  • Nail fungus on the hands: treatment at home, folk remedies

    Mycosis of the skin or fungus on the surface of the hands is a disease that has become the most common in recent times.

    The disease is very contagious, it is caused by fungi-dermatophytes. The disease refers to superficial mycoses.

    It is known that in a small amount of fungi are already present on our skin. They have no particular effect on the skin, and do not show themselves in a calm state.

    However, after the immunity was weakened, the body became less able to resist fungi. Due to the fact that the decrease in protective functions is most often observed in old age, the fungus on the hands worries mostly older people.

    The fungi are affected mainly by the distance between the toes, since there is increased humidity, as well as nails. In addition, they fall into the depth of the nail, delaminating it, making the nails become ugly, they turn yellow and fade. As they multiply, dermatophytes penetrate deeper layers of the skin, infecting them.

    As a result of this, skin peeling, purulent eruptions, itching, painful cracks in the interdigital spaces are observed. By the way, the first alarming symptom is the itching after taking a shower.
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    If you have experienced this problem, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. Since the fungus on the hands is an infectious disease, it can easily spread to other parts of the body - legs, hair, inguinal area. Most often with the help of competent therapy, it is already possible to cure the disease at early stages.

    See also, treatment of foot fungus at home.

    Causes of

    Infection with fungus is full of possibilities, as these microorganisms are found in public transport, gyms, swimming pools, baths, computer keyboards, in bathrooms.

    In general, wherever a human hand has visited, you can find an infection.

    It should be noted that people with reduced immunity, diabetes, with cardiovascular problems are the most prone to fungal infections. The toxic effect of the fungus is quite dangerous, since toxins spread not only to the affected area, but also to the entire body as a whole.

    A person suffering from mycosis spreads spores of the fungus-dermatophyte everywhere around him.

    Symptoms of

    At the initial stage, recognizing the disease is not so simple. After all the skin can be shelled and because of a lack of vitamins. However, it is the desquamation and itching that speak about this first symptoms of the fungus of the nails on the hands( see photo).

    In addition, there may be spots and pustules, blisters and vesicles on the affected areas of the skin. There is excessive sweating of the palms, which should also alert you. When the fungus penetrates under the nail, the plate will crumble and exfoliate.

    However, doctors adopted 3 different variants of the manifestation of the nail fungus:

    1. 1) The first type of disease, when the thickness and shine of the nails does not change, however, the nail shade changes. Perhaps the appearance of spots and stripes with yellow and white hues. Then the color becomes different on the nail. This is a normotrophic type of disease.
    2. 2) The second type of mycosis. With subcutaneous hyperkeratosis, there is a change in the nails and its violation. The nail plate looks like a nibble. Also visible thickening of the nail plate and lost shine. Sometimes the nail becomes a bird's shape. This is the so-called hypertrophic onychomycosis.
    3. 3) The third type of disease. When the nail plate acquires a gray-brown tint, and the nail eventually becomes atrophied, the most severe variant of the disease appears-atrophic. At the end, the nail plate is completely torn from the bed.
    The disease should be treated immediately, so that the nail fungus does not spread further. If you find the first signs of the disease, urgently consult a doctor. Thanks to this you can learn by 100% what kind of fungus you have, and at what stage of breeding it is. Depending on this, the doctor prescribes a course of therapy. The most common complex and systemic treatment is required.

    If to address to the dermatologist not in time, parasitic fungi will continue to destroy fingernails or nails. In this case, the nail plates are simply removed by the operating method, since there are simply no other treatments.

    Read also, treatment of nail fungus on legs.

    Treatment of nail fungus on the hands of

    The effectiveness of the treatment of nail fungus on the hands depends on the degree of the disease, the professionalism of the doctor and the accuracy of the patient in performing the prescribed procedures.

    In many cases, you can get rid of the fungus only with the help of local drugs. Doctors usually prescribe medicines of different directions. The most popular of them:

    1. 1) External ointments, creams and solutions. Triderm, Clotrimazole, Levorovaya, Nystatin ointment, Nicosan are the most topical preparations of the new generation. Usually applied to the affected area of ​​the skin twice a day. Since many ointments have a wide range of action, sometimes this method is enough to get rid of the fungus.
    2. 2) Internal preparations for getting rid of fungus. Nystatin, Fluconazole, Diflucan, Mycosyst. These tablets penetrate the cell membrane, are very effective. However, they are contraindicated to use in certain diseases, in particular in diseases of the kidneys and liver.
    Drugs of systemic value are necessary in case the disease is already quite neglected. Then local methods are combined with internal preparations, as the fungus has already spread with the bloodstream throughout the body. The best treatment was the pulse treatment, that is, the creation of breaks between the courses of taking medications. The patient should take the remedy within a week, then take a break for 2 weeks.

    Sometimes use drugs with a double effect, which not only treat the problem, but also soften the cornified skin cells. Milling drills are also effective. These innovative devices allow for a short time to cure the infection that has appeared.

    Nail fungus should be treated until the full recovery and disappearance of all signs of the disease. Only then can we be sure that the infection has not spread further.

    Treatment of nail fungus in the hands of folk remedies

    What else can I treat? In addition to traditional and hardware methods of treatment, folk remedies for the treatment of nail fungus proved to be quite good. We will name the most effective of them.

    1. 1) Novokainovaya lotion. Put a piece of cotton wool with novocaine for the night on the sore spot.
    2. 2) Antifungal ointment. Take one hundred grams of 70% vinegar, two hundred grams of butter and one chicken egg in the shell. Components of the future ointment, without mixing with each other, put in the refrigerator, and a week later, when the shell dissolves, the ointment will be ready. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator.
    3. 3) Strong coffee infusion also according to the claims of folk healers can help get rid of the fungus. To do this, immerse your hands in a container with strong coffee. It's better to do this before sleeping. Based on the degree of fungal attack, spend the required number of sessions. Usually, it takes a few repetitions.
    4. 4) To facilitate the symptoms of fungal infection, and sometimes for a complete cure use a decoction of strong tea. They should rinse their hands, it has excellent antifungal and healing functions.
    5. 5) Special cream with garlic and butter. Prepare the mixture by combining these components in equal parts. Ointment must always be applied to the affected nail, replacing the lotion after the daily treatment. Procedures should be performed until the fungus disappears completely.
    6. 6) The decoction of chamomile, echinacea and calendula possess a general strengthening effect. Brew these herbs, they are useful and almost have no contraindications.
    7. 7) A special solution also will save you from the fungus on your hands. Take the Kalanchoe - 100 gr., 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar, a spoonful of honey and 30 gr.eucalyptus oil. The solution should be kept in a dark and cool place for 3 days. After that, the affected nails should be wiped with a solution 1 time per day.
    Since traditional medicine does not have a strong enough effect, do not delay with treatment, and use folk remedies only as a supplement. Let us note that folk remedies most effectively influence the pathogen at the first stages of the disease.

    Only a doctor can carry out competent therapy of a fungus on hands. To do this, you need to go through some surveys. Only after this treatment is prescribed, which is usually not short. The course leaves from 2 months.


    Since fungi-dermatophytes are widespread, preventive methods are very relevant. To begin with, remember that compliance with hygiene rules is necessary. Pay special attention to washing and handling of hands and body after visiting clubs, restaurants, massage parlors, public showers. Often there is an infection in the hairdressing salons and beauty salons.

    Do not forget that fungi love moist and warm places. That's why your hands, and your feet, too, should always be washed and kept dry!

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