  • Removal of warts: laser, liquid nitrogen. What's better?

    A wart is called a benign skin formation resembling a large knot or papilla that rises above the skin.

    The warts cause human papillomatosis virus, which is transmitted to a healthy person from the patient by direct contact with the skin on which the wart is located, as well as through household items.

    To stop being a source of infection for surrounding people, the wart owner must remove it and then undergo antiviral treatment. To remove, there are different methods, so try to parse the pros and cons of each method, and eventually determine what is best to remove warts - a laser or liquid nitrogen.

    See also: how to get rid of warts at home.

    Laser wart removal - pluses and minuses

    Human papillomatosis virus causes an increased division of skin cells in some local place( more often - on the hands and soles), which is called a wart.

    The virus can be oncogenic, that is, the wart may be malignant, so it must be removed. For this purpose, at the moment, the best is a laser - a device that converts one( almost any) form of energy into a narrowly directed flux of specific radiation.
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    Two types of laser are used to remove warts:

    • carbon dioxide, which burns the wart;
    • is erbium, the action of which consists in layer-by-layer evaporation of the structure of the formation.
    Advantages of the method:

    • the surface of the skin around the wart is not injured;
    • painless;
    • keying is performed within 1-2 minutes;
    • does not bleed, since the high temperature of the laser exposure "seals" all the vessels;
    • sterility of laser action( contact with instrumentation is not required, and the ray itself has a bactericidal effect);
    • quickly achieved skin regeneration;
    • is optimal for the removal of warts on the face;
    • has very few contraindications.
    Disadvantages include the inability to send a remote tissue to a histological examination, as well as the difficulty of controlling the depth of the laser exposure( only the doctor's experience is needed for this).

    Laser destruction of warts is usually carried out in one step, but if the process was started and several warts formed a conglomerate on the skin, then this manipulation must be carried out in several stages in order for the postoperative scar to be invisible.

    The procedure is as follows. After a preliminary consultation of the oncologist-dermatologist and dermatoscopy the patient is taken to the operating room and placed on the operating table. It is usually not necessary to undress completely, only to release a site of a skin on which the wart is located.

    Next, the skin is treated several times with antiseptic, according to the patient's desire( and no hypersensitivity to local anesthetics), a syringe with a small needle is injected into the skin with "Lidocaine" or another drug. Then a laser beam is sent to the area of ​​the wart, which you do not feel, and after only 1-2 minutes from the formation there is only a crust.

    On the first day after the procedure, this place can not be washed with water( it can be sealed with a waterproof plaster), in the following days - it is possible. A sauna and hot baths before falling off a crust should not be taken. The crust must fall off itself in 7-10 days, after which a slight whitish trace is visible on the skin. If it is in the open area of ​​the skin, it is recommended to apply sunscreen with SPF 35 or more to that area.

    Contraindicated laser destruction with:

    • exacerbation of herpes;
    • is a common inflammatory disease;
    • inflammation of the skin near the warts;
    • pregnancy;
    • suspected of skin cancer;
    • propensity to form keloid scars.
    The cost of this procedure depends on the size of the wart, and is in the range of 200-4300 rubles.

    Removal of warts with liquid nitrogen - pros and cons

    Liquid nitrogen has a strong cold effect on the pathological tissue, followed by its thawing. In this case, living cells, which are affected by nitrogen, die, tissue proteins are folded, the intercellular membranes are destroyed.

    Advantages of the method is:

    • its painlessness;
    • bloodlessness removal;
    • sterility;
    • after the procedure there are no scars left;
    • can be performed in children( freezing for a few seconds the child will suffer better than moxibustion, especially since local anesthesia is not required).
    The drawbacks are that it is impossible to control the depth of cold exposure. Therefore, with large or deep warts, several sessions of cryodestruction are often required. This method does not provide an opportunity to learn the histological structure of the remote education.

