  • Cracks on the heels: causes and treatment at home

    Many of us have a problem of dry skin on the legs and cracks on the heels. This is a lot of inconvenience.

    In the cracks gets an infection, they begin to get inflamed and hurt.

    This is especially unpleasant in the summer when we wear open shoes. Not very aesthetic look cracked heels, calluses, scaly skin.

    Where does the cracks on the heels come from: the causes of

    Why are cracks formed on the heels? There are many reasons that affect the condition of the skin of feet and heels related to external and internal factors. External factors include physical: temperature drop, high humidity, pressure on the heel with incorrectly selected shoes, the impact of an aggressive environment.

    If you stayed for a long time at sea, walked on hot sand, bathed in salt water, then the heels will become rougher and the skin will begin to peel off. It also promotes the formation of cracks on the heels of chlorinated water in swimming pools. In summer, shoes with an open heel are worn and if the size is incorrectly chosen, the additional load is on the heel. This leads to thickening of the heel, stratification of the skin and tissues.
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    Shoes play an important role in the prevention of cracks on the heels. It should be free and of high quality. In leather shoes, the foot "breathes" as it were, oxygen exchange and comfort are provided. If the shoes are impermeable, the skin becomes dry and begins to crack. In winter it is better to wear boots made of genuine leather on a platform or low heel. This will provide comfort to the foot and normalizes the condition of the skin of the foot and heel.

    Internal factors include diseases of the body, lack of minerals and vitamins. In early spring, avitaminosis provokes dry skin. To make up for the deficiency of vitamins, it is necessary to balance nutrition and take vitamin complexes. It is necessary to include in the diet greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts, honey. Full nutrition will help regulate the work of internal organs, improve immunity. Then the heels will soften and cracks will pass.

    Internal causes also include endocrine disorders of the body, disorders of the thyroid gland functions, diabetes mellitus. There is the concept of "diabetic foot" in patients with diabetes mellitus, the heel is deformed and covered with deep cracks. Occasionally there is a crack in the violation of blood supply to the feet or pathology associated with the formation of the skin layer. Such a problem can be solved by phlebologists, therapists, dermatologists. For the choice of treatment methods, establish the first cause of the disease. It is better to start treatment on time and not to start a disease.

    For the prevention of cracks, it is recommended to periodically clean the heels with a pumice stone or scraper. Then grease them with natural oil or fat. Smooth, well-groomed heels are protected from deformations, and the legs look attractive.

    See also how to get rid of dry calluses at home.

    How to heal cracks on the heels?

    When treating cracks on the heels at home, it is important to identify the cause of the disease. Nesprosta appears increased dryness of the skin and peeling. If the cause is the foot fungus, you must use a special ointment and tablets. With a deficiency of minerals and vitamins, the complexes are assigned quadevit, vitacap, bioadditives "alphabet".If the root cause of the crack is a complex disease, then they perform general and local therapy.

    To remove cracks on the heels, they must be thoroughly cleaned, moistened and soaked.

    Every week, the skin should be cleaned on the heel with pumice stone, after hitting the legs in the bath. The composition for the bath can be very diverse. Decoction of herbs: marigold, chamomile, turn, sage, oak bark add to warm water and soar for 15-20 minutes.

    You can also use potassium permanganate, apple cider vinegar, salt, soda and soap. The main thing is that the bath has an antibacterial effect on the skin of the foot and heel. After softening the skin, peel off the dead leaves and make compresses for a long time( you can overnight).

    Compresses are formulated with the following formulations:

    • apple grated and a few drops of essential oils;
    • cabbage leaf, scalded with boiling water;
    • salicylic ointment;
    • Vaseline;
    • onion and honey;
    • olive oil;
    • half of steamed onion;
    • animal fat( goose, pig);
    • mixture of onion and apple;
    • baby cream with the addition of aloe.
    To clean the heels use a special nail file with an abrasive or pumice stone. The top layer is removed, and the crack becomes not so deep. Feeding the skin of feet and heels provides fats and essential oils.

    The best remedy is Vaseline, goose or pork fat. They not only nourish and soften the skin well, but also heal wounds.

    If the crack is deep and it feels painful when walking, the onion mixture that has an antibacterial effect is good. Onions are tied at night, washed off in the morning, then they lubricate the heel with cream or fat. Careful care for the heels - a guarantee of beautiful and simply irresistible legs!

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