  • Burn with boiling water: treatment, first aid at home

    No one is immune from injuries, especially from domestic, which are considered the most common.

    Household injuries mostly occur in the home, and children often suffer because of their restlessness.

    Cuts, bruises, burns with boiling water - fairly common household injuries, among which burns with boiling water are the most painful.

    Depending on the extent and area of ​​the lesion, the burn with boiling water may not be a serious threat to a person, nor can it be deadly due to possible complications.

    Severity of burns with boiling water

    Burns require immediate first aid or self-help to a person. But in order to properly perform therapeutic actions, it is necessary to be able to determine the severity of the burn.

    There are four degrees of burns that differ in the clinical picture.

    1. The first degree is characterized by redness and soreness of the skin at the site of the lesion. Perhaps the development of edema. It is unpleasant to touch a struck place. Such burns quickly pass independently and do not require special treatment.
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    3. The second degree is characterized by the appearance of not only painful redness, but also the appearance of blisters with serous contents. The second degree of burns is a rather serious injury, since with accidental damage to the blisters, infection of the wound is possible, which will significantly complicate the treatment.
    4. With a third degree of burns, individual blisters develop on the skin, which are prone to fusion. Their content often happens with signs of blood. A person with this degree of severity of the burn needs urgent hospitalization. Burns with boiling water refer to thermal burns, and in most cases there are first and second degree lesions that require first aid. Lesions of the third degree are much less common.
    5. For the fourth degree of burns charring of bones and tissues, as well as the development of necrosis, are typical, but for burning with boiling water the lesions of the fourth degree of severity are usually uncommon.
    See also what to do with a sunburn.

    Treatment, first aid for burning with boiling water

    First aid involves the commission of those actions that will help reduce the effects of burns with boiling water. If hot water scalded the person those parts of the body that are covered with clothing, you need to get rid of clothes as soon as possible. Wet hot tissue only contributes to the deterioration of the human condition. Act quickly, but neatly.

    If the burn is strong and blisters formed, the tissue should be removed as carefully as possible, trying not to disturb the affected area. If necessary, the fabric can be cut with scissors. The most important thing is not to damage blisters. Otherwise, it is possible to enter the infection, which will significantly complicate the treatment of the burn.

    The next step is cooling, which safely affects the affected area. Cooling is carried out by immersing the burn under cool water. Cold water should not be, since exposure to low temperatures for a burn can lead to shock in humans, especially if the affected area is quite large. Cooling of severe burns with damaged blisters should occur with the help of sterile cooling dressings.

    As with burns with boiling water very often there are swelling, it is necessary to keep the affected area higher. This will avoid the edema or reduce its manifestation. The next step is to apply a special anti-burn medication to the burn. There is an opinion that with burns to relieve symptoms it is necessary to use oil, sour cream or kefir, but this is misleading. The use of these agents will lead to the formation of a film on the damaged site, which will reduce heat transfer and worsen the human condition.

    In case of severe pain, it is necessary to take painkillers and treat the wound with anti-burn medications. If there are none, then it is possible to apply a simple aseptic dressing, which should not be too tight.

    First-degree burns on their own for several days. Burns of the second degree of severity with a small area of ​​damage( fingers, part of the palm, etc.) require wearing an aseptic bandage for several days and applying medications.

    Heals second-degree burns for 1-2 weeks, with the pain syndrome completely disappearing within the first 24 hours. Burns with a large area of ​​damage heal longer, and the pain may well be present for several days.

    It should be noted that burns are successfully treated with the help of traditional medicine. So, you can use decoctions of herbs with anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, for example, a decoction of chamomile or oak bark. The prepared broth can be used in different ways, but the main thing before use is to cool the liquid. To treat the burn, you need to soak the bandages in the broth filtered and cooled to room temperature and make a compress for a few minutes.

    In addition, you can simply rinse the wound with decoction, and then apply an aseptic bandage. In addition to tea herbs, tea is also used, as it is found in almost every home. Green and black tea is an excellent treatment for burns. The brewed tea can be used both as compresses and for washing the affected area.

    See also how to treat a chemical burn.

    Referring to a doctor

    In burns with boiling water, it is not so much the degree of severity as the area of ​​the lesion that is important. It is extremely necessary to see a doctor if the burn area is more than 10% of the total area of ​​the skin.

    It will not be superfluous to help a doctor if a person negligently rips blisters, which can lead to infection of the wound, as well as the appearance of specific symptoms of infection - fever, suppuration of the burn, severe pain.

    In addition, you need to see a doctor if the baby is burned, because tender baby skin reacts more sharply to injuries.

    It should be noted that even if the burn does not look dangerous, but the person feels anxious about the injury, then the best solution will be a trip to a specialist who will professionally process the affected area and give recommendations for further action.

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