  • Women's breasts

    Many parts of the body are very sensitive to erotic stimulation. Nevertheless, in the culture of many peoples, the breast is considered to be one of the most erotically sensitive parts of the female body. Of course, the breasts perform a biological function, ensuring the infant is fed. In addition, the infant, crouching on the mother's breast, seems to merge with it with its being. But in Western countries, women tend to keep the shape of their breasts. And the stereotype of a perfect breast existing in society is incompatible with what it really should be. At one glance at the big and beautiful breasts, most men are excited. Male and female look at the chest, its shape and size are very different.

    Breast refers to secondary sexual characteristics and, like the roundness of the hips, distinguishes men from women. Meanwhile, neither the first nor the second is directly related to the reproductive system of the body. In each breast there are 15 - 20 groups of glands producing mother's milk. They are separated by a soft fatty tissue. It is the amount of such tissue that determines the size of the breast. The breast is supported by the pectoral muscles and tight ligaments.

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    The nipple, located in the middle of the dark area of ​​the breast, called the areola( pigment area), is known as one of the most sensitive parts of the breast. Inside the nipple are muscle fibers, which, contracting, contribute to its swelling at the time of sexual arousal or caving in the cold. The nipple is full of nerve endings, which greatly contributes to increased sexual arousal in women. However, the sensitivity of the breast and nipples varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

    Each woman reacts differently to erotic stimulation of the breast. This in no way depends on the shape or size of the breast. As with many other forms of sexual behavior, women "learn" so that they and their partners can receive sexual pleasure from erotic stimulation of the breast. The mind has a tremendous power that can block the sexual reaction of different parts of the body or, conversely, stimulate this reaction. With a favorable combination of circumstances, with a loved one or in seclusion, a woman can discover that her breasts are a generous source of sexual pleasure.