  • Growth stimulants

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    Growth stimulants are usually referred to as physiologically active substances that speed up and simultaneously regulate metabolic processes in plants. There are a large number of different types of growth drugs and stimulants. Some of the best are considered drugs that belong to the group of humors. Humic compounds, formed as a result of complex biochemical processes of decomposition of flora and fauna under the influence of a large group of microorganisms, moisture and atmospheric oxygen, are widespread in nature. They are contained in the organic matter of soils, determining their fertility. The basis of artificial humic stimulants are humic acids. Commercially available humic plant growth promoters are derived from natural raw materials treated with alkalis( sodium and potassium humates).Concentration and activation of natural organic matter are also used. So, for example, a universal humic stimulant "Humix" was obtained. In terms of the amount of the substance introduced, the growth preparations are very different from the various organic fertilizers - manure, compost and peat.

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    Humic drugs, absorbed by the root system, accelerate metabolic processes. At the same time, the speed of the natural process of building up proteins, primarily protein-enzymes, increases. The effect of humic stimulants is multifaceted. So, when soaking in a stimulant solution, seeds and tubers significantly increase the germination, especially noticeable on old seeds. When planting seedlings in the ground, humic stimulants manifest themselves as good rooters, moreover, the habitability of seedlings improves - the plants form a powerful root system that allows them to provide full-value mineral nutrition.

    Cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, as well as onions, radish, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, sugar beet and chard, carrots are highly responsive to the use of humic stimulants.

    It is best to use stimulants together with fertilizers. At the same time, the degree of use of mineral fertilizers by plants is dramatically increased.

    Humic stimulants or mix in the form of solutions, or poured into nitrogen, potassium and organic fertilizers. But do not add them to phosphorus fertilizers - poorly soluble compounds are formed. Humic stamulants are highly desirable for agricultural crops: they grow faster, bloom earlier, have a juicy color of stems and leaves, while yields increase by an average of 15-30 %.

    In addition to the simple increase in yield, the enlargement of fruits and the acceleration of their maturation, the quality of the products improves markedly: the sugar content in beets, the content of vitamins in apples and other fruits, and the content of nitrates in vegetables decrease. Particular mention should be made of the effect of humic preparations on plants that are exposed to unfavorable external conditions: drought, frost, excess in nitrogen soil or chemical plant protection products, as well as oxygen starvation, various diseases. In general, under extreme conditions, humic stimulants help plants to adapt and survive. Getting into the soil during irrigation or spraying, humic stimulants awaken the vital activity of soil microorganisms, and as a result, the decomposition of chemical plant protection products is accelerated and, as a consequence, you receive environmentally friendly products. This improves the structure of the soil, accelerates the enrichment of the soil with humus. All growth preparations that have the words "humic" and "humus" in their name can be divided into two groups: 1- proper-humic stimulants and 2-substances containing humins. The latter, in fact, are organic fertilizers, similar to compost, as well as mixtures of "Violet", preparations from sapropel and products of vital activity of worms. Such fertilizers are used in significant amounts - up to 1 kg or more per 1 m2.Actually humic plant growth stimulants, firstly, are highly soluble in water and give an intensely black or brown color of solutions at high concentrations;secondly, these stimulants are used in the form of solutions with a very low concentration, light brown in color. Humic stimulants can be further divided into liquid and solid. Liquid( for example, a solution of potassium gu-mat) is sold in plastic or glass bottles. It is a concentrate with an active substance content of 2-10 %. Such solutions freeze, but when defrosted, the properties are restored. Their shelf life is about a year. In terms of ease of use and storage, the advantages are powder and granules.