrot, because it contributes to the natural purification of slags, is a good choleretic and diuretic.

    Nutritionists recommend eating cooked carrots at excess weight, even with intestinal dysbacteriosis.

    Boiled carrots are useful in the treatment of vitamin deficiency. Improves the body's immune system.

    It is even recommended to include it in the diet for anemia and anemia.

    It is still recommended to use cooked carrots for cancer tumors. As already mentioned, in the cooked carrots of antioxidants becomes more, namely they help to fight with cancer cells.

    Phenol, which is formed during the cooking process, also benefits a lot.

    Kasha from carrots( raw and boiled) used to be applied to wounds and inflammations, it promotes recovery, has antibacterial effect.

    Harm to boiled carrots

    No special harmful qualities are observed in cooked carrots. However, it is not advised to eat much for people suffering from a stomach ulcer or inflammation of the duodenum or rectum, especially during the period of exacerbation.

    An overdose of carrots can be seen right away, the palms of the hands and feet become orange, drowsiness, loss of strength may appear.

    Ways of preparing

    You can prepare carrots in various ways: simply boil in water, bake in the oven or cook in a double boiler. Any option will be useful for the body.

    We often add cooked carrots to salads, it is almost an obligatory dressing for vegetable soups. Carrots not only give a special taste to these dishes, but also gives the broth a beautiful yellowish shade, even slightly brightens it. Cooked carrots are also used as a filling for sweet pies.

    Be sure to include in your diet not only raw, but also cooked carrots, it does not lose its useful properties!

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    Carrots are the product that everyone ate absolutely. Its benefits are much spoken and written. Perhaps your mother also said: "Eat a carrot, you'll see well, it's useful for sight."And in fact, carrots contain a large amount of vitamin A, beta-carotene. In a day you need to eat 2 carrots to fill the daily rate of this vitamin.

    If you go a little deeper into the story, you can find out that the carrot came to us from Afghanistan. Then it was bright purple, there and still is the largest plantation of carrots. Already later in Holland, a sort of carrots, the color of which became the same as we are accustomed to seeing it today, is bright orange. To date, there are more than 60 varieties of this vegetable.

    You can talk a lot about the benefits of a raw carrot, but is there any benefit to boiled carrots?

    Boiled carrots are also useful, as well as raw. Let's consider what is the benefit and harm of cooked carrots.

    Useful substances

    After boiling, vitamin A does not disappear in the carrot, it remains. If you notice, the color of carrots after cooking does not disappear, but remains the same bright orange, indicating that beta-carotene is not boiled in water. Eating a couple of cooked carrots a day, you protect your vision from problems. In general, vitamin A is useful for strengthening the retina of the eye, which is why it is advised to eat for short-sightedness or simply with a constant eye strain, for example, working at a computer.

    It's the cooked carrot advised to eat with diabetes, because in the boiled vegetable antioxidants are 30% more than in the raw. In addition, the boiled carrots normalize the carbohydrate content, reduces the need for insulin.

    Boiled carrots contain iodine, calcium and iron salts.

    And the sugar content in carrots is almost 15%.

    The use of boiled carrots is that it will help people suffering from hypertension, varicose veins, even those who have suffered a stroke.

    Many diets are built on the reception of a cooked carrot, because it contributes to the natural purification of slags, is a good choleretic and diuretic.

    Nutritionists are advised to eat boiled carrots at excess weight, even with intestinal dysbacteriosis.

    Boiled carrots are useful in the treatment of vitamin deficiency. Improves the body's immune system.

    It is even recommended to include it in the diet for anemia and anemia.

    It is still recommended to use cooked carrots for cancer tumors. As already mentioned, in the cooked carrots of antioxidants becomes more, namely they help to fight with cancer cells.

    Phenol, which is formed during the cooking process, also benefits a lot.

    Kasha from carrots( raw and boiled) used to be applied to wounds and inflammations, it promotes recovery, has antibacterial effect.

    Harm to boiled carrots

    No special harmful properties are observed in boiled carrots. However, it is not advised to eat much for people suffering from a stomach ulcer or inflammation of the duodenum or rectum, especially during the period of exacerbation.

    Overdose carrots can be seen immediately, the palms of the hands and feet become orange, drowsiness, loss of strength may appear.

    How to prepare

    You can prepare carrots in various ways: simply boil in water, bake in the oven or cook in a double boiler. Any option will be useful for the body.

    We often add cooked carrots to salads, it is almost an obligatory dressing for vegetable soups. Carrots not only give a special taste to these dishes, but also gives the broth a beautiful yellowish shade, even slightly brightens it. Cooked carrots are also used as a filling for sweet pies.

    Be sure to include in your diet not only raw, but also cooked carrots, it does not lose its useful properties!

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