  • Human papillomavirus in women: photo, treatment, symptoms

    According to statistical data, recently the prevalence of the human papilloma virus in women and the infection caused by it has increased 10 times.

    Together with the serious consequences that accompany this disease, it determines the urgency of the problem.

    In this case we are talking about cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva and perianal region.

    Causes of human papillomavirus in women

    Human papillomavirus refers to DNA-containing. In its genome, there are certain fragments that control the synthesis of oncogenic proteins. The tumor transformation of the affected cells is associated with them.

    Depending on the ability of viruses to cause such changes, virus particles are classified into strains. So, isolates strains with high, medium and low oncogenic risk. The main way of transmission of this infection in women is sexual. The probability of infection with unprotected sexual intercourse is from 60 to 70%.

    And there is a directly proportional relationship between the number of sexual partners and the prevalence of papillomavirus infection. The more of them, the higher this probability.
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    Another way to transmit the virus is direct contact. The most dangerous epithelial growths, which contain a large number of viral particles. Detection of the virus in the amniotic fluid is not associated with a high risk of its transmission by the transplacental route. The risk of perinatal infection does not exceed 3%.

    After infection by any of the possible ways, this or that disease may develop or spontaneous recovery may occur due to the elimination of the virus. The latter option is possible only in the case of a good state of the immune system, when its cells damage the virus particles and prevent them from developing in the body.

    Symptoms of human papillomavirus in women

    The papilloma virus in women can cause the following pathological conditions:

    • genital warts
    • inflammatory diseases of the genitals
    • benign diseases of the cervical epithelium
    • cervical dysplasia
    • cancer of the cervix, vulva and vagina.
    From the moment of infection to the development of clinical symptoms may take a different time interval( incubation period).So, the incubation period varies widely - from one month to eight, but usually it is three months.

    Condylomas can be different in form and characterized by different characteristics:

    • soreness
    • itching
    • slight trauma
    • small or large formations on the skin or mucous membranes of
    • have the appearance of a flat wart or sprouting in the form of cauliflower
    • color of rashes from bodily to red,e.
    See also what is papilloma.

    Diagnosis of papilloma virus in women

    With the help of additional diagnostic studies, it is possible to put the final diagnosis, which can not be based only on clinical manifestations.

    For this purpose, the following studies are shown:

    1. 1) Colposcopy to exclude cervical lesions
    2. 2) Cytological examination of scrapings from the cervical surface, cervical canal, and rashes of other
    3. localization 3) Histological examination, which is the main one for the exclusion of malignant oncologyprocess( this is the "gold" diagnostic standard in oncology)
    4. 4) Polymerase chain reaction, which allows to identify the cause-effect relationship between the symptoms andcause( HPV).
    Histological examination should be carried out in all cases where there is a suspicion of a precancerous or cancerous process. The main indications for cervical biopsy are:

    1. 1) Pathological changes revealed by the study of the cellular structure( result of a cytologic smear)
    2. 2) Suspicion of atypical sites during colposcopy
    3. 3) On the eve of carrying out destructive methods of treatment( cryotherapy, laser therapy, diathermocoagulation).
    If the doctor suspects that the malignant process against the background of papillomavirus infection in women, led to the defeat of the epithelium inside the cervical canal, then it is shown that his diagnostic scraping is performed. Typically, the main clinical situations for this diagnostic method can be described as follows:

    1. 1) Symptoms of pathology in the cytological smear that do not show atypia at the cervix uteri with colposcopy
    2. 2) Impossibility to visualize the so-called transition zone in colposcopy( transitional zone -this is the place of the transition of multilayered planar epithelium into cylindrical epithelium, where oncological processes most often occur).
    Read also, than the virus of a papilloma at men is dangerous.

    Treatment of human papillomavirus in women

    Currently, it is not possible with the help of medical measures to completely remove the human papillomavirus virus from the body.

    Therefore, the therapy is aimed at eliminating clinical manifestations, reducing the risk of developing genital cancers, as well as the probability of infection of the sexual partner.

    Modern treatment of human papillomavirus in women includes both systemic therapy and local exposure to the pathological focus.

    Systemic therapy includes the use of immune medications. Currently, there is not a single drug that would have a damaging effect on the papilloma virus.

    The use of immune preparations can reduce the mitotic activity of viral particles, which prevents the emergence of new lesions.

    Local destructive therapy can be performed by one of the following methods:

    1. 1) Cytotoxic therapy is the use of drugs that affect the process of dividing DNA and, accordingly, the process of cell division. As a result, the death of the affected cells is observed
    2. 2) The use of chemical agents that cause necrosis of epithelial cells. Subsequently, this leads to stimulation of basal cells that replace the formed defect on the skin or mucous membranes( a modern drug that is used for this purpose is Solkoderm)
    3. 3) Laser therapy, which is characterized by a minimum number of side effects and the purposefulness of the therapeutic effect. Thus, the laser has a good haemostatic effect, prevents the development of infectious complications, affects only pathologically altered epithelial sites without affecting the healthy
    4. 4) Cryotherapy - freezing of the pathological focus
    5. 5) Diathermocoagulation - cauterization of the lesion with the use of electrical energy
    6. 6)Radiowave surgery
    7. 7) Plasma surgery
    8. 8) Photodynamic therapy.

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