
Applique on the theme of autumn from colored paper in kindergarten, 2 and 3 grade: templates and photos

  • Applique on the theme of autumn from colored paper in kindergarten, 2 and 3 grade: templates and photos

    Application on the theme of fall from color paper in kindergarten on the example of a hedgehog and autumn trees

    In order for a child to develop imagination and small hand motor skills, parents, kindergarten teachers and teachers at school should teach the child to make applications, crafts made of colored paperon different topics, for example, on the theme of the seasons. Applique on the theme of autumn from colored paper in kindergarten will teach the child to distinguish colors, carefully cut with scissors. Later in the school, the child who received these skills will be able to do more complex 3D crafts.

    How to make a hedgehog?

    For a child who goes to the senior group of a kindergarten, or if it is already 1 class, it is quite possible to make a hedgehog application. To work, you need color paper of several colors: brown, black, red, yellow and orange, a sheet of green cardboard, as well as scissors, glue and a bit of plasticine black and blue.

    First it is necessary to cut out a 12-by-12-centimeter square from a sheet of colored paper of brown color. Then bend it diagonally and clearly identify the bend position. Then bend one of the corners of the resulting triangle, then turn and paste the formed structure onto a sheet of green cardboard. After that, we need to cut out a rectangle measuring 10 by 26 centimeters from a sheet of colored paper of black color and make an accordion out of it, cut off the top and unfold it. Next, you need to glue the resulting accordion to the place of the trunk and needles. From a small ball of plasticine black color must make a spout, and from a small amount of blue and black plasticine you need to make a glazik. To complete the work, it is necessary to make berries of red bilberry from the balls of plasticine and attach them to needles. To make autumn leaves, you need to cut them out from colored paper of red, yellow and orange colors and paste on a sheet of cardboard. Such a child can do this with their own hands.

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    How to make the autumn tree

    A more complex version on the theme of autumn, for example, an image of an autumn tree, can make a child older - a pupil of primary classes, because if it is 2 class, the child can quite cope with the task - cut straight strips of colored paper. To work will require sheets of colored paper, sheets of cardboard, as well as two plates with a diameter of 13 and 19 centimeters, scissors and glue.

    First of all, you need to cut two circles, one from a brown cardboard sheet using a plate with a smaller diameter, the other from a green cardboard sheet using a large diameter dish. To get a glade for the future tree, you should glue the brown circle on the green circle. From a sheet of brown paperboard, it is necessary to cut out the base for the tree, for this, bend the cardboard sheet in half and cut off 2 cm wide strips on the sides.

    Next, we need to glue the tree to the base by bending the stripes 1-5 cm wide from the bottom. Then cut out the sheetsyellow cardboard two circles of diameters of 13 centimeters, and from sheets of colored paper it is necessary to cut out strips with a width of 1.5 cm. Each strip must be bent into a ring and glued to yellow circles. Then these circles must be glued to the tree. A glade can be covered with leaves cut from colored paper. All stages of work are shown in the photo.

    The autumn tree can also be executed by pre-cutting the templates.

    If this is grade 3, the student can cut out the squares from the sheets of colored paper, make them harmonics and paste them on the branches of the tree.

    If this is a 4 class, the student can supplement the application with other elements, for example, sprinkle a clearing with autumn leaves, make clouds.

    Other variants of

    In the video lessons presented below, several options for making appliqués on the theme of autumn will be demonstrated, in particular, how to make an autumn tree, and examples of finished works will also be shown.

    In order for the child to develop imagination and fine motor skills of the hands, parents, kindergarten teachers and teachers in the school should teach the child to make appliques, crafts made of colored paper on different topics, for example, on the seasons. Applique on the theme of autumn from colored paper in kindergarten will teach the child to distinguish colors, carefully cut with scissors. Later in the school, the child who received these skills will be able to do more complex 3D crafts.

    How to make a hedgehog?

    For a child who goes to the senior group of a kindergarten, or if it is already 1 class, it is quite possible to make an applique of a hedgehog. To work, you need color paper of several colors: brown, black, red, yellow and orange, a sheet of green cardboard, as well as scissors, glue and a bit of plasticine black and blue.

    First, you need to cut out a 12-by-12-centimeter square from a sheet of brown colored paper. Then bend it diagonally and clearly identify the bend position. Then bend one of the corners of the resulting triangle, then turn and paste the formed structure onto a sheet of green cardboard. After that, we need to cut out a rectangle measuring 10 by 26 centimeters from a sheet of colored paper of black color and make an accordion out of it, cut off the top and unfold it. Next, you need to glue the resulting accordion to the place of the trunk and needles. From a small ball of plasticine black color must make a spout, and from a small amount of blue and black plasticine you need to make a glazik. To complete the work, it is necessary to make berries of red bilberry from the balls of plasticine and attach them to needles. To make autumn leaves, you need to cut them out from colored paper of red, yellow and orange colors and paste on a sheet of cardboard. Such a child can do this with their own hands.

    How to make the autumn tree

    A more complex version on the theme of autumn, for example, an image of an autumn tree, can make a child older - a pupil of primary classes, because if it is 2 class, the child can quite cope with the task - cut straight strips of colored paper. To work will require sheets of colored paper, sheets of cardboard, as well as two plates with a diameter of 13 and 19 centimeters, scissors and glue.

    First of all, you need to cut two circles, one from a sheet of brown cardboard using a plate with a smaller diameter, the other from a green cardboard sheet using a plate with a large diameter. To get a glade for the future tree, you should glue the brown circle on the green circle. From a sheet of brown cardboard, it is necessary to cut out the base for the tree, for this, bend the cardboard sheet in half and cut off 2 cm wide strips on the sides.

    Next, we need to glue the tree to the base by bending the strips 1-5 cm wide from the bottom. Then cut out the sheetsyellow cardboard two circles of diameters of 13 centimeters, and from sheets of colored paper it is necessary to cut out strips with a width of 1.5 cm. Each strip must be bent into a ring and glued to yellow circles. Then these circles must be glued to the tree. A glade can be covered with leaves cut from colored paper. All stages of work are shown in the photo.

    Autumn tree can also be executed by cutting out templates.

    If this is grade 3, the student can cut out the squares from the sheets of colored paper, make them harmonies and paste them on the branches of the tree.

    If this is a 4 class, the student can supplement the application with other elements, for example, sprinkle a clearing with autumn leaves, make clouds.

    Other variants of

    In the video lessons presented below, several options for making appliqués on the theme of autumn will be demonstrated, in particular, how to make an autumn tree, and examples of finished works will also be shown.