  • Eczema: photo, treatment, initial stage, causes

    What is it? Eczema is one of the most common skin diseases.

    It is characterized by the presence of inflammatory elements and itching, and has a tendency to chronic current.

    The pathogenesis of the disease is not fully understood, this creates certain difficulties, both in diagnosis and in the selection of adequate treatment.

    Causes of eczema

    How does eczema develop and what is it? At the moment, modern medicine can not give a single answer to the question "why eczema occurs."Doctors are inclined to think that a wide variety of causes can be involved in the formation of this pathological process.

    As a rule, the whole complex of factors leads to the disease.

    1. Firstly, the plays an important role in the state of immunity. Experience shows that in people with reduced resistance to the body, eczema is much more common. For the same reason, the disease can provoke stress and nervous breakdowns, which also negatively affect the overall health of a person.
    2. Secondly,
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      , eczema is very often of a genetic nature. That is, if her parents were ill, then their children have an increased predisposition to this disease. At the same time, eczema is not a contagious disease.
    Among the causes of eczema, different pathological conditions of the body are also distinguished. These include endocrine disorders, kidney and liver diseases, diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

    In addition to internal reasons, an important role is played by external factors. Eczema often appears due to contact with the skin of chemical agents, prolonged exposure to high temperatures, mechanical damage. People with a sensitive skin type are most likely to develop characteristic eruptions.

    See also how to treat eczema on the feet.

    Types of eczema

    Modern medicine distinguishes several varieties of eczema, namely:

    • true
    • seborrheic
    • microbial
    • atopic
    • professional
    A distinctive feature of true eczema is the acute onset. The disease makes itself felt reddening of the skin, the appearance of wetting elements, which eventually become covered with a dry crust. Eruptions with true eczema are located mainly on the limbs, for example, on the hands.

    Seborrheic eczema also has a certain localization. As a rule, rashes are found on the scalp, abdomen or chest, as well as near the navel and in the natural folds of the skin. In the beginning of the disease appear yellowish-pink nodules, from which then plaques are formed. To this kind of eczema are most often predisposed people who have oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

    Microbial eczema develops at the site of infected skin damage. As a rule, it appears on the limbs, differing at the same time in an asymmetric location. As a result of joining bacterial infection, the presence of this type of eczema is often fraught with complications and requires immediate treatment.

    Atopic, or, as it is also called, childhood eczema, is most often located on the face or head. In most cases, it occurs in early childhood, usually in the background of atopic dermatitis.

    Occupational eczema in most cases is diagnosed in people employed in plants and factories associated with chemical, metallurgical or other production. In this case, usually open areas of the body are affected. Occupational eczema often passes after a job change to less harmful and rarely gives any complications.

    See also how to treat eczema on the hands.

    Symptoms of eczema

    Symptoms of eczema are extremely diverse, and the disease can affect almost any area of ​​the skin( see photo).

    The symptoms of the disease in the initial stage differ slightly depending on the variety of eczema, however, for most species the following symptoms are inherent:

    • reddening of the skin, small swelling of affected areas
    • appearance of vesicles filled with flesh colored fluid that have the property of being opened with time
    • severe enough itching
    • appearance on skin of cracks, peeling
    • in a number of cases possible body temperature increase

    Treatment of eczema

    Regardless of the specificcase, treatment of a disease such as eczema, should be complex. Selection of the appropriate drug occurs in accordance with the degree of the disease, its symptoms, individual characteristics of the patient's body.

    First of all, when eczema is shown, the use of local drugs. In most cases, use hormonal creams and ointments, the main active ingredient of which are corticosteroids.

    Similar drugs help to quickly remove inflammation, remove itching, accelerate the healing of ulcers and cracks. However, given the hormonal origin, they have an impressive list of contraindications, so use these ointments should be only after the appropriate appointment of a doctor.

    If eczema is caused by a bacterial infection, then it makes sense to use ointments with an antibiotic and antiseptic. Also as a local procedure in some cases, use of lotions with a solution of antibacterial drug is recommended. Most often, this procedure is used in the opening of vesicles.

    Drugs recommended for internal use with eczema are antihistamines, cures for fungus, vitamins, sedatives. Most doctors also recommend the use of immunomodulators, which will help improve the immune system. In addition, eczema uses physiotherapy, in particular, phototherapy. In some severe cases, plasmapheresis can be indicated.

    During treatment of acute eczema, water procedures should be limited, preferably using hypoallergenic products from detergents. Also, during this period you can not sunbathe, but in the period of remission solar baths, on the contrary, will be very useful.

    Eczema prevention

    To prevent and treat such a disease as eczema, preventive measures are very important.

    People prone to skin diseases, and in particular to eczema, are recommended to take a more careful approach to the question of the state of health itself.

    One of the main recommendations of doctors in this case is to establish the correct mode of life and nutrition. Such people should pay a lot of attention to rest, outdoor walks.

    Psychological comfort is of great importance. As for nutrition, doctors advise to avoid products with artificial additives and dyes, too sharp dishes, as well as with caution refers to allergic fruits and vegetables, alcohol, chocolate, honey, various kinds of conservation.

    With the same goal, a patient with eczema, even in remission, is not recommended to wear clothes made of synthetic or woolen fabrics. To prevent atopic eczema in newborns and young children of the future mother, too, it is worth taking seriously to your diet.

    Pregnant women are not advised to abuse allergic foods, since allergens tend to penetrate the placental barrier, thereby sensitizing the baby during the intrauterine period of his life.

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