  • Spoon: photo, treatment of the spike on the foot, foot

    The most unpleasant neoplasms of a viral genesis, representing a class of plantar warts are the spines. Formed on the sole in the form of nodular or papillate formations with a slight protrusion above the skin.

    Horny, densified skin has the appearance of corns or callus, with which the spike is often confused. A distinctive feature of the spines are, extending deep into the skin, filiform sprouting. Intruding, like a spike deep into the body, affects the nerve fibers, causing a display of unpleasant, very painful sensations.

    The usual location of the spines is in the places of greatest close contact or high pressure. They are characterized by superficial formations on the heels of the heels, on the fingers and between them, on the surface of the feet and palms.

    Constant traumatic effect, causes on the surface of spines cracking, infection and inflammatory processes that provoke erysipelas, the development of subcutaneous phlegmon, and many other infectious diseases.

    Individual features of

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    To recognize the spike on the leg or foot, and distinguish it from ordinary calluses, it is possible with the help of a non-complex test. Unlike dry callus, the surface of the spike after the hot foot bath has the appearance of a "terry towel", the top of it becomes "shaggy".

    If you cut off the top, you can clearly see the dark threads of growth. This kind of warts is constantly expanding, penetrating deep into the skin, causing discomfort and pain when moving. Strongly nesting on the body, become rough, with a depression in the form of a crater in the center.

    Spine-like growths are resistant to treatment, as they are well adapted to many therapeutic forms. Localized by single or multiple germination. They can be located in a group where the "wart" is a large wart. Having removed the dominant formation, they can themselves disappear, and surrounding it, the child warts.

    But, this does not mean that you can cut the log yourself. Removing only the upper part of one spike, you can give a push to the formation of a whole "grouping".

    Read also, methods of removing warts.

    Causes of spine on foot, foot

    The basis of the etiological factors of appearance of such growths is, all known virus of papilloma, namely, high activity of its 1 st and 4 th type. The basis for the development of the spine on the foot or foot is the intensive division of cells in the upper layer of the dermis, as a result of infection. The outgrowth is benign.

    Infection occurs from the side of the carrier of active types of papillomavirus, or through contact items. The latent period is about two months.

    Everyone is a potential owner of the papilloma virus, but not everyone is in an active stage. Provoke the awakening of the virus, and cause an active proliferation of tissues, there may be a number of reasons:

    • stress states;
    • consequences of injuries;
    • decreased immune defense functions;
    • climatic conditions;
    • hyperhidrosis and obesity;
    • vascular disease;
    • shoes do not fit;
    • fungal skin damage;(see how to treat foot fungus)
    • lack of hygiene.

    Symptoms of

    At the onset of development, the spike on the leg or foot has the appearance of an ordinary callus. It is a small, smooth, pinched elevation above the skin. The next stage is characterized by the development and growth of education with a rough "bonnet".

    Inside the keratinized skin appear black dots clogged capillaries.

    Deepening into the skin layers, the spike is fixed by the roots behind the muscle tissue, and it is now very problematic to eradicate it. Cutting its top layer, not eradicating the rod, you can provoke the formation of a whole "bouquet" of spines, literally in the coming days. Education to manifest itself again, in the company of relatives. Walking can be with obvious lameness due to painful sensations.

    A frequent mechanical or chemical effect on the outgrowth is a real threat of a possible degeneration of the spike into a cancerous tumor. Therefore, early treatment will eliminate the risk of possible complications.

    See also how to get rid of warts.

    Treatment of spinules of the foot, leg

    Any competent specialist will offer a lot of different ways to get rid of such build-up:

    • at an early stage of development - medicinal and phytotherapeutic treatment, methods of traditional medicine.
    • in advanced cases - various methods of surgical intervention.
    It should be noted that the disease does not occur spontaneously. The cause of malignancy may be a violation in the liver or a deficit in the body of the vitamin( A).So, that before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to reveal the reason.

    The curative plan is made on the basis of the degree of pathology and the depth of penetration into the skin. Neoplasms of superficial form do not require special treatment. Here the following measures can be acceptable:

    • replacement and proper selection of shoes;
    • plantar shape change;
    • use of orthopedic insteps;
    • application of special medical means - gels, ointments, solutions;
    • is effective in the use of special plasters.
    As cardinal methods for the treatment of spines on the foot or leg, the following is used:

    • conventional scalpel excision - for large formations;
    • method of electrocoagulation - burning of formations by the action of high-frequency current. The
    • method of cryodestruction is based on deep freezing using liquid nitrogen.
    But preference is always given to the most effective method of laser removal. The operation is completely painless. In one session, under a local anesthetic, a whole colony of formations is removed. The operation consists of layer-by-layer cutting of formations with simultaneous cauterization of blood vessels, destroying viruses in neighboring, adjacent tissues in passing.

    A week later, the wound heals without leaving a scar. It is not uncommon for cases when intensive growth of spines provokes a continuous covering of the surface with warty growths. In such cases, urgent histology is necessary to exclude tissue repair and cancer degeneration.

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