    The procedure is as follows: the area of ​​the skin with the wart is exposed, the wart is touched with a special applicator - a long wooden stick with a wool wound around the end, a metal tip can also be used. The applicator is kept, pressing them on the formation, about 10-30 seconds( if it is localized on the sole - up to a minute).Juvenile warts are extinguished with liquid nitrogen, that is, the applicator does not press down the formation, but only a few tangent motions passes it a few times to the right and to the left.

    It is seen that at first the wart pales, after a few minutes it becomes red and swollen, within 24 hours a bubble with bloody or light contents forms. It can not be pricked( it is fraught with the formation of a scar), it will resolve itself within a week, leaving behind itself a crust, after which remains a pink patch. Soon it is replaced by a skin of usual color. All this time it is recommended to periodically process the site of operation with salicylic alcohol 2%.

    Contraindicated procedure:

    • pregnant;
    • for acute infectious diseases;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • exacerbation of skin diseases.
    The cost of the procedure is 100-2000 rubles.

    Removal of warts by radio waves - pros and cons

    Radio waves are used as a knife. The effect of the cut is created by thermal energy, which spreads by exposing the electrode to some distance from the skin: cells that are in close proximity to the radio wave evaporate;and there is no strong heating or a burn.

    Advantages of the operation:

    • bloodlessness;
    • speed of manipulation;
    • swelling of surrounding tissues does not last long;
    • of black crust is not formed;
    • wound quickly heals;
    • has the opportunity to send education for histological examination( in contrast to laser and cryodestruction);
    • after such removal of warts does not recur.
    This method is especially effective for the removal of warts with a clear contour.

    The procedure is performed after examination of the oncodermatologist and dermatoscopy.the patient passes into the operating room, opens access to the sore spot, lies down on the couch. A syringe with a thin needle in the area near the wart is injected with a local anesthetic, the wart is removed without contact. It is sent for histological examination.

    After the removal, a crust is formed, which itself falls off after 1-2 weeks. On the first day, it is impossible to get water on this area( it is sealed with a waterproof plaster).While there is a crust, it is recommended to treat it with antiseptics, while not taking hot baths and not going to the sauna / sauna.

    The procedure is contraindicated for inflammation of the skin, exacerbation of herpes, pregnancy, infectious diseases. Patients with a pacemaker should first consult about the possibility of radio wave treatment with a cardiac surgeon.

    The cost of the procedure: from 380 to 5300 rubles.

    Removal of warts with electrocoagulation - pros and cons

    Removes a wart device is an electrocoagulator, the principle of which is the use of an electric current.

    The current heats the metal loop to 80 ° C, this loop needs to touch the base of the wart, as a result of which it is cut off, and the vessels feeding the formation are sealed, that is, there is no bleeding. On the place of the wart a black crust forms, which itself disappears. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

    Advantages of electrocoagulation:

    • operation is performed quickly( less than a minute);
    • after removal there is no bleeding;
    • material can be sent for histological examination;
    • wound quickly heals;
    • rarely occurs postoperative complications;
    • low cost of manipulation.
    The disadvantages include the need for local anesthesia, the inability to use the method with a deep subcutaneous location of the wart.

    In the postoperative period it will be necessary to treat the crust with alcohol or 5% solution of potassium permanganate. In the first day it can not be wetted;A sauna and a sauna can not be visited until it falls. Before going out( if the wart was removed in an open area), the place where the wart was removed is treated with sunscreen to avoid hyperpigmentation in this place.


    • oncological diseases of any organs;
    • herpes in an exacerbation stage;
    • hypersensitivity to the anesthetics of the novocaine series;
    • bleeding disorder;
    • severe general condition;
    • arrhythmia;
    • IHD;
    • hypertension;
    • the presence of a pacemaker.
    The cost of electrocoagulation is from 300 rubles( if the wart is up to 1 mm in diameter) to 1500-1800 rubles( if the wart is more than 6 mm or located on the face).

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