  • Onychomycosis of the nails: causes and treatment, preparations, photo

    The common name for fungal diseases of nails, is onychomycosis.
    Many of them are caused, as anthropophilic fungi, living exclusively on the skin of a person, and anthropozoophilic fungi, infecting both humans and animals.

    More than fifty species of fungi can infect fungal infection of the human nails, representing the only type of pathogen infection.
    With different etiology of infection, it is not uncommon to find different types of fungi in one lesion. The role of most of them, as causative agents of onychomycosis, has not been fully elucidated.

    Based on the results of numerous studies, it was proved that the mushrooms dermatophytes and fungi of the genus trichophyton( Trichophyton rubrum-rubrophity, T. mentagrophytes-epidermophytia, C. albicans-candidiasis), which account for the "lion's share" of infections, are the cause of onychomycosis.

    Overview of

    Not many pay due attention to the condition and appearance of their nails. Meanwhile, nail plates, their color, structure, any defects, warn of many very serious diseases in the body, which at this time may be in the state of dauer-pheromone( sleeping state).
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    1. 1) About hormonal disorders and elevated iron content in the body, indicates the presence of brown longitudinal strips on the surface of the nail plate.
    2. 2) Malfunctions in the heart and the presence of heart failure can be determined by a pale blue or pale violet color.
    3. 3) Whitish color is characterized by hyperfunction of the adrenal glands, diffuse changes in the liver and autoimmune processes in the thyroid gland.
    4. 4) Pale or pale pink color of nails, evidence of anemia and diseases of the hematopoietic organs.
    5. 5) Problems in the gastrointestinal tract are determined by longitudinal strips and white dots on the surface of the nail plate.
    6. 6) If the body lacks calcium, silicon and zinc, the nails become brittle with signs of stratification.
    The presence of a fungal disease can be immediately noticed by the inflammatory process, the skin peeling around the plate, an unpleasant itch. The nail becomes yellow and crumbles. Fungal infection can be observed in patients:

    • trichophytosis;
    • with favus;
    • epidermophytosis
    The main part of dermatological diseases caused by fungi and other microorganisms is intensified by weakening the LHC( bactericidal activity and acidity of the skin), which serves as a natural barrier to "not being visited by guests."
    Changing the acidity of the "acid mantle", leads to unhindered fungal reproduction and the appearance of infection.

    Circumstances affecting the acid balance of the skin:

    • excessive sweating of the legs;
    • obesity;
    • bad habits( smoking and alcohol);
    • failure to comply with the rules for taking antibacterial drugs;
    • stress and malnutrition;
    • endocrine diseases
    The basis of medical classification, which is used by CIS countries, is three types of onychomycosis.

    Variety of onychomycoses

    Normotrophic Characteristic of the discoloration of the nail plate, as a result of the appearance of spots and streaks in the outer parts. The thickness of the plate does not change.
    Hypertrophic appearance Deformation, discoloration with loss of shine, and thickening of the nail plate. Due to the constant increase in hyperkeratosis, treatment is significantly complicated. Walking is accompanied by painful sensations.
    Onycholitic appearance( atrophic)
    The surface of the plate is gray-brown in color, the atrophy of the affected area is noted with separation from the growth zone.

    lateral subungual( lateral subtype) Fungal infection of the nail is noted from the lateral axis of the finger.
    distal( distal) subtype The fungus is initially localized to the skin, penetrating into the lower part of the proximal bead.
    distal lateral subungual( distally - lateral) subtype Subungual form of localization.
    Trichophyton mentagrophytes( surface white) subtype Rare form. Infection at first localized on the upper surface of the plate, with subsequent penetration into the growth zone.
    subtype is proximal,( caused by T. Rubrum). Infection penetrates the surface of the nail through the perihotic fold and then penetrates the growth zone.
    Endonix-onychomycosis Infected through the skin of
    Candida - onychomycosis A characteristic consequence of infection is the detachment of the nail plate from the bed.

    How can I get infected?

    Risk factors for onychomycosis are numerous, both external and internal causes:

    • increased air humidity;
    • age factor;
    • exercise fitness;
    • bathing in the public shower;
    • microtrauma;
    • violation of bactericidal and acidic skin activity;
    • softening and looseness of the skin( maceration) with prolonged contact with the liquid;
    • tight, closed shoes;
    • vitamin deficiency and AIDS;
    • infectious diseases, and systemic blood diseases;
    • imbalance in the autonomic nervous system.

