  • Carbuncle: photos, causes and treatment at home

    What is it - a carbuncle called purulent inflammation of hair bulbs, sebaceous glands, as well as skin and subcutaneous tissue around them at great depth.

    It has clear boundaries, a favorite localization, and it has no propensity for isolated spread along the subcutaneous tissue layer - adjacent hair follicles suffer.

    In its development the carbuncle passes several stages, it can be complicated by pathologies that are life-threatening. Surgery deals with the treatment of the disease.

    Favorite localization of

    Carbuncles can be found only in such places:

    • face;
    • the back of the neck;
    • back;
    • small of the back;
    • buttocks.
    It is noted that in young people carbuncles most often develop on the face( where comedones or pustules were squeezed out), and in the elderly - on the neck, trunk, extremities( especially in those places where the skin rubs with clothing).

    Causes of the appearance of the carbuncle

    Carbuncle develops in humans due to falling on the damaged skin in the "favorite" places of such microorganisms:
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    • staphylococcus;
    • only streptococcus or their association with staphylococcus;
    • E. coli;
    • bacteria from the family of proteins;
    • enterococci.
    Favorable conditions for the development of carbuncles develop with:

    • non-compliance with hygiene regulations;
    • increased secretion of sebaceous glands;
    • enhanced sweating;
    • contamination of the skin with particles of sand, lime, coal, cement, oils and products of oil refining;
    • excess air humidity;
    • damage to the skin( after biting insects, squeezing out pimples);
    • high temperature air.
    More often carbuncles develop in such people who:

    • suffer from diabetes mellitus;
    • has more than 10% excess weight;
    • suffered a serious illness;
    • is significantly depleted;
    • are anemic;
    • suffer from overwork of a neuro-psychic nature.

    Symptoms of carbuncle

    Most often carbuncle occurs in the singular, less often - several of them develop at once.

    It is accompanied by its development of both local and general symptoms. To local carry:

    1. 1) In the field of "favorite" localization appears a small reddish nodule, which gradually increases in size, is painful with accidental or intentional probing;
    2. 2) Around the nodule, the skin reddens and swells at some distance, and it becomes extremely painful, purple or bluish, hot to the touch;
    3. 3) Within a few days( about 5-8), the "center" of the carbuncle becomes more edematous and painful;
    4. 4) By the 8th-12th day of the disease, several white-colored ulcers appear in the center, resembling plugs;the skin around them is red, hot and swollen;it is accompanied by a twitching pain;
    5. 5) The pustules are opened with the discharge of milky white, green or yellow pus, sometimes with an admixture of blood;the surface of the carbuncle resembles a sieve;
    6. 6) After the withdrawal of pus begins the stage of necrosis, when the surface becomes black, in ulcers. Dying tissue can spread to a great depth - even to the muscle layer;
    7. 7) After the rejection of dead tissue in place of carbuncle formed ulcer with a gray bottom and rugged edges;
    8. 8) Somewhat later, the ulcer is filled with a granulation tissue;
    9. 9) In place of the carbuncle, a scar is formed, firmly welded to surrounding tissues.
    Common symptoms seen in carbuncle are:

    • high body temperature;
    • increased heart rate;
    • nausea;
    • decreased appetite;
    • weakness;
    • headache;
    • can be a loss of consciousness.
    The disease is especially severe if the carbuncle occurs on the face.

    Complications of the carbuncle

    The infectious agent can penetrate either deep into the tissues or into the vessels, which is usually observed either in the weakened person or in the absence of treatment.

    There are such complications:

    • soft tissue abscess;
    • phlegmon;
    • osteomyelitis;
    • venous inflammation - phlebitis;
    • thrombophlebitis;Erysipelatous erysipelas;
    • lymphadenitis;
    • periadenitis;
    • lymphangitis;
    • purulent meningitis;
    • Thrombosis of the cerebral sinus;
    • sepsis.


    No diagnosis is needed to diagnose the diagnosis, but a specialist who can visually distinguish the carbuncle caused by the pyogenic microflora from the anthrax carbuncle, which indicates a dangerous infection, is necessary.

    In addition to visual diagnostics is applied:

    1. 1) Bacteriological study of the contents of the carbuncle, the result of which comes in 3-5 days;
    2. 2) A microbiological blood test - to see if a blood infection has occurred;
    3. 3) Clinical blood test for the level of inflammation;
    4. 4) Determination of glucose in the blood( since carbuncles often develop against the background of diabetes mellitus).

    Treatment of carbuncle

    Begin treatment with the appointment of antibiotic therapy. To treat carbuncle, antibiotics of a wide spectrum are used: "Ceftriaxone", "Ciprofloxacin", "Gentamicin", "Cefazolin".They are administered intramuscularly for at least 5 days. It is possible to change them upon receipt of bacteriological data, transfer to tablet formulations.

    In the presence of intoxication intravenously administered solutions of glucose 5%, isotonic sodium chloride solution. If necessary, cardiac drugs are administered;corrected blood sugar.

    At the stage when carbuncle maturation occurs, in addition to antibacterial therapy, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed: UHF therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, intravenous laser irradiation of blood.

    Carbuncle in the necrotic stage, located not on the face, is treated promptly. It is opened under the conditions of a surgical department under local anesthesia, then put in the drainage cavity, through which an outflow of purulent contents will be carried out.

    Dressings of the opened carbuncle are performed twice a day, during which it is treated with solutions of alcohol-containing antiseptic( brilliant green, iodine) and apply a sterile bandage moistened with a hypertonic solution( 10%) of sodium chloride.

    In addition, the drainage cavity is washed with antiseptic solutions( furacillin, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide).The carbuncle is opened only against the background of antibiotic therapy.

    In some cases, several surgical procedures are performed, in which dead tissue areas are removed. The purpose of such interventions is to reduce the intoxication of the body, which necessarily occurs when necrotized tissues are present in the body. After such a necrectomy, dressings with enzymes and a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride are applied to the wound;periodically ointment "Levomekol" is applied. To accelerate healing after complete rejection of purulent and necrotic tissues on the wound, you can apply "Solcoseryl" or "Actovegin" ointments.

    Read also how to treat a boil.

    Treatment of carbuncle folk remedies

    You can apply the recipes of traditional medicine only against the background of general antibiotic therapy and in consultation with the doctor.

    Here are a few recipes for external therapy of carbuncle according to the methods of healers:

    1. 1) Apply a sterile gauze moistened with salt solution, prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of boiled water, to the area of ​​the carbuncle. This recipe can be used in any stage of carbuncle formation.
    2. 2) The garlic squeezed through the garlic is wrapped in cheesecloth, applied to the area of ​​the carbuncle, which is in the ripening stage.
    3. 3) Ointment of marigold, which can be bought at a pharmacy, grease a napkin, which is applied to the carbuncle.
    4. 4) Plantain leaves are crushed into gruel, applied to the area of ​​carbuncle, fixed with gauze and tissue plaster.

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