
Catarrhal angina: symptoms and treatment, photo, causes

  • Catarrhal angina: symptoms and treatment, photo, causes

    Catarrhal angina is a common infectious disease of the body, affecting the surface layer of the pharynx and tonsils( tonsils).

    This is the easiest form of flow of angina. Usually the disease develops in the autumn-winter period. Just at a time when it becomes cold, a deficiency of vitamins appears in the body and general immunity drops.

    In the development of catarrhalic tonsillitis, pathogenic microorganisms are of particular importance: staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus A, spirochetes, fungi and viruses.

    Symptoms of bodily angina

    Often the disease begins abruptly. Within a couple of days or a few hours the patient feels the first symptoms of angina in a catarrhal form:

    • a sore throat that increases after swallowing.
    • increase in temperature to 38 degrees.
    • pain in the muscles, joints and headache.
    • dryness and perspiration in the mouth.
    • weakness, chills.
    • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes.
    • , when examining the patient, hyperemia and edema of the tonsils and pharynx are visible. Also visible is a layer of mucus of a murky hue.
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    In children up to three years old, the symptoms are specific:

    1. 1) High fever, drowsiness and lethargy occur. The child refuses to eat.
    2. 2) Cramps may appear.
    3. 3) Due to pain during swallowing, increased salivation is observed.
    Read more: follicular sore throat, lacunar tonsillitis, and purulent sore throat.

    Treatment of catarrhal

    Like any other angina, the catarrhal type is based on such rules and principles of treatment:

    1. 1) Abundant drinking regime. It is necessary to consume pure water, infusions of herbs, non-acid compotes, jelly. Carbonated beverages should be excluded. It is important to reduce the consumption of fatty and heavy foods, so that the forces of the organism are directed solely towards the fight against the disease.
    2. 2) Compliance with bed rest. This not only helps the patient to recover faster, but also reduces the likelihood of such complications as myocarditis, inflammation of the joints, meningitis.
    3. 3) From sharp, peppery, acidic dishes should be discarded. It is best to eat liquid food.
    4. 4) Smoking and alcohol are excluded.
    5. 5) Isolation of the patient from relatives. It is necessary to allocate to it the accessories: utensils, towels, bed-clothes.
    In catarrhal angina, the following treatment is applicable:

    1. 1) Antipyretics to relieve temperature.
    2. 2) Antibiotics. Appointed depending on the identified pathogen. At the first symptoms of angina, a doctor can write out a swab of the throat and nose. Usually, if streptococcus is detected, antibiotics of the penicillin series are prescribed. Reliably to say about the need to stop treatment with antibiotics can only the doctor.
    3. 3) Inhalations. It is best to use herbs and oils.
    4. 4) Rinse throat with antibacterial agents. A solution of furacillin, broth chamomile and calendula, miramistin, decoction of blueberries, salt + soda + iodine, as well as chlorophyllipt and malavite. Since bacteria quickly get used to a certain environment, doctors recommend combining several therapeutic solutions. Moisturizing rinses are also recommended, for example, with aroma oils.
    5. 5) Compress. With bacterial catarrhal sinus will help warming the compress, put on a sore throat on the top of the neck.
    6. 6) Sprays. It is recommended to combine them with rinses. Geksoral, bioparox, lugol-spray, tartum verde, inhalipt.
    7. 7) Lubricating the throat. To remove pus and mucus, as well as for the purpose of disinfection of the throat, solutions of lugol and chlorophyllipt are recommended.
    Read also, treatment of sore throat at home.

    Complications of catarrhal sinitis

    Catarrhal angina, although it is the simplest form of the disease, but still it is dangerous for its complications. Continuation of angina can be a parathonsillar abscess. It will seem to the patient that the body has become easier, but in fact there are sharp unpleasant symptoms.

    There is a lot of pain and a sore throat, which will intensify. After a couple of days, swallowing becomes completely unreal, and salivation increases. Difficulty breathing. Swallowing is complicated, as a result of this food can get into the nasopharynx. In this case, only hospitalization is relevant.

    Neck phlegmon, local lymphadenitis, that is, inflammation of the lymph nodes may occur. Also common diseases are possible - myocarditis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, meningitis, pyelonephritis, sepsis. The doctor after the relief of the patient's condition mandates a repeated blood test, urine.

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