  • Furunculosis: symptoms and treatment, photos, causes

    Furunculosis is the appearance on the body of multiple sites in which there was a suppuration of the sebaceous gland, the hair follicle and surrounding connective tissue around the perimeter, that is, furuncles.

    The disease is caused by pyogenic flora, most often staphylococcus aureus.

    Furuncles can occur on one area of ​​the skin( most often the shoulders, neck, buttocks, waist), or may appear on different areas of the skin. In the first case furunculosis will be called local, in the second - widespread.

    The causes of furunculosis

    The disease is caused by a flora such as staphylococcus, less often - streptococcus, sometimes - the association of pyogenic bacteria. These microorganisms can be present on the skin of a person, as well as in the air, but they can cause disease with a combination of internal and external factors.

    External factors include:

    1. 1) Mechanical injuries: scratching with nails, scratches from shaving, as well as coal, glass and so on, obtained in production;
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    3. 2) Friction clothing;
    4. 3) Non-compliance with personal hygiene rules in the presence of microdamages on the skin;
    5. 4) Overcooling or overheating.
    Internal factors include:

    • vegetative-vascular dystonia, which increases the flow or salinity;
    • unhealthy food;
    • decreased immunity;
    • body exhaustion;
    • obesity;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • alcoholism;
    • chronic infection of the intestines, sinuses, tonsils, teeth( caries);
    • hypovitaminosis;
    • endocrine diseases;
    • decreased iron levels.

    Symptoms of furunculosis

    Symptoms of furunculosis appear as specific elements of the rash. Favorite location: face, shoulder straps, hips, back of the neck, buttocks. Furuncles can appear everywhere, except palms and soles. The process can be acute and chronic.

    In acute furunculosis, the clinical picture is as follows. In some areas of the body, a small diameter is formed in the area of ​​the hair follicle, which is painful when pressed. Further it develops, becoming similar to a cone of red color, towering above a skin surface.

    By the third day in the middle of this nodule a softer zone is formed, in which pus is located;the skin above this place is tense, shiny, purplish-bluish.

    In the area of ​​the hair on the skin, a whitish or yellow-white foci of pus is seen, which is where the fistula will form. Then the furuncle is opened, revealing a small volume of yellow viscous pus on the skin, and the main element becomes crater-like. At the bottom of it, a green rod is visualized, which is discarded after about 5 days. Only after this, the edema of the tissues decreases, the area of ​​the furuncle becomes less painful.

    In place of the boil remains a sore, in which there are remains of pus and dead tissue. Gradually, they are rejected, and the sore begins to fill with connective tissue. The scar remains on the place of the boil.

    Local changes are sometimes accompanied by a general body reaction:

    • increased body temperature;
    • weakness;
    • nausea;
    • increased heart rate;
    • headache;
    • increase in regional lymph nodes.
    The furuncles located on the face in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle are especially dangerous: at this point, the veins that flow directly into the sinuses of the cranial cavity are particularly close. Therefore, they not only can not squeeze out and carefully carry out hygiene measures themselves, but also to visit the surgeon without fail.

    Chronic furunculosis is manifested by the constant presence of several furuncles on the body, which are in different stages of their development. Regional lymph nodes can be enlarged. The general condition practically does not suffer.

    See also how to treat carbuncle.

    Diagnosis of furunculosis

    The diagnosis of "Furunculosis" is based on examination of the patient. Nevertheless, given the aggressiveness of the process( staphylococci tend to spread rapidly through the body), a complete examination is necessary to find out the cause of this disease, to assess the state of immunity.

    The patient is performing such laboratory tests:

    1. 1) General blood analysis( hemogram): the level of inflammation is assessed.
    2. 2) Blood glucose and glucose tolerance test: this must be determined, since furunculosis can be the first "noticeable" symptom of diabetes mellitus.
    3. 3) Biochemical blood test( urea, creatinine, liver tests).These tests are necessary to find out if the infection caused liver or kidney damage.
    4. 4) The general analysis of urine - for an estimation of work of kidneys.
    5. 5) Immunogram - to assess the activity of immunity. The first immunogram is given during illness, the second - after recovery, so that the doctor can analyze the full picture.
    6. 6) Bacteriological study of the separated from the furuncle to determine the sensitivity of the flora to antibiotics.
    7. 7) Bacteriological examination of blood. Normally, blood is sterile, no microorganisms should be detected in it. If the same flora is sown from the blood as from the boil, the diagnosis "Bacteremia" or even "Sepsis" is competent, if there are lesions of the internal organs.
    8. 8) Inoculation of urine on the microflora: with an increase in the level of urea or creatinine, a pathological general analysis of urine, the detection of microflora in the blood.
    9. 9) Determination of thyroid hormones and female sex hormones( progesterone, prolactin, estradiol) in order to determine the cause of the decrease in immunity.
    Also conducted such instrumental research methods:

    • ultrasound of the abdominal and pelvic organs;
    • thyroid ultrasound;
    • fibrogastroscopy;
    • electrocardiogram;
    • radiography of the chest and sinuses of the nose.
    And although this disease is treated by a dermatologist, often needs consultations of related specialists :

    • infectious disease specialist;
    • surgeon;
    • of the ophthalmologist;
    • of the urologist;
    • of the gynecologist;
    • of the gastroenterologist;
    • of an otolaryngologist.

    Treatment of furunculosis

    When furunculosis appears, self-medicate, and even more so apply warming compresses or Vishnevsky ointment, is strictly prohibited.

    This can lead to contamination by the pathogenic flora of healthy skin areas, phlegmon, septic process, and also to the process chronicization.

    General recommendations for furunculosis are as follows:

    1. 1) Water procedures must be completely or partially eliminated. It is forbidden to take a bathtub, you can wash yourself only under the shower, trying as much as possible to "bypass" the area with washcloth, on which furuncles are localized.
    2. 2) Healthy skin around the boils should be treated with solutions of antiseptics that do not contain alcohol( water solution of furacillin, chlorhexidine and others).
    3. 3) If you notice cuts, cracks or scratches on the skin, they must be treated with alcohol-containing antiseptics( fukortsin, a solution of brilliant green).
    4. 4) Do not apply dry heat to the boil.
    5. 5) Change the diet, reducing the content of food in fats and carbohydrates, and increasing - proteins. This is necessary to improve the regeneration of damaged tissues, reduce the volume of flow and salinity.
    The doctor prescribes treatment, which depends on the general condition of the person, his laboratory indicators, the stage of development of the boil. It can be:

    1. 1) Compresses with hypertonic sodium chloride solution in place of boils;
    2. 2) Compresses with Dimexid diluted in saline 1: 4, on top of which an antibiotic is poured;
    3. 3) When localizing furuncles on the head or neck, if the general condition worsens, with changed analyzes, a person is prescribed systemic( i.e., as tablets or injections) antibiotic therapy;
    4. 4) There are used drugs that exert a stimulating effect on immunity( "Timalin", "Galavit" and others) - according to the results of the immunogram;
    5. 5) According to the indications, furuncles are opened, possibly even on an outpatient basis;
    6. 6) In parallel, sanation of foci of chronic infection, treatment of endocrine and other pathologies is carried out.

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