    Symptoms of onychomycosis

    Symptoms of onychomycosis depend on the type of fungus that caused the infection on the nail.

    Since there are many mushrooms, we will consider the features and signs of the disease, as a result of infection the most common in our latitudes mushrooms.

    T. Rubrum is the causative agent of the distal-lateral subungual form, its characteristic symptoms:

    • marked subungual hyperkeratosis in pronounced form;
    • is susceptible to the fungus of several fingers at once;
    • infection mainly on the nails of the legs;(see treatment of nail fungus on legs)
    • fungus on one arm and both legs;
    • there is a small infection of the skin, and peeling of the skin on the feet;
    • plate thickened, muddy colors,;
    • the bed thickens and hardens;
    • is a manifestation of scleronichia;
    • the edge of the nail is strongly raised.
    T. Mentagrophytes - causative agent of the white superficial subform, its characteristic symptoms :

    • infection affects the first and fifth toe of the foot;
    • dermatophytosis between toes, a common occurrence;
    • plate has a rough appearance and is susceptible to crumbling;
    • on top of the plate are marked whitish impregnations similar to spots of powder.
    S. Albicans is the causative agent of the subungual proximal form, its characteristic symptoms:

    • is marked by the parohinia - Reiter's syndrome( inflammation of the peri-oslovnevyh platens)
    • marked leukonichia of the base plate, gradually extending deep into the entire nail;
    • white plate coloring only at the base of the nail, retaining the usual color on the surrounding surface;
    • is usually affected by infection seen in women on the right arm.
    Infectious onychomycosis is very difficult to cure on its own, it is almost impossible, so if there are any signs of infection, the best thing to do is turn to professionals for help.
    See also how to treat nail fungus in your arms at home.

    Treatment of onychomycosis

    The most effective approach in the treatment process is the use of etiotropic treatment of onychomycosis of the nails, which includes:

    • appointments of local therapy;
    • medicamentous - systemic therapy;
    • complementing each other - combined therapy.
    When choosing appropriate therapy, the emphasis is on the clinical characteristics of onychomycosis, the assessment -

    • the overall health of the patient;
    • presence and therapy of background diseases;
    The appointment of a local form of therapy promotes the creation of an increased concentration of antifungal forms of preparations in damaged areas of the plate. Destructive, increased doses can not be created by taking medicines inside without creating toxic poisonings. For the treatment, medications such as Nizoral, Lamizil or Cyclopiroxolamine in the form of creams are prescribed.

    This method is absolutely safe, as it does not allow drugs to enter the arterial blood stream. The main advantage is the absence of medicinal toxic reactions and undesirable manifestations in the form of side effects.
    The main drawback is that the topical preparation can not always reach the "lair" of the fungus if it is localized in the growth zone, which is certainly ineffective.

    An alternative may be systemic therapy in the form of Griseofulvin, Terbinafine or Ketoconazole, Itraconazole and Fluconazole.

    The basis for the use of systemic treatment of onychomycosis is the indication:

    • of late stages of distal - lateral types of disease;
    • proximal type of disease;
    • dystrophic - total manifestations;
    • ineffectiveness of local drug treatment;
    • if the disease is expressed by fungal lesions of skin and hair.
    This method allows the drug to enter the growth zone of the matrix directly through the blood stream. A distinctive feature of systemic treatment is the ability to accumulate a medicinal preparation, and stay in the affected area for a long time, providing protection after the cessation of the treatment course. Restriction of this type of treatment is due to toxicological manifestations and side effects.

    The combined method of treatment, is characterized by the addition to any of the types of therapy to enhance therapeutic effect. Complement the systemic drugs with a narrow etiological index, local therapy, thereby ensuring the prevention of side effects.
    Read also, symptoms and treatment of foot fungus.


    If you can not avoid the onychomycosis of nails, then at least reduce the chance of infection, you can by observing absolutely no tricky rules -

    • hygiene;
    • regular disinfection of shoes and gloves;
    • not walk in public places( baths and swimming pools) without special shoes;
    • do not cut and bite the hangnails from the fingers of the hands
    • when working with corrosive liquid materials use gloves
    I want to pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to cure the disease. The name of the drugs mentioned in the article is just an example, which is not a guide to action.
    Self-medication, perhaps instead of solving one problem, buy a few. Since many drugs, with chaotic application, can cause serious side effects.

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    In accordance with the infectious location, onychimosis is divided into seven subtypes.