  • How to Cauterize Warts with Liquid Nitrogen

    Warts are benign skin diseases that result from the ingestion of a viral infection( a pathogen of papillomatosis) into the human body.

    It is very easy to infect this virus if there are any fresh lesions on your skin, just touch the infected person, take advantage of his thing, or even just visit one place - for example, a public pool.

    Warts - what is their danger?

    The incubation period of this infection is long, having good immunity, it is possible to be a carrier for a long time and not even suspect about it.

    If you still have warts, do not panic, it's completely harmless, and you can get rid of them by one of the modern methods. Good results, for example, gives moxibustion with liquid nitrogen.

    Every patient who has warts on his skin should understand that this symptom not only indicates infection, penetration and constant development of a viral infection in the body, but also a sharp weakening of the body's immune system.

    It is proved that the virus of papillomatosis is detected in screening studies in 85% of adults, whereas signs of disease( warts) appear only in every 10-15 of them.

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    The essence of the method of treatment of warts with liquid nitrogen

    Currently, a huge number of methods of treatment of warts have been developed, which differ in different tolerability for the patient, and completely different amount necessary for completion on the course of treatment, but the existing techniques differ in different soreness.

    In addition, the criterion for choosing a procedure often remains the appearance of the wart, pay attention to the localization of benign neoplasms on the skin, and the age of the patient.

    In some cases, before or after removal, a histological examination of these benign neoplasms may be required - papillomas can be precancerous diseases, against which then malignant skin tumors are formed.

    Cryotherapy, namely scientifically called wart removal with liquid nitrogen, is one of the popular methods today. Its main advantage is the speed of the procedure and high efficiency.

    In addition, cauterization of warts with liquid nitrogen avoids the formation of scars and other consequences. The action of the active substance is made locally on the affected area, due to which the cells from which the wart consists, die, and in their place a new, absolutely healthy layer of the epidermis is formed.

    It is not always possible to remove the wart with liquid nitrogen in one session, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure. Of great importance is the type of neoplasm, for example, the removal of plantar warts with liquid nitrogen is almost always done in several sessions, since the formations of this type have a multilayered structure.

    How is moxibustion performed?

    Before the procedure, local anesthesia of the treated skin area is performed. Liquid nitrogen from warts is in a strong container with thick walls, from where the doctor takes it with a special spatula and applies it to the affected area of ​​the skin for a few minutes.

    The application of the applicator to the skin is performed with some pressure. Treatment of warts with liquid nitrogen suggests the coloration of the tumor to white immediately after the procedure.

    A bit later, a blister may appear on the treated area - this is a normal reaction of the skin to the resulting burn, its appearance means that the required effect has been achieved.

    The warts processed on this face can later become covered with scab, the full healing will take up to two weeks, depending on the size of the formation. As side effects during the rehabilitation period, it is possible to isolate the syphilis and small inflammations of the treated warts with improper care.

    Advantages and disadvantages of cauterization

    Burning out warts with liquid nitrogen has no contraindications; anyone who wishes, regardless of sex and age, can go through this procedure. There are cases when this method is used to remove warts in children.

    If you decide to remove the wart with liquid nitrogen, be sure to carefully consider the choice of the clinic and the doctor who will perform the procedure. Because often complications arise precisely because of improper performance. In general, there is nothing to be afraid of, this is a modern method, removal of warts with liquid nitrogen, its price is also available to everyone.

    In the same case, if several sessions are required, for example, such a case - removal of plantar warts with liquid nitrogen, it makes sense to think about an alternative method of treatment.

    Do not forget, if you still chose moxibustion with liquid nitrogen, the price depends on the number of procedures, and accordingly, the total cost of treatment can be unpleasantly surprising.

    Simultaneously with the treatment, a patient examination should be conducted, the purpose of which is to determine the type of virus causing the disease and determine the extent of its oncogeneity - this may determine the purpose of drug therapy.

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