  • Plantar warts: treatment or removal

    Plantar warts can seriously impair a person's quality of life. At the appearance these neoplasms can remind usual callouses or natoptyshi.

    The color of the affected area can remain the same, bodily, or slightly darker than the tone of the surrounding skin. Plantar warts are always flat and rough, distinguishing them from other skin formations of the feet is simple - it is enough to conduct a test for pain.

    If you try to feel the wart with a little pressure, and the pain is not localized exclusively in the center, if the area around the built-up edge also hurts, then this formation can be considered a typical plantar wart.

    Plantar warts: treatment is necessary

    The removal of plantar warts in one session should be performed solely by a doctor, in a medical clinic with the use of special equipment, any attempts at self-detaching such an education or other exposure are unacceptable.

    But is there anything you can do at home? Before looking for an answer to the question of how to cure ailment, it makes sense to make sure that such treatment is necessary.

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    It is not so difficult to catch an infection that causes the formation of warts - it is enough to walk barefoot on the floor, contact with which were infected people, to shoe someone else's shoes or do not regularly dry their own.

    In the risk zone are, first of all, people who have problems with immunity, as well as children and adolescents. After a while, the warts can disappear without any treatment. But if the plantar warts hurt, or grow, it's time to pick up a suitable remedy for them.

    To reduce at home the plantar wart can be, layer by layer, removing dead tissue. From mechanical means for this purpose, pumice or sandpaper is suitable.

    In order to remove the most effective, before the procedure, you can steam off your feet in a warm soapy solution, or apply a compress made from natural apple cider vinegar( juice of apples of very acid varieties).In any pharmacy, it's also easy to buy ointment from warts.

    All these formulations are divided into groups according to the type of active substance, but plantar warts treatment may require different. The most common means based on salicylic acid or means for home cryotherapy( freezing).

    Apply all kinds of ointments, gels and patches according to the attached instructions, protecting the surrounding areas of intact skin.

    Treating folk remedies

    How to cure a plantar wart folk remedies? Help with home treatment baths with tea tree oil or decoction of celandine.

    These procedures can also be done as a preparatory measure before removing the hardened skin layers mechanically.

    A good remedy is also a strong infusion of wormwood - half a glass of dry grass, pour a glass of boiling water and let stand until completely cooled, received infusion to rub the affected area up to 6 times a day. Another amazing folk remedy is compresses made from garlic.

    For their preparation, the garlic should be crushed to a uniform gruel. You can also apply raw potato slices daily. With the help of these folk remedies, you can also perform the removal of plantar warts in children.

    Plantar warts: treatment or removal of

    Some neoplasms are not always amenable to traditional methods of therapy, plantar warts - treatment with folk remedies also does not always bring the expected effect. If they cause serious discomfort when walking, it makes sense to think about their withdrawal.

    Laser removal is one of the most modern way to get rid of skin benign tumors. The advantage of this method is that the neoplasm can be completely reduced in one session, the result can be estimated in 1-2 weeks.

    Another plus of laser surgery - complete absence of scars or other traces, the rehabilitation period is just as short, hospitalization is not required.

    Full serviceability is returned after 2 weeks, the first days after removal it is recommended not to subject the affected area to heavy loads.

    Laser removal is a procedure that is available to everyone, it has virtually no contraindications, and is low in cost.
    Removal of plantar warts in children and adults can also be performed in other ways.

    The method of radio waves is not very different from laser clipping. Liquid nitrogen freezing( cryotherapy) is also often used.

    Surgical operations for the removal of warts these days are carried out in exceptional cases, since after them often there are scars and unattractive scars.

    Before the removal of the wart, a doctor's consultation and a histological examination of the removed tissues are mandatory. This procedure is recommended to be performed exclusively in medical institutions by a qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist who have a higher medical education.